
The Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) is for students who are exploring options in more than one major or academic college.

Why Choose DUS?

With more than 275 majors to explore, finding one that suits you can be challenging. DUS is for students who are unsure of a major or who are considering majors in more than one academic college. 

You might be undecided on a major, but in DUS, you won't be unguided. Students have access to many resources to help them research their options, explore academic interests, and ultimately, select their desired major(s). Students in DUS have access to:

  • Penn State Undergraduate Bulletin: Penn State's exploratory tool that allows students to learn about majors based on their interests
  • Outstanding academic advisers that help students navigate their options
  • Classes and majors in all academic colleges
  • Discover House, an on-campus, living-learning opportunity for first-year students

For more information, please visit the DUS website.

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