Becoming an Electronic Partner School with Penn State

The Penn State Web Counselor System is a free utility that allows school counselors to access application status information for their students and provide high school graduation verification.

Web Counselor System Benefits

As a member of the Web Counselor System, you can:

  • view a list of all applicants to Penn State from your school;
  • view each applicant's current status;
  • upload final high school transcripts for accepted students.

Web Counselor Member Login

Joining the Web Counselor System

If your school is ready to join the Web Counselor System, please submit the electronic partner request form.

Each school must designate a primary contact person with whom Penn State will communicate through the Web Counselor System. The primary contact must create and verify the school’s profile information before transcripts can be processed.

Web Counselor System Details

Once your school’s profile is created in the system, you will have access to the following information:

  • The "Applicant Status" link is a list of all students who have applied to Penn State. This interactive list provides an updated application status for each student on a daily basis.
  • The "Final Transcripts" link allows counselors to upload final high school transcripts for accepted students.