Program Opportunities

The Penn State Tour Guide Program offers additional opportunities to connect with prospective students and work on their professional development. Check some of them out here.

Penn State Tour Guide Program Opportunities

As a tour guide our program offers multiple ways to connect with prospective students and help you grow as a campus leader. Below is a list of typical activities our student tour guides have the opportunity to do!

  • Student Minority Advisory and Recruitment Team (S.M.A.R.T.): This division of the Penn State Tour Guides Program has a mission to actively recruit and aid in the retention of students from ethnic and culturally diverse backgrounds to Penn State University. This team works closely with the office of Admissions Strategic Partnerships to create meaningful events which showcase the successes of Penn State Students as well as develop valuable campus connections. SMARTies play an instrumental role in increasing the enrollment of students from historically underrepresented backgrounds and developing a welcoming culture at Penn State.
  • Athletic Tour Guides (ATG): This group of students aids our athletics department particularly during football season to connect with prospective football recruits and their guests. ATGs provide an insight into campus life and support athletics staff on game day making sure that the guests have a great experience in Beaver Stadium.
  • Internship Opportunities: Through the Undergraduate Admissions office we offer multiple internships for members of the Penn State Tour Guide Program for professional development in areas like event planning, social media coordination, employee relations, and more!