Penn State Enrollment for High School Students

Penn State offers two programs for current high school students: dual enrollment and early college enrollment.

Dual Enrollment

Penn State offers dual enrollment to high school students who would like to attend a Penn State campus to take college courses. Qualified students earn college credits and experience the workload of a college class through this program. Credits earned can be applied to a Penn State degree and are part of one transcript recognized at all Penn State campuses. Credits earned may also be considered for transfer to another institution.

Please visit our dual enrollment page for additional information.

Are you participating or plan to enroll in a dual enrollment program offered by another college or university? Penn State can typically award credit for those programs. Review our tranferring credit to Penn State information to learn more.

Transferring credit to Penn State

Early Enrollment at Penn State

Penn State offers an Early College Enrollment program which allows a limited number of highly qualified high school students to enroll as first-year Penn State students after finishing their eleventh grade of high school. To be eligible for this program, students must:

  • demonstrate a high level of motivation and show they are academically advanced in order to succeed at the collegiate level;
  • complete admission requirements for their intended major by the end of the current academic year, except receipt of high school diploma;
  • maintain academic excellence through the current academic year;
  • have written permission and recommendation to enter the program from a high school principal, superintendent, high school counselor or homeschool evaluator, and parent/guardian;
  • have a guarantee from their high school that a diploma will be granted upon successful completion of their first year at Penn State (successful completion of high school depends on what the high school or homeschool considers successful);
  • interview for this program with an admissions officer at a Penn State campus.

Contact the Penn State campus you are interested in attending if you would like more information. If you are ready to apply, please visit MyPennState.