Living Learning Communities

Some on-campus residence halls and apartments have designated floors to bring together students who share common interests and goals.

Think of it as finding common ground.

In a "Living Learning Community" or "LLC," Penn State on-campus residence halls or apartments bring together students who share a common interest. Specific floors or rooms are designed for the LLC and its residents.

Some LLCs have been established to bring together students who have similar academic interests.

Others have been created for students who share an interest in leadership development, global issues, service, or a social cause.

Students apply to live in a LLC. LLC residents plan workshops, programs, and other activities throughout the academic year. The members of the LLC determine how the LLC will be run and outline expectations regarding residents' participation in planned events.

The Housing Assignment Office office provides additional information regarding Living Learning Communities (LLC) along with instructions on how to request an LLC. 

Common ground. Common good.

Living Learning Communities

Campuses with Living Learning Communities (LLC)