Architecture and Environmental Design

Architectural Engineering (AE_BAE)
(Start at any Campus and Finish: University Park):
Applicants who will have up to 2 semesters of work attempted may apply for admission to the College of Engineering pre-major status (ENGR) at a campus other than University Park. Direct transfer equivalency to PSU course Math 140 (4 credits of college calculus with analytic geometry) and a minimum of a 2.60 cumulative GPA is required for consideration. Applicants with more than 2 semesters of work attempted need a minimum of 2.60 cumulative GPA, direct transfer equivalency to PSU courses Math 140 and Math 141 (8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry) with a "C" or higher grade, and either 3 credits of Biology, 3 credits of Chemistry, or 4 credits of calculus-based Physics with a "C" or higher grade to be considered for review.
Architecture (BARCHBARCH)
(Start and Finish: University Park):
Fall admission only. Applicants who have less than one year (2 or less academic semesters) of attempted college coursework may apply for consideration. Consideration additionally requires a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and submission of a portfolio. Application and portfolio submission deadline is February 15.

Arts and Architecture application requirements

The five-year professional program leads to the bachelor of architecture degree and contains intensive academic studies in architectural and related subjects.

The major provides for the education of architects at the professional and preprofessional levels. This program prepares those who seek careers as practicing architects. It is also professional preparation for those entering related design fields. Graduates holding a Bachelor of Architecture first professional degree are eligible, after appropriate internship experience, for admission to the professional state licensing examination and subsequent registration as architects.

Landscape Architecture (LARCH_BLA)
(Start and Finish: University Park)
Fall admission only. Applicants who have less than one year (2 or less academic semesters) of attempted college coursework may apply for consideration. Consideration additionally requires a 3.0 cumulative GPA and submission of an essay by February 15 to assure full consideration. Submissions after that date will continue to be considered until the class is filled.

Arts and Architecture Application Requirements

The five-year Landscape Architecture program leads to a professionally accredited bachelor of landscape architecture degree.

Landscape architecture is the art of design, planning, or management of the land and of the natural and built elements upon it. As an academic discipline, it embodies creative, cultural, philosophical, and scientific knowledge bases. As a professional discipline, the practice of landscape architecture includes site design, urban design, master planning, community planning, regional planning, resource conservation, and stewardship.

Landscape Contracting (LSCPE_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
No additional requirements.