Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASTRO_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry, 8 credits of calculus-based physics, and 3 credits of general chemistry.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry, 6 credits of general chemistry plus 1 credit general chemistry lab are required.
Chemistry (CHEM_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry, 6 credits of general chemistry plus 2 credits of general chemistry lab and 3 credits of organic chemistry are required with a combined GPA of 2.5.
Chemistry (CHMBC_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: Behrend)
No additional requirements.
Data Sciences, Applied Data Sciences (DATSC_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: University Park) No transfer admission to University Park. Applicants who meet eligibility requirements may apply to start at a Penn State Campus and transition to University Park on completion of entrance to major requirements.
Direct transfer equivalency to PSU courses Math 22 and a minimum of a 2.50 cumulative GPA

Applied Data Sciences - This option focuses on the principles, methods, and tools for assembly, validation, organization, analysis, visualization, and interpretation of large and heterogeneous data, to support data-driven discovery and decision making, with emphasis on addressing pressing scientific, organizational, and societal challenges. A combination of required and elective courses provides students with the training and skills needed to develop advanced tools and domain-specific analyses that yield actionable knowledge from data. This option also provides critical analytical skills needed to assess the benefits and limitations of data analytics across a broad range of applications.

Data Sciences, Computational Data Sciences (DTSCE_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: University Park)
Not available for transfer admission.

Computational Data Sciences - This option focuses on the computational foundations of the data sciences, including the design, implementation and analysis of software that manages the volume, heterogeneity and dynamic characteristics of large data sets and that leverages the computational power of multicore hardware. Students in this option will take upper-level courses in computer science and related fields to develop the skills necessary to construct efficient solutions to computational problems involving Big Data.

Data Sciences, Statistical Modeling Data Sciences (DTSCS_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
Not Available for transfer admission.

Statistical Modeling Data Sciences - This option focuses on statistical models and methods that are needed to discover and validate patterns in Big Data. Students in this option will take upper-level statistics and mathematics courses, learning to apply the theoretical machinery of quantitative models to the solution of real-world problems involving Big Data.

Earth & Mineral Sciences (undecided) (EMSC_PMAJ)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
Less than or equal to 4 semesters of work is required, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 and completion of 4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry (Math 140 equivalent) with a grade of "C" or better.
Earth Sciences (EARTH_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)

Commonwealth Campuses: Less than or equal to 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 and completion of 4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry (Math 140 equivalent) with a grade of "C" or better.

University Park: Greater than 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and completion of 4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry (Math 140 equivalent) with a grade of "C" or better.

Energy and Sustainability Policy (ESPBA_BA)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: World Campus)
A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. Greater than 1 semester of work attempted. Available at World Campus only.
Energy and Sustainability Policy (ESPBS_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: World Campus)
A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. Available at World Campus only.
Functional Data Analytics B.S. (FDTAN_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth Campus and Finish: Behrend) (Start and Finish at World Campus.)
A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 and no additional requirements.
Geobiology (GEOBI_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)

Commonwealth Campuses: Less than or equal to 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 and the completion of 4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry (Math 140 equivalent) with a grade of "C" or better.

University Park: Greater than 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and the completion of 4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry (Math 140 equivalent) with a grade of "C" or better.

Geography B.A. (GEOBA_BA)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)

Commonwealth Campuses: Less than or equal to 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50

University Park: Greater than 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75

Geography B.S. (GEOBS_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)

Commonwealth Campuses: Less than or equal to 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50

University Park: Greater than 48 credits attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75

Geosciences B.A. (GSCBA_BA)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)

Commonwealth Campuses: Less than or equal to 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 and the completion of 4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry (Math 140 equivalent) with a grade of "C" or better.

University Park: GGreater than 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and the completion of 4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry (Math 140 equivalent) with a grade of "C" or better.

Geosciences B.S. (GSCBS_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)

Commonwealth Campuses: Less than or equal to 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 and the completion of 4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry (Math 140 equivalent) with a grade of "C" or better.

University Park: Greater than 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and the completion of 4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry (Math 140 equivalent) with a grade of "C" or better.

Integrative Science B.S. (SCBS_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry plus 2 of the following courses are required: 4 credits of general calculus or non-calculus based physics, 3 credits of chemistry or 4 credits of biology.
Integrative Science B.S. (SCIAB_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: Abington)
No Additional Requirements.
Integrative Science B.S. (SCIBK_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: Berks)
Suggested: 4 credits of calculus, 4 credits of biology, 3 credits of chemistry, and 4 credits of physics.
Integrative Science B.S. (SCICA_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: Harrisburg)
No additional requirements.
Integrative Science B.S. (SCIUC_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: Scranton, York)
4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry and two of the following: 4 credits of Biology: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity, 3 credits of Chemical Principles, 4 credits of Mechanics, or 4 credits of Introductory Physics.
Mathematics B.A. (MTHBA_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry are required.
Mathematics B.S. (MASC_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: Harrisburg)
No additional requirements.
Mathematics B.S. (MTHBC_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: Behrend)
8 credits of Calculus with analytic geometry.
Mathematics B.S. (MTHBS_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry are required.
Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (METEO_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)

Commonwealth Campuses: Less than or equal to 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 and the completion of 4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry (Math 140 equivalent) with a grade of "C" or better.

University Park: Greater than 4 semesters of work attempted, along with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and the completion of 4 credits of calculus with analytic geometry (Math 140 equivalent) with a grade of "C" or better.

Microbiology (MICRB_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry, 6 credits of general chemistry plus 1 credit general chemistry lab are required.
Physics (PHYBC_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: Behrend)
8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry, 8 credits of calculus-based physics, and 3 credits of general chemistry are required.
Physics (PHYS_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: University Park)
8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry, 8 credits of calculus-based physics and 3 credits of general chemistry are required.
Planetary Science and Astronomy (PASTR_BS)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry, 8 credits of algebra- or calculus-based physics (PHYS 250, 251 or PHYS 211, 212), and 3 credits of general chemistry are required.
Science (undecided) (BCSCN_PMAJ)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: Behrend)
No additional requirements.
Science (undecided) (SCIEN_PMAJ)
(Start at any campus and Finish: University Park)
Requires 8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry.
Science B.S. (SCNBC_BS)
(Start at any Commonwealth campus and Finish: Behrend)
No additional requirements.
Statistics (STAT_BS)
(Start at any Campus and Finish: University Park)
8 credits of calculus with analytic geometry are required.