How should a student choose whether or not to have SAT or ACT exam scores considered in the evaluation of their application?

First and foremost, if a student has not been able to schedule a SAT or ACT exam, or has had their exam date canceled due to COVID-19, we welcome them to apply to Penn State without exam scores. 

It is all about what the student wants, and how they want to present themselves in the application process at Penn State. We want students to consider their academic performance while in high school on the whole. If a student has a particularly strong academic record but does not consider their standardized exam scores to reflect their full academic potential, that student may want to apply to Penn State and not have SAT or ACT exam scores included in the evaluation of their application. However, if the results of a standardized test supplement the student's overall academic achievement, we would invite them to have their exam scores included in the evaluation of their application.