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"As though someone were writing in my place." The Interactive Materiality of Exaheva's Digital Comics
"But mostly, I feel asynchronous": Ghostly Bodies and Toxic Environments in Contemporary Illness Memoirs
"Derivative" by Jlin from the Album "Perspective" - Electronic Composition to Acoustic Performance
"Disability and Female Agency in the French Convulsionary Movement"
"Does it really matter?": Adverse Childhood Experiences, Self-Esteem, and Anhedonia Cause Learning Differences on a Probabilistic Reward Reversal Learning Task
"Growing food and growing minds": Urban agriculture as a method of community development, social activism, and liberatory education
"Implanting Flexibility" - Leveraging Mechanical Compliance for Improved Orthopedic Implants
"Locked In: Incarceration, Intimacy, and HIV/AIDS in Black Gay Men's Art during the Long 1980s"
"Mescíku na nebi hlubokém" from Antonín Dvorák's Ruslaka: Performed by Ciara Emily Newman, soprano
"Take a Walk in My Shoes"
"The Curious Case of Ancona: “Levantines,” Accommodationism, and Papal Imperialism in the Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean, 1532-1555"
"Visionaries: Emancipation and Reconstruction as Transnational Experiments, 1848-1877"
"Will Let 300 Stay": Framing Exceptance within the Context of Pershing's Chinese and Public Law 29


#MeToo For Whom: An Analysis of How the Ramifications of Colonialism have Affected U.S. Indigenous Women's Participation in the Feminism Movement


(Co)constructing Antiracist Pedagogy: Expanding on standing departmental approaches to foreign language teaching
(Des-)Enrhythmed Bodies: The Undoing of Spatial Violence in Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara’s works

‘Outraged People Rise Up!’: Slavery’s influence upon the Guadeloupean Workers’ Movement, 1891-1914

“‘sore place’: Affective Materiality in Early Modern Women’s Life-writing”
“Chef recommended” or “most popular”? Cultural differences in customer preference for recommendation labels
“Classical and Romantic” in Piano Solo Works
“Deportistas! Mexican American Women, Sporting Citizenship, and Belonging in the Twentieth Century”
“How advertiser-friendly is my video?”: YouTuber’s Socioeconomic Interactions with Algorithmic Content Moderation
“I’m just the middleman here”: Emerging engineering scholars’ stance in citations
“Let Rome herself be bane unto herself”: Editing Titus Andronicus in view of Lucan
“The Phenomenology of Migration: Border Crossings in Zimbabwean Migrant Literature and Visual Art”
“The Representative and Guardian of Her Sex”: Nineteenth-Century Prison Matrons and Violence


1:00 AB Abington Information Session
1:00 Abington Information Session
1:00 AL Altoona Information Session
1:00 Altoona Information Session
1:00 Beaver Information Session
1:00 BK Penn State Berks
1:00 BR Beaver Information Session
1:00 BW Penn State Brandywine
1:00 CWC Abington Information Session
1:00 CWC Altoona Information Session
1:00 CWC Beaver Information Session
1:00 CWC Penn State Behrend
1:00 CWC Penn State Berks
1:00 CWC Penn State Brandywine
1:00 CWC Penn State DuBois
1:00 CWC Penn State Fayette
1:00 CWC Penn State Greater Allegheny
1:00 CWC Penn State Harrisburg
1:00 CWC Penn State Hazleton
1:00 CWC Penn State Lehigh Valley
1:00 CWC Penn State Mont Alto
1:00 CWC Penn State New Kensington
1:00 CWC Penn State Schuylkill
1:00 CWC Penn State Scranton
1:00 CWC Penn State Shenango
1:00 CWC Penn State Wilkes-Barre
1:00 CWC Penn State York
1:00 DS Penn State DuBois
1:00 ER Penn State Behrend
1:00 FE Penn State Fayette
1:00 GA Penn State Greater Allegheny
1:00 HB Penn State Harrisburg
1:00 HN Penn State Hazleton
1:00 LV Penn State Lehigh Valley
1:00 MA Penn State Mont Alto
1:00 NK Penn State New Kensington
1:00 p.m - HHD - Academic Expo
1:00 p.m - HHD - Academic Expo
1:00 p.m. BA Overview
1:00 p.m. BA Overview
1:00 p.m. CM Media Center
1:00 p.m. CM Media Center
1:00 p.m. CM Overview

View Recording

1:00 p.m. CM Overview

View Recording

1:00 p.m. DU Overview
1:00 p.m. DU Overview
1:00 p.m. ED Overview
1:00 p.m. ED Overview
1:00 p.m. EM Overview
1:00 p.m. EM Overview
1:00 p.m. EN Overview
1:00 p.m. EN Overview
1:00 p.m. HC Overview
1:00 p.m. SC Overview
1:00 p.m. SC Overview
1:00 p.m. UA Admissions
1:00 p.m. UA Admissions
1:00 Penn State Behrend
1:00 Penn State Berks
1:00 Penn State Brandywine
1:00 Penn State DuBois
1:00 Penn State Fayette
1:00 Penn State Greater Allegheny
1:00 Penn State Harrisburg
1:00 Penn State Hazleton
1:00 Penn State Lehigh Valley
1:00 Penn State Mont Alto
1:00 Penn State New Kensington
1:00 Penn State Schuylkill
1:00 Penn State Scranton
1:00 Penn State Shenango
1:00 Penn State Wilkes-Barre
1:00 Penn State York
1:00 SH Penn State Shenango
1:00 SL Penn State Schuylkill
1:00 WB Penn State Wilkes-Barre
1:00 WS Penn State Scranton
1:00 YK Penn State York
10:00 a.m. AA Overview
10:00 a.m. AA Overview
10:00 a.m. AG Overview
10:00 a.m. AG Overview
10:00 a.m. BA Overview
10:00 a.m. BA Overview
10:00 a.m. DU Overview
10:00 a.m. DU Overview
10:00 a.m. ED Overview
10:00 a.m. ED Overview
10:00 a.m. EM Overview
10:00 a.m. EM Overview
10:00 a.m. EN Overview
10:00 a.m. EN Overview
10:00 a.m. HC Overview
10:00 a.m. HC Overview
10:00 a.m. HH Overview
10:00 a.m. HH Overview
10:00 a.m. International

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10:00 a.m. International

Recording Not Available

10:00 a.m. International
10:00 a.m. IS Overview
10:00 a.m. IS Overview
10:00 a.m. LA Overview
10:00 a.m. LA Overview
10:00 a.m. NR Overview
10:00 a.m. NR Overview
10:00 a.m. SC Overview
10:00 a.m. SC Overview
10:00 a.m. Transfer
10:00 a.m. Transfer
10:00 a.m. Transfer Students
10:00 a.m. Transfer Students
10:00 a.m. Transfer Students
10:00 a.m. UA Admissions
10:00 a.m. UA Admissions
10:00 a.m. UA Transfer Students
10:00 a.m. UA-International
10:00 a.m. UA-International-UP
10:00 a.m. Undergraduate Admissions
10:00 a.m. Undergraduate Admissions
10:00 a.m. UP Transfer Students
11:00 2 Plus 2
11:00 a.m. AA Overview
11:00 a.m. AA Overview
11:00 a.m. AG Fair
11:00 a.m. AG Fair
11:00 a.m. AG Overview
11:00 a.m. AG Overview
11:00 a.m. BA Overview
11:00 a.m. CM Overview
11:00 a.m. CM Overview
11:00 a.m. DU Overview
11:00 a.m. DU Overview
11:00 a.m. ED Overview
11:00 a.m. ED Overview
11:00 a.m. ED Overview
11:00 a.m. ED Overview
11:00 a.m. EM Overview
11:00 a.m. EM Overview
11:00 a.m. EN Mechanical
11:00 a.m. EN Mechanical
11:00 a.m. EN Science
11:00 a.m. EN-Aerospace Engineering
11:00 a.m. EN-Aerospace Engineering
11:00 a.m. EN-Arch Engineering
11:00 a.m. EN-Arch Engineering
11:00 a.m. EN-BIO
11:00 a.m. EN-BIO
11:00 a.m. EN-Civil
11:00 a.m. EN-Civil
11:00 a.m. EN-Computer Science
11:00 a.m. EN-Computer Science
11:00 a.m. EN-Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
11:00 a.m. EN-Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
11:00 a.m. EN-Nuclear Engineering
11:00 a.m. EN-Nuclear Engineering
11:00 a.m. HH Life Sciences

Recording Not Available

11:00 a.m. HH Life Sciences

Recording Not Available

11:00 a.m. HH Overview
11:00 a.m. HH Overview
11:00 a.m. IS Overview
11:00 a.m. IS Overview
11:00 a.m. IS Overview
11:00 a.m. IS Overview
11:00 a.m. LA Overview
11:00 a.m. LA Overview
11:00 a.m. LA Overview
11:00 a.m. NR Info-Tour
11:00 a.m. NR Info-Tour
11:00 a.m. NR Overview
11:00 a.m. SC Biology
11:00 a.m. SC Chemistry
11:00 a.m. SC Chemistry
11:00 a.m. SC Forensic Science
11:00 a.m. SC Forensic Science
11:00 a.m. SC Mathematics
11:00 a.m. SC Mathematics
11:00 a.m. SC Overview
11:00 a.m. SC Overview
11:00 a.m. UA Admissions
11:00 a.m. UA Admissions
11:00 AA College of Arts and Architecture
11:00 AG College of Agricultural Sciences
11:00 BA Smeal College of Business
11:00 CM College of Communications
11:00 College of Agricultural Sciences
11:00 College of Arts and Architecture
11:00 College of Communications
11:00 College of Education
11:00 College of Engineering
11:00 College of Health and Human Development
11:00 College of Information Sciences and Technology
11:00 College of Nursing Information Session and Tour
11:00 College of the Liberal Arts Information Session
11:00 DU DUS Explore
11:00 DUS Explore
11:00 Earth and Mineral Sciences Overview
11:00 Eberly College of Science Overview
11:00 ED College of Education
11:00 EM Earth and Mineral Sciences Overview
11:00 EN College of Engineering
11:00 Exploring Penn State
11:00 HC Schreyer Honors College
11:00 HH College of Health and Human Development
11:00 IS College of Information Sciences and Technology
11:00 LA College of the Liberal Arts Information Session
11:00 Millennium Scholars Program
11:00 MPS Millennium Scholars Program
11:00 NR College of Nursing Information Session and Tour
11:00 p.m. EN Science
11:00 p.m. SC Biology
11:00 SC Eberly College of Science Overview
11:00 Schreyer Honors College
11:00 Smeal College of Business
11:00 UA 2 Plus 2
11:00 UA Exploring Penn State
11:00 UP 2 Plus 2
11:00 UP College of Agricultural Sciences
11:00 UP College of Arts and Architecture
11:00 UP College of Communications
11:00 UP College of Education
11:00 UP College of Engineering
11:00 UP College of Health and Human Development
11:00 UP College of Information Sciences and Technology
11:00 UP College of Nursing Information Session and Tour
11:00 UP College of the Liberal Arts Information Session
11:00 UP DUS Explore
11:00 UP Earth and Mineral Sciences Overview
11:00 UP Eberly College of Science Overview
11:00 UP Exploring Penn State
11:00 UP Millennium Scholars Program
11:00 UP Schreyer Honors College
11:00 UP Smeal College of Business
12:00 Eberly College of Science Overview
12:00 2 Plus 2
12:00 a.m. EN-Chemical Engineering
12:00 a.m. NR Overview
12:00 AA College of Arts and Architecture
12:00 AG College of Agricultural Sciences
12:00 BA Smeal College of Business
12:00 CM College of Communications
12:00 College of Agricultural Sciences
12:00 College of Arts and Architecture
12:00 College of Communications
12:00 College of Education
12:00 College of Engineering
12:00 College of Health and Human Development
12:00 College of Information Sciences and Technology
12:00 College of Nursing Information Session and Tour
12:00 College of the Liberal Arts Information Session
12:00 Earth and Mineral Sciences Resources
12:00 ED College of Education
12:00 EM Earth and Mineral Sciences Resources
12:00 EN College of Engineering
12:00 Exploring Penn State
12:00 HC Schreyer Honors College
12:00 HH College of Health and Human Development
12:00 IS College of Information Sciences and Technology
12:00 LA College of the Liberal Arts Information Session
12:00 MO Penn State Multicultural Outreach
12:00 NR College of Nursing Information Session and Tour
12:00 p.m. AG Overview
12:00 p.m. AG Overview
12:00 p.m. AG Overview
12:00 p.m. AG Overview
12:00 p.m. BA Overview
12:00 p.m. BA Overview
12:00 p.m. BA Overview
12:00 p.m. CM Overview
12:00 p.m. CM Overview

View Recording

12:00 p.m. CM Overview

View Recording

12:00 p.m. CM Overview
12:00 p.m. DU Overview
12:00 p.m. DU Overview
12:00 p.m. EN Mechanical
12:00 p.m. EN Mechanical
12:00 p.m. EN Overview
12:00 p.m. EN Overview
12:00 p.m. EN Science
12:00 p.m. EN Science
12:00 p.m. EN-Arch Engineering
12:00 p.m. EN-Arch Engineering
12:00 p.m. EN-Biomedical Engineering
12:00 p.m. EN-Biomedical Engineering
12:00 p.m. EN-Chemical Engineering
12:00 p.m. EN-Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
12:00 p.m. EN-Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
12:00 p.m. HC Overview
12:00 p.m. IS Overview
12:00 p.m. IS Overview
12:00 p.m. LA Overview
12:00 p.m. LA Overview
12:00 p.m. NR Info-Tour
12:00 p.m. NR Info-Tour
12:00 p.m. SC Astronomy
12:00 p.m. SC Astronomy
12:00 p.m. SC Biochemistry
12:00 p.m. SC Biochemistry
12:00 p.m. SC Physics
12:00 p.m. SC Physics
12:00 p.m. SC PreMed
12:00 p.m. SC PreMed
12:00 p.m. SC Statistics
12:00 p.m. SC Statistics
12:00 p.m. UA Admissions
12:00 p.m. UA Admissions
12:00 Penn State Multicultural Outreach
12:00 SC Eberly College of Science Overview
12:00 Schreyer Honors College
12:00 Smeal College of Business
12:00 UA 2 Plus 2
12:00 UA Exploring Penn State
12:00 UP 2 Plus 2
12:00 UP College of Agricultural Sciences
12:00 UP College of Arts and Architecture
12:00 UP College of Communications
12:00 UP College of Education
12:00 UP College of Engineering
12:00 UP College of Health and Human Development
12:00 UP College of Information Sciences and Technology
12:00 UP College of Nursing Information Session and Tour
12:00 UP College of the Liberal Arts Information Session
12:00 UP Earth and Mineral Sciences Resources
12:00 UP Eberly College of Science Overview
12:00 UP Exploring Penn State
12:00 UP Schreyer Honors College
12:00 UP Smeal College of Business


2:00 AB Abington Information Session
2:00 Abington Information Session
2:00 AL Altoona Information Session
2:00 Altoona Information Session
2:00 Beaver Information Session
2:00 BK Penn State Berks
2:00 BW Penn State Brandywine
2:00 CWC Abington Information Session
2:00 CWC Altoona Information Session
2:00 CWC Beaver Information Session
2:00 CWC Penn State Behrend
2:00 CWC Penn State Berks
2:00 CWC Penn State Brandywine
2:00 CWC Penn State DuBois
2:00 CWC Penn State Fayette
2:00 CWC Penn State Greater Allegheny
2:00 CWC Penn State Harrisburg
2:00 CWC Penn State Hazleton
2:00 CWC Penn State Lehigh Valley
2:00 CWC Penn State Mont Alto
2:00 CWC Penn State New Kensington
2:00 CWC Penn State Schuylkill
2:00 CWC Penn State Scranton
2:00 CWC Penn State Shenango
2:00 CWC Penn State Wilkes-Barre
2:00 CWC Penn State York
2:00 DS Penn State DuBois
2:00 ER Penn State Behrend
2:00 FE Penn State Fayette
2:00 GA Penn State Greater Allegheny
2:00 HB Penn State Harrisburg
2:00 HN Penn State Hazleton
2:00 LV Penn State Lehigh Valley
2:00 MA Penn State Mont Alto
2:00 NK Penn State New Kensington
2:00 p.m. AA Overview

View Recording

2:00 p.m. AA Overview

View Recording

2:00 p.m. BA Panel
2:00 p.m. BA Panel
2:00 p.m. CM Panel

View Recording

2:00 p.m. CM Panel

View Recording

2:00 p.m. ED Overview
2:00 p.m. ED Overview
2:00 p.m. EM Accuweather

Recording Not Available

2:00 p.m. EM Accuweather

Recording Not Available

2:00 p.m. EMS AccuWeather
2:00 p.m. EMS AccuWeather
2:00 p.m. EN Overview
2:00 p.m. EN Overview
2:00 p.m. HH Business

Recording Not Available

2:00 p.m. HH Business

Recording Not Available

2:00 p.m. SC Overview
2:00 p.m. SC Overview
2:00 Penn State Behrend
2:00 Penn State Berks
2:00 Penn State Brandywine
2:00 Penn State DuBois
2:00 Penn State Fayette
2:00 Penn State Greater Allegheny
2:00 Penn State Harrisburg
2:00 Penn State Hazleton
2:00 Penn State Lehigh Valley
2:00 Penn State Mont Alto
2:00 Penn State New Kensington
2:00 Penn State Schuylkill
2:00 Penn State Scranton
2:00 Penn State Shenango
2:00 Penn State Wilkes-Barre
2:00 Penn State York
2:00 SH Penn State Shenango
2:00 SL Penn State Schuylkill
2:00 TR University Park Campus Tour
2:00 University Park Campus Tour
2:00 UP Beaver Information Session
2:00 UP University Park Campus Tour
2:00 WB Penn State Wilkes-Barre
2:00 WS Penn State Scranton
2:00 YK Penn State York
2+2 Plan

Information about studying at more than one campus in Penn State's multi-campus system. Penn State students can start a degree program at any one of 20 undergraduate campus locations across Pennsylvania.

2008-2013 Alumni Association Dissertation Award Winners

2008-2014 Alumni Association Dissertation Award Winners

2020 Virtual Commencement Celebration
2021 Graduate Exhibition Presentations
2021 Graduate School Alumni Society Recognition Awards

2021 Graduate School Alumni Society Recognition Awards 

2023 Graduate Exhibition Presentations
2023 Graduate School Alumni Recognition Awards Reception and Dinner
2024 Performance Night
2-Year Degrees by Campus

Review the associate (2-year) degrees offered at Penn State's campuses.


3:00 Eberly College of Science Pre-Med
3:00 AA College of Arts and Architecture
3:00 CM College of Communications Student Panel
3:00 College of Arts and Architecture
3:00 College of Communications Student Panel
3:00 College of Education
3:00 College of Engineering
3:00 College of Health and Human Development
3:00 CWC Penn State Behrend Polymer Engineering and Science
3:00 CWC Radiological Science
3:00 DU DUS Explore
3:00 DUS Explore
3:00 Eberly Chemistry
3:00 Eberly College of Science Astronomy & Astrophysics at University Park
3:00 Eberly College of Science Biochemistry
3:00 Eberly College of Science Biology
3:00 Eberly Forensic Science at University Park
3:00 Eberly Mathematics at University Park
3:00 Eberly Physics at University Park
3:00 Eberly Statistics
3:00 ED College of Education
3:00 EN College of Engineering
3:00 ER Penn State Behrend Polymer Engineering and Science
3:00 HC Schreyer Honors College
3:00 HH College of Health and Human Development
3:00 NK Radiological Science
3:00 p.m. EM Energy

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EM Energy

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EM Geography
3:00 p.m. EM Geography
3:00 p.m. EM Geosciences
3:00 p.m. EM Geosciences
3:00 p.m. EM Materials

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EM Materials

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EM Meteorology
3:00 p.m. EM Meteorology
3:00 p.m. EN Aerospace
3:00 p.m. EN Aerospace
3:00 p.m. EN Agricultural
3:00 p.m. EN Agricultural
3:00 p.m. EN Architectural
3:00 p.m. EN Architectural
3:00 p.m. EN Biomedical

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EN Biomedical

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EN Chemical

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EN Chemical

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EN Civil

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EN Civil

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EN Computer
3:00 p.m. EN Computer
3:00 p.m. EN Electrical
3:00 p.m. EN Electrical
3:00 p.m. EN Industrial
3:00 p.m. EN Industrial
3:00 p.m. EN Mechanical

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EN Mechanical

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EN Nuclear

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EN Nuclear

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EN Science

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. EN Science

Recording Not Available

3:00 p.m. SC Astronomy
3:00 p.m. SC Astronomy
3:00 p.m. SC Biochemistry
3:00 p.m. SC Biochemistry
3:00 p.m. SC Biology
3:00 p.m. SC Biology
3:00 p.m. SC Chemistry
3:00 p.m. SC Chemistry
3:00 p.m. SC Forensic Science
3:00 p.m. SC Forensic Science
3:00 p.m. SC Mathematics
3:00 p.m. SC Mathematics
3:00 p.m. SC Physics
3:00 p.m. SC Physics
3:00 p.m. SC Premedical-Medical
3:00 p.m. SC Premedical-Medical
3:00 p.m. SC Statistics
3:00 p.m. SC Statistics
3:00 p.m. UP Tour
3:00 p.m. UP Tour
3:00 Penn State Behrend Polymer Engineering and Science
3:00 Radiological Science
3:00 SC Eberly Chemistry
3:00 SC Eberly College of Science Astronomy & Astrophysics at University Park
3:00 SC Eberly College of Science Biochemistry
3:00 SC Eberly College of Science Biology
3:00 SC Eberly College of Science Pre-Med
3:00 SC Eberly Forensic Science at University Park
3:00 SC Eberly Mathematics at University Park
3:00 SC Eberly Physics at University Park
3:00 SC Eberly Statistics
3:00 Schreyer Honors College
3:00 SL Radiological Science
3:00 TR University Park Campus Tour
3:00 UA Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
3:00 Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
3:00 University Park Campus Tour
3:00 UP College of Arts and Architecture
3:00 UP College of Communications Student Panel
3:00 UP College of Education
3:00 UP College of Engineering
3:00 UP College of Health and Human Development
3:00 UP DUS Explore
3:00 UP Eberly Chemistry
3:00 UP Eberly College of Science Astronomy & Astrophysics at University Park
3:00 UP Eberly College of Science Biochemistry
3:00 UP Eberly College of Science Biology
3:00 UP Eberly College of Science Pre-Med
3:00 UP Eberly Forensic Science at University Park
3:00 UP Eberly Mathematics at University Park
3:00 UP Eberly Physics at University Park
3:00 UP Eberly Statistics
3:00 UP Schreyer Honors College
3:00 UP Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
3:00 UP University Park Campus Tour
3D Bioprinting of a Biomimetic Trilayer Construct for Corneal Regeneration


4:00 College of Engineering- Chemical Engineering at University Park
4:00 UP College of Engineering- Chemical Engineering at University Park
4:00 AL Altoona Rail Transportation Engineering
4:00 Altoona Rail Transportation Engineering
4:00 BA Smeal College of Business Student Panel
4:00 College of Engineering- Aerospace Engineering at University Park
4:00 College of Engineering- Agricultural & Biological Engineering at University Park
4:00 College of Engineering- Biomedical Engineering at University Park
4:00 College of Engineering- Electrical Engineering at University Park
4:00 CWC Altoona Rail Transportation Engineering
4:00 CWC Penn State Behrend Environmental Science
4:00 CWC Penn State Behrend Interdisciplinary Business and Engineering Studies
4:00 CWC Penn State Hazleton -Engineering-Alternative Power
4:00 Eberly Chemistry
4:00 Eberly College of Science Astronomy & Astrophysics at University Park
4:00 Eberly College of Science Biochemistry
4:00 Eberly College of Science Biology
4:00 Eberly College of Science Pre-Med
4:00 Eberly Forensic Science at University Park
4:00 Eberly Mathematics at University Park
4:00 Eberly Physics at University Park
4:00 Eberly Statistics
4:00 EM Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at University Park
4:00 EN College of Engineering- Aerospace Engineering at University Park
4:00 EN College of Engineering- Agricultural & Biological Engineering at University Park
4:00 EN College of Engineering- Biomedical Engineering at University Park
4:00 EN College of Engineering- Chemical Engineering at University Park
4:00 EN College of Engineering- Electrical Engineering at University Park
4:00 ER Penn State Behrend Environmental Science
4:00 ER Penn State Behrend Interdisciplinary Business and Engineering Studies
4:00 HN Penn State Hazleton -Engineering-Alternative Power
4:00 Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at University Park
4:00 Penn State Behrend Environmental Science
4:00 Penn State Behrend Interdisciplinary Business and Engineering Studies
4:00 Penn State Hazleton -Engineering-Alternative Power
4:00 SC Eberly Chemistry
4:00 SC Eberly College of Science Astronomy & Astrophysics at University Park
4:00 SC Eberly College of Science Biochemistry
4:00 SC Eberly College of Science Biology
4:00 SC Eberly College of Science Pre-Med
4:00 SC Eberly Forensic Science at University Park
4:00 SC Eberly Mathematics at University Park
4:00 SC Eberly Physics at University Park
4:00 SC Eberly Statistics
4:00 Smeal College of Business Student Panel
4:00 TR University Park Campus Tour
4:00 UA Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
4:00 Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
4:00 University Park Campus Tour
4:00 UP College of Engineering- Aerospace Engineering at University Park
4:00 UP College of Engineering- Agricultural & Biological Engineering at University Park
4:00 UP College of Engineering- Biomedical Engineering at University Park
4:00 UP College of Engineering- Electrical Engineering at University Park
4:00 UP Eberly Chemistry
4:00 UP Eberly College of Science Astronomy & Astrophysics at University Park
4:00 UP Eberly College of Science Biochemistry
4:00 UP Eberly College of Science Biology
4:00 UP Eberly College of Science Pre-Med
4:00 UP Eberly Forensic Science at University Park
4:00 UP Eberly Mathematics at University Park
4:00 UP Eberly Physics at University Park
4:00 UP Eberly Statistics
4:00 UP Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at University Park
4:00 UP Smeal College of Business Student Panel
4:00 UP Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
4:00 UP University Park Campus Tour
4-H Ghana: A case Study


5:00 College of Engineering- Aerospace Engineering at University Park
5:00 College of Engineering- Agricultural & Biological Engineering at University Park
5:00 College of Engineering- Biomedical Engineering at University Park
5:00 College of Engineering- Chemical Engineering at University Park
5:00 College of Engineering- Computer Engineering at University Park
5:00 College of Engineering- Electrical Engineering at University Park
5:00 College of Engineering-Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
5:00 CWC Penn State Behrend Interdisciplinary Business and Engineering Studies
5:00 CWC Penn State Hazleton -Engineering-Alternative Power
5:00 EN College of Engineering- Aerospace Engineering at University Park
5:00 EN College of Engineering- Agricultural & Biological Engineering at University Park
5:00 EN College of Engineering- Biomedical Engineering at University Park
5:00 EN College of Engineering- Chemical Engineering at University Park
5:00 EN College of Engineering- Computer Engineering at University Park
5:00 EN College of Engineering- Electrical Engineering at University Park
5:00 EN College of Engineering-Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at University Park
5:00 ER Penn State Behrend Interdisciplinary Business and Engineering Studies
5:00 HN Penn State Hazleton -Engineering-Alternative Power
5:00 Penn State Behrend Interdisciplinary Business and Engineering Studies
5:00 Penn State Hazleton -Engineering-Alternative Power
5:00 TR University Park Campus Tour
5:00 Transfer Students
5:00 UA Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
5:00 Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
5:00 University Park Campus Tour
5:00 UP College of Engineering- Aerospace Engineering at University Park
5:00 UP College of Engineering- Agricultural & Biological Engineering at University Park
5:00 UP College of Engineering- Biomedical Engineering at University Park
5:00 UP College of Engineering- Chemical Engineering at University Park
5:00 UP College of Engineering- Computer Engineering at University Park
5:00 UP College of Engineering- Electrical Engineering at University Park
5:00 UP College of Engineering-Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at University Park
5:00 UP Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
5:00 UP University Park Campus Tour


6:00 MO Penn State Multicultural Outreach
6:00 Penn State Multicultural Outreach


7th-11th Grade Students

It's never too early to begin preparing for college. We have some advice and resources to help you wherever you are in the process.


A Behavioral Conceptualization of Suicidal Behaviors and Suicide Prevention
A comparative analysis of maternal nutrition decision-making autonomy during pregnancy in Burkina Faso and Madagascar – an application of the Food Choice Process Model
A Disease of Words: Tourette Syndrome and Scientific Frenzy in the 2020s
A flavonoid-rich corn cultivar developed at Penn State decreases the impacts caused by Necrotic Enteritis in broilers
A global archive of women's graphic narrative
A Letter from Krishna Nadella - March 2017

To the Penn State Graduate School Community, a very warm and welcome salutation as we kick off 2017! With the new year upon us, it’s a time to reflect back on the year that was, and more importantly, a time to focus on the year ahead. 

A Levinasian Palinode on Love
A Likelihood Approach to Incorporating Self-Report Data in HIV Recency Classification
A Marvelous Order
A Message from Cynthia Mable, President of the Graduate School Alumni Society

With great pride and enthusiasm, I began my term as the new President of the Graduate School Alumni Society on July 1. My extensive service to the Alumni Society spans 20 years, including terms as a Director-at-Large from 1998 to 2005, from 2006 to 2012, and from 2013 to the present. In addition, I have chaired two committees and served on the Executive Committee.

A message from the Dean
A message from the Dean
A message from the Dean
A multi-proxy approach to exploring oyster harvesting in Southwestern Madagascar
A new era in leukemia treatment by dietary selenium
A Novel Approach for Interrogating Brain Vascular Health and the Relation to Cognitive Function: Proof-of-Concept Analysis
A novel approach for investigating canopy heat island effects on building energy performance: a case study of two U.S. cities
A Pilot Case Study of Dinglou, China: Socio-Spatial Impacts of E-commerce on Rural Communities
A randomized controlled trial of dietary supplementation with dried plums on inflammatory markers in postmenopausal women
A study of 19th century French Primers: Forgotten Books, Neglected Women Authors
A Study of Fairness Perception of Algorithmic Content Moderation on YouTube
A Study on False Advertising in Mobile Gaming and Its Consequences on Players
A Systematic Study of Elastic Objects in Kernel Exploitation
A Test of the Integrative Typology Model for Aggression
A Tide Lifting All Boats? The Spillover Effects of Charter School Entries
A Tierrambiente Conciencia: Towards an Expansion of Self through a Latinx Feminist Ecological Critique
A Two-Stage Cox Process Model with Spatial and Nonspatial Covariates
A User Study on the Feasibility of Topic-aware Misinformation Warning on Social Media
A2i Immersion Week
A2i Modules
Abington - Criminal Justice
Abington - Education
Abington - RN to BSN
Abington - Transfer Tuesday
Abington College
About eTDs

Information regarding electronic theses and dissertations

About Penn State's SMART

Learn more about the mission of SMART and how to become a member of the organization.

About The Graduate School

The Graduate School at Penn State is one of the largest in the nation with more than 14,000 graduate students enrolled at the University Park and Harrisburg campuses and at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; Penn State Great Valley; College of Medicine at The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Certain professional degree programs (M.Eng., M.Agr., M.Ed., etc.) are also offered off-campus and through the Penn State World Campus.

Academic College Session - Welcome
Academic Colleges

Academic colleges at Penn State grant degrees and are generally organized around their subject matter.

Academic Colleges

Connect with an undergraduate admissions representative in one of Penn State's academic colleges at University Park for inquiries regarding undergraduate academic programs.

Academic Computing Fellowship

For more than 30 years, Penn State provided an innovative fellowship program in computing applications. The program was for doctoral students who have a background and strong interest in computing applications within their disciplines. Through their participation in the program and the utilization of computing resources, the Academic Computing Fellows developed and disseminated new methods for problem solving within their disciplines.

Academic Dates and Deadlines

The Graduate Exhibition celebrates research and creative scholarship as an integral and exciting part of graduate education at Penn State. Established in 1986, the Graduate Exhibition places special emphasis on communicating research and creative endeavor to a general audience. All Exhibition activities are free and open to the public.

Academic Dates Calendar
Academic Deadlines

Use this page to add Academic Deadlines that you would like shown on the Graduate School Calendar (FullCalendar).  Each item should be on it's own line and be pipe-delimited.  Example:
2023-09-09|ETD Due
2023-12-14|Last Day of Classes

Academic Expo - STEM
Academic Programs
Academic Requirements for Transfer Students: 2-Year Degrees

Review the academic requirements for transferring to Penn State to pursue a two-year, associate degree.

Academic Requirements for Transfer Students: 4-Year Degrees

Review the academic requirements for transferring to Penn State to pursue a four-year, baccalaureate degree.

Academic Support at Penn State

Learning and technology resources at each Penn State campus help students achieve their academic goals.

Academic Support Events

The Graduate Exhibition celebrates research and creative scholarship as an integral and exciting part of graduate education at Penn State. Established in 1986, the Graduate Exhibition places special emphasis on communicating research and creative endeavor to a general audience. All Exhibition activities are free and open to the public.

Accelerate to Industry

The Accelerate to Industry (A2i) program represents a bold, new approach to enhance industry workforce readiness. The A2i approach is built from a variety of modules that allow graduate students, postdocs, and alumni to benefit from the entire range of activities offered, or it can be streamlined to focus on individual components.

Accelerate to Industry

The Accelerate to Industry (A2i) program represents a bold, new approach to enhance industry workforce readiness. The A2i approach is built from a variety of modules that allow graduate students, postdocs, and alumni to benefit from the entire range of activities offered, or it can be streamlined to focus on individual components.

Accelerate to Industry

The Accelerate to Industry (A2i) program represents a bold, new approach to enhance industry workforce readiness. The A2i approach is built from a variety of modules that allow graduate students, postdocs, and alumni to benefit from the entire range of activities offered, or it can be streamlined to focus on individual components.

Accelerate to Industry Calendar
Accept a housing and food service contract, if applicable.
Accept your offer of admission
Accepted Student Checklist

We know you have a lot to plan and do before arriving to campus. This checklist should help you keep track of the major steps in the process.

Accepted Student Information
Accepted Student Information Packet

An informational packet for students entering into the Penn State College of Nursing.

Accepted Student Presentation: Bellisario College of Communications

The Penn State Bellisario College of Communications Accepted Student presentation. 

Accepted Student Presentation: College of Agricultural Sciences

Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences accepted student presentation.

Accepted Student Presentation: College of Arts and Architecture

The Penn State College of Arts and Architecture Accepted Student Presentation.

Accepted Student Presentation: College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

The Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Accepted Student presentation. 

Accepted Student Presentation: College of Education

The Penn State College of Education Accepted Student presentation. 

Accepted Student Presentation: College of Engineering

Penn State College of Engineering Accepted Student Presentation

Accepted Student Presentation: College of Nursing

The Penn State College of Nursing Accepted Student presentation. 

Accepted Student Presentation: Division of Undergraduate Studies

The Penn State Division of Undergraduate Studies Accepted Student presentation. 

Accepted Student Presentation: Health and Human Development
Accepted Student Presentation: Penn State College of the Liberal Arts

Penn State College of the Liberal Arts Accepted Student Presentation

Accepted Student Presentation: Penn State Eberly College of Science

Penn State Eberly College of Science Accepted Student Presentation

Accepted Student Presentation: Smeal College of Business

The Penn State Smeal College of Business Accepted Student presentation. 

Accepted Student Programs and Prospect Receptions
Accepted Student Student Resources at Penn State

Considering Penn State? Let us help you answer any questions you may have. Below are links to some popular resources for incoming students.

Accepted Student Virtual Visits

Penn State offers virtual visit experiences to help admitted students with the next steps in the enrollment process, to connect them with Penn State resources and to provide them with a view into student life on a Penn State Campus. 

Accepted Students

This section includes information about the steps you need to take to join the Penn State family as an accepted student.

Access an Existing Application

If you have a current application with the Graduate School you may perform any of the following by logging in with your existing account: Check Status, Manage Submitted Application, Check/Add/Edit References, Check Test Scores Received, Upload Documents, Continue Application in Progress.

Access LionPATH

LionPATH is Penn State’s student information system, which provides access to academic, registration, and financial records

Access MyPennState

MyPennState provides you with resources for making a college decision and important materials regarding your offer of admission.

Access to gender-affirming breast or chest surgery in a sample of transgender adolescents living in Pennsylvania

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Accounting (ACCAB_BS)
Accounting (ACCAL_BS)
Accounting (ACCBK_BS)
Accounting (ACCT_BS)
Accounting (ACCTG_BS)
Accounting (ACNTG_BS)
Accounting, Principles of

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

ACGE Members

Every Penn State story begins with an idea of who you want be. Complete this interest form and we will help you get your Penn State story off to a great start by providing you with information about the Penn States application process and sharing opportunities and options across our multi-campus system. 


Acknowledgement of Federal Funding

As described in the Research Terms Clarification, 

2 CFR § 200.328(see pp. 20-21), all federal funds used in the research and writing of a thesis or dissertation must be explicitly acknowledged in the acknowledgment section of the document, along with a disclaimer indicating that the findings and conclusions do not necessarily reflect the view of the funding agency.


after Research Terms Clarifications put in this link,

Acoustic correlates of diphthong/hiatus contrast in L2 Spanish learners
Acute SCAT-3 Symptom Clusters and Risk for Prolonged Recovery from Concussion in College Athletes
Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Integrity

The membership and duties of the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Integrity.

Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Graduate Education

The membership and duties of the Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Graduate Education.

Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Faculty Status

The membership and duties of the Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Faculty Status.

Ad Hoc Committee on Professional Doctoral Degree Policies

The membership and duties of the Ad Hoc Committee on Professional Doctoral Degree Policies.

Ad Hoc Committee on the Implementation of GFNEC Qualifications

The membership and duties of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Implementation of GFNEC Qualifications

Ad Hoc Committee on the Univerisity Budget Model

The membership and duties of the Ad Hoc Committee on the University Budget Model.

Ad Hoc Committee to Protect and Advance Graduate Education at Penn State

The membership and duties of the Ad Hoc Committee to Protect and Advance Graduate Education at Penn State.

Adapting and Interpreting Music in the Time of a Pandemic
Adaptive Control Methods for a Quadrotor Drone
Add a Certificate
Additional Campus Career Resources
Admisión a Penn State para Estudiantes Latinos

¿Quieres saber más del proceso de admisión a Penn State? Recomendamos revisar bien los requisitos.

Admission Eligibility by Country

Displays a list of countries in which the user can select one and be shown the academic requirements that are necessary from an applicant residing in the selected country.

Admission Requirements

Learn about the admissions requirements for those students that are classified as adult learners.

Admission Requirements
Admission Requirements

Review the basic requirements for two-year and four-year degrees, as well as the additional requirements for special programs.

Admission Requirements for Homeschool Students

Information for applicants who are participating or have participated in a homeschool program.

Admission Requirements for International Students

Penn State requires specific supplemental materials to accurately review international student applications.

Admission Statistics

Compare your high school record with the academic credentials of our incoming first-year class and get a look at the University’s enrollment statistics.

Admissions and Financial Aid

Join Session

Admissions and Financial Aid

Join Session

Admissions Information for Adult Students at Penn State

Adult learners are over age 24, veterans or active-duty members of the U.S. military, or are more than four years out of high school.

Admissions Information for Military and Veteran Students at Penn State

You are a military student if you are a veteran or active duty member of the U.S. armed forces.

Admissions Information Session
Admissions Requirements for Nondegree Students

Steps for current nondegree students who want to apply for admission into a degree program at Penn State.

Admissions Requirements for Transfer Students

In order to complete your application for transfer admission, Penn State requires the submission of supplemental materials. 

Admissions Strategic Partnerships

Our team holds events, travels to meet with future Penn Staters across the U.S., and serves the Penn State University Park Campus.

Admissions Student Panel
admitted students

Instructions for submitting course syllabi for admitted students who completed course work at another institution.

Adolescent Hope's Mediating effect on Parental Hope and Adolescent Mental Well-Being
Adopt a High School
Adorno's Secularization of Hope: A Concept of Hope for Modernity
Adult and adolescent C57BL/6J and DBA/2J inbred mice are differentially susceptible to contextual fear learning deficits after acute alcohol or MK-801 treatment
Advanced Placement (AP) Research

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Advanced Placement (AP) Seminar

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Advertising & Public Relations (ADPR_BA)
Advisory Committee for Graduate Education
Advocate Penn State

Advocate Penn State helps the University thrive. We include students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, families, fans, and more. We are thousands strong. We have supporters throughout the Commonwealth, the U.S., and the world. We hope you'll join us, too.

Aerospace Engineering (AERSP_BS)
Affective Comorbidity and Neurocognitive Variability in College Athletes
Affective Processing and Affective Motivation in Enhancing Hydration Behaviors among Patients with Kidneys Stones
African American Studies

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

African American Studies (AAST_BA)
African Socialism and the Swahili Utopian Novel
African Studies (AFRST_BA)
Agent-Based Microsimulations for Emergency Evacuation in Rocky Mountain National Park
Agribusiness Management (AGBM_BS)
Agricultural & Extension Education (AEE_BS)
Agricultural and Biorenewable Systems Management (BRS_BS)
Agricultural Science (AGSC_BS)
Agricultural Sciences (undecided) (AG_PMAJ)
Agricultural Sustainability in the Critical Zone: A Case of Chesapeake Bay Watershed using DEA Analysis
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Alive here and now: Paintings and drawings for the 21st century
Altoona - Credit Where Credit's Due
Altoona - Getting Career Ready at Penn State Altoona
Altoona - Penn Highlands Visit
Altoona - Tips for Transfer Financial Aid
Altoona College
Alumnae Panel: From Dear Old State to the U.S. Department of State

Learn about professional etiquette in graduate school and beyond during this two-part series.

Alumna's Career Achievement Defined by Graduate School Experiences

When Jacquelyn S. Fetrow was named as Albright College’s 15th president in October 2016, a member of the presidential search committee remarked that her numerous professional achievements were sustained by her “gifts of intellectual curiosity, skillful communication, strategic vision and humane understanding.”


Share your Penn State pride with prospective students and learn about volunteer opportunities.

Alumni Achievement Award

The Alumni Achievement Award recognizes alumni 35 years of age and younger for their extraordinary professional accomplishment.

Alumni and External Relations Staff Directory
Alumni Association Dissertation Award

The Alumni Association Dissertation Award provides funding and recognition to outstanding full-time doctor of philosophy students who have passed their comprehensive exams, have received approval of the dissertation topic and are within their final year of enrollment. This award is considered to be among the most prestigious available to Penn State graduate students and recognizes outstanding achievement in scholarship and professional accomplishment.

Alumni Association Dissertation Award Winners Spring 2003
Alumni Association Dissertation Award Winners Spring 2012

Spring 2012 Alumni Association Dissertation Award Recipients.

Alumni Association Dissertation Award Winners Spring 2013

Spring 2013 Alumni Association Dissertation Award Recipients

Alumni Association Dissertation Award Winners Spring 2014

Spring 2014 Alumni Association Dissertation Award Recipients

Alumni Association Dissertation Award Winners, 2015-2016

2015-present Alumni Association Dissertation Award Winners

Alumni Association Membership

More than 174,000 alumni and friends keep their connection to our world-class University strong through membership in the Penn State Alumni Association — the largest and most powerful alumni network in the world.

Alumni Events

The Graduate Exhibition celebrates research and creative scholarship as an integral and exciting part of graduate education at Penn State. Established in 1986, the Graduate Exhibition places special emphasis on communicating research and creative endeavor to a general audience. All Exhibition activities are free and open to the public.

Alumni Events Calendar
Alumni Panel

Join Session

Alumni Profile: Roy Schuyler, III

Before concluding his keynote presentation at the Graduate School’s Career Exploration Workshop at Penn State’s University Park campus in October, Roy Schuyler, III shared a piece of advice that is in keeping with the way he has led his own life: “Leave a legacy.”

Alumni Society Award Recipients

Awards that are supported by the Graduate School Alumni Society

Alumni Spotlight - Jay Kovacs

For more than a decade, Jay Kovacs, an alumnus of the Graduate School at Penn State, has managed and collaborated with engineers and scientists on the development of earth-observing spacecraft, deep space missions to investigate scientific theories about the universe...

Alumni Spotlight: Dorcas Kaweesa
Alumni Spotlight: James Shin
Alumni Spotlight: Joslenne Peña
Alumni Spotlight: Sharon Melzer
Am I a Transfer Student?
Am I guaranteed housing at Penn State?
Am I Seen as Overqualified For This Job? Influence of the Overqualified Candidates’ Stereotype-Specific Impression Management in the Recruiters’ Eyes
Amelia Henry

Penn State Graduate School alumna, Amelia Henry, received the Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Humanitarian Award on March 27, 2021, at the annual GSAS Doctoral Alumni Recognition Ceremony. This award recognizes an alumnus/alumna holding a graduate degree from Penn State who has made a positive societal impact on the welfare of humankind beyond the responsibilities of one’s profession.

American Government

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

American Literature

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

American Studies (AMSAB_BA)
American Studies (AMSCA_BA)
American Studies (AMSUC_BA)
Amnesty's Origins: Peace, Federal Power, and the Public Good in the Long Civil War Era
An Ever-Bleeding Heart: Life Writings in the Alsace-Lorraine Borderland, 1870-1918
An Ever-Bleeding Heart: Life Writings in the Alsace-Lorraine Borderland, 1870-1920
An Examination of Racial/Ethnic Differences on the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory Among Veterans with a History of TBI: A Million Veteran Program Study
An Examination of Social Inclusion Understanding and Application Among Museum Professionals
An Occupancy Based Max-Pressure Algorithm to Provide Transit Signal Priority
Analyzing and Interpeting Literature

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Analyzing Effect of Preliminary Preference and Inertia in Unlabeled Choice Experiment
Analyzing the Economic Feasibility of Establishing a Hop Enterprise in Pennsylvania
Ancient dental calculus derived oral microbiomes as markers of disease in past populations

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Anibal Quijano and The Coloniality of Power
Animal Science (ANSC_BS)
Annotating the genomicially concealed weapons of Pseudomonas syringae
Anthropology (ANTH_BS)
Antigua and Barbuda

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Cocoa Supplementation in a Mouse Model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Anxiety among young adults: Retrospective reports of parenting styles and their relation to intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety


Penn State's application for summer and fall is available online through MyPennState, or  the Common App.

Application Fee Form

Include this form with your personal check or money order when paying your Application Fee.

Application Fees
Application Process

Penn State McNair conducts a comprehensive application process that ensures interested undergraduate students are a good fit for the program and satisfy program eligibility requirements according to McNair regulation (§647.3). Each fall semester (September – December) McNair works to recruit new scholars to fill slots vacated by graduating seniors.

Application Review Process

Penn State receives over 100,000 first-year student applications, so ensure your application is as competitive as possible.

Application Review Process

What happens after you submit your application to Penn State? Learn more about our application review process.

Application Review Process for International Students

Penn State requires specific supplemental materials in order to accurately review international student applications. 

Application Review Process for Transfer Students

The application review of a transfer student is based on the student’s work at their previous institution(s).

Application Update

There’s still time to join the Penn State community for fall 2022! Many of our campuses will continue to admit first-year students throughout the summer. Find your best-fit campus and learn more about how to submit your application. 

Applied Demonology: Thermodynamics and Decision

Please review these helpful steps to understand the Penn State application process, as well as the application requirements for first-year students.

Apply for Lion Scouts

If you are interested in joining the Lion Scouts, review the eligibility information and access the application.

Apply for Penn State's SMART

If you want to recruit new Penn Staters, apply to become a member of SMART today!

Apply for student/financial aid
Apply Now
Apply to be a Penn State Tour Guide

If you are interested in becoming a Penn State Tour Guide, review the information here and access the application.

Applying Transparency to Machine Learning Models for Fault Detection and Classification in Microgrids
Approach to Biodiversity Protection: Employing AI and IoT Systems for the Containment of Box Tree Moth Proliferation
Aquatic Invasive Species Impact Military Readiness, Sustainability, and Infrastructure

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Arabic A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Arabic B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Archaeology Highlights Strategies for Coping with Climate Change
Architectural Engineering (AE_BAE)
Architecture (BARCHBARCH)
Architecture and Environmental Design
Archival Data Science and the Inquisition in Sixteenth-Century Mexico
Are international applicants able to apply to Penn State without SAT or ACT exam scores?
Are students able to change their mind about using test scores in the evaluation of their application to Penn State?
Are there additional documents or application requirements that need to be submitted if a student is applying without SAT or ACT exam scores?
Are there any hotels near University Park to stay?
Are there programs that will not be available for Early Action decisions?
Are there students that will still be required to submit SAT or ACT exam scores as part of their application?
Are you able to accommodate groups younger than high school juniors ?

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Arrival Day & Your First Week
Arrive on campus - Welcome to Penn State
Art and Design

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Art Education (AED_BS)
Art History

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Art History (ARTH_BA)
Art of the Western World

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Art, Pleasure, Play: (Re)Reading Rechy, Rodriguez, and Islas
Art: 2-D Design

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Art: 3-D Design

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Art: History of Art

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Art: Studio Drawing

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Arts Ambassadors
Arts Visual and Performing
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor is a key mediator of intestinal epithelial homeostasis
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor is a xenobiotic sensor that alters intestinal epithelial homeostasis
Asian Studies (ASIA_BA)
Ask an Alum


Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Registered Interventional Clinical Trials
Assessing the Interplay between Time Poverty and Pro-environmental Consumption
Association of American Universities
Associations between pregnancy glucose concentrations, placental weight, and malperfusion lesions

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASTRO_BS)
AT&T Fellowship Recipients

AT&T Fellowship recipients

AT&T Graduate Fellowship

The AT&T Graduate Fellowship is designed to recognize and provide financial assistance to outstanding graduate students who are conducting research in wireless data applications and have been admitted to Penn State as graduate degree candidates.

Athletics and Recreation at Penn State

For competition or fun, Penn State offers lots of opportunities for you to get in the game.

Atomistic insights into surface oxidation of pyrite and quartz: implications for ultrafine particle toxicity
Attain building energy efficiency in real life rather than in virtual computer models: examining the energy performance gap between the predicted value and the actual used value
Attend an Accepted Student Program.
Attending Penn State during COVID-19
Attention and Statistical Learning in Adults with Typical and Atypical Language Ability
Attitudes toward carpooling for rural-urban commute trips

Join Session

AURORA: Penn State Outdoor Orientation Programs

Penn State’s AURORA program offers you the chance to ease your transition into the Penn State community through one of our unique backpacking expeditions.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Availability of Online Resources for LGBTQ+ Youth in Rural School Districts
Avenues to Address Graduate Student Concerns

Penn State makes it a priority to establish fair and effective policies and processes to resolve graduate students’ grievances.  When a problem arises between a graduate student and a faculty member, fellow student, or adviser, we encourage the parties to first seek to resolve the problem with their adviser or within their graduate program. 

Award Programs

The Graduate School recognizes excellence in graduate education through a variety of award programs for students and faculty with funding derived from institutional resources as well as gifts from donors. Some awards are selected centrally from nominations and applications that are submitted to the Graduate School (though most require support from academic programs) and others are offered by way of funding allocations to colleges in order to support recruitment and retention of high-achieving students.

Ayuda Económica en Penn State para Estudiantes Latinos

En Penn State contamos con varios servicios que ayudan a las familias a navegar el tema de financiamiento. 


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.



Show us your #PSUVirtualPride! Download one (or all) of these images and set it as your virtual meeting background. 

Bake The Night Away: A Yalda Celebration Festival

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Barriers to a robust social-ecological system: The case of the East Kolkata Wetlands, India
Bayesian Analysis of Interrater and Intrarater Reliability with Multilevel Data
Beating Urban Heat: Co-Designing Baltimore's Blue-Green Infrastructures
Becoming an Electronic Partner School with Penn State

The Penn State Web Counselor System is a free utility that allows school counselors to access application status information for their students and provide high school graduation verification.

Beech Leaf Disease: Investigating Tree Health in American Beech (Fagus grandifolia)
Beeting Vascular Dysfunction in Postmenopausal women
Begin accessing Penn State student resources
Behrend - Adult Learner
Beinvenidos a Penn State

Estamos muy emocionados que estás considerando Penn State como una de las opciones Universitarias para comenzar tu historia. Vamos a comenzar esta presentación con la pregunta que recibimos con mayor frecuencia. ¿Por qué Penn State?


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Bellisario College of Communications
Bellisario College of Communications - Advertising

Join Session

Bellisario College of Communications - Film

Join Session

Bellisario College of Communications - Media Studies

Join Session

Bellisario College of Communications Information Session
Bellisario College of Communications Information Session & Student Panel

Join Session

Bellisario College of Communications Information Session & Student Panel

Join Session

Bellisario College of Communications Information Session & Student Panel

Join Session

Bellisario College of Communications -Journalism

Join Session

Bellisario College of Communications Student Panel
Bellisario College of Communications Telecommunications

Join Session

Bergson's Two Sources: Moral Invention and Relation
Berks College
Berks College

Degree program deadlines for students applying to two-year undergraduate programs in the Berks College.  

Beta-Blockade Slows Cardiorespiratory Kinetics And Increases Oxygen Extraction At Onset Of Moderate Intensity Exercise
Betty Friedan and Instagram: An Analysis of Mommy Influencers Through the Lens of "The Feminine Mystique"
Beyond Participation: A Case Study of Youth As Researchers and Community Development in North Philadelphia
Bin Luo

Penn State Graduate School alumnus Bin Luo received the Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Early Career Award. This award was established to recognize alumni who have demonstrated exceptional success in their chosen field within the first ten years after obtaining their graduate degree. 

Bio test page
Biobehavioral Health (BBH_BS)
Biobehavioral Health (BBHCA BS)
Biobehavioral Health (BBHUC BS)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB_BS)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMBBK_BS)
Biological (Life) Sciences
Biological Engineering (BE_BS)

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Biology (BIOAB_BS)
Biology (BIOAL_BS)
Biology (BIOBD_BS)
Biology (BIOBK_BS)
Biology (BIOCA_BS)
Biology (BIOL_BS)
Biology (BIOUC_BS)
Biomedical Engineering (BME_BS)
Biomedical Engineering Technology (2BET_AS)

Transfer requirements for the Biomedical Engineering Technology major at Penn State.

Bioprinting the Tumor Microenvironment
Biotechnology (BIOTC_BS)
Bistable kinetic screen for daylight control in buildings
Black and Latinx College Writers Claim Writerly Agency: Negotiating Resources and Constraints in a Predominantly White Institution
Black Cosmo-cologies: Rebirth and Renaissance in the Long Nineteenth Century
Black Universalism: Race Science and Colorblindness from Plessy v. Ferguson to Today
Bodily Rhetorics and Zoom Writing Interaction: Sound and Silence as Points Where the Body Meets Language

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Boys Love in Latin America: The Migration of Aesthetics in Contemporary Graphic Narrative

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Brazilian Cordel on the Amazon: Grassroots Poetry Between Extraction and Conservation
Breakout Session Parents Only

Join Session

Breakout Session Students Only

Join Session

Bringing To Life The Heart of a Play Through Set Design
British Virgin Islands

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Brochure: IST Fast Facts

At the College of IST, we’re about much more than computers. We are about understanding our data-driven, always-connected society and finding solutions to make our world a better place.


Every Penn State story begins with a MyPennState profile. Creating a profile takes less than a minute but it gets your Penn State story off to a great start, giving you access to our application this fall and other information about options and opportunities at Penn State.

Building a high-resolution Bayesian chronology for the ancient city of Teotihuacan, Mexico (AD 1-550)
Building Connections to Power Your Professional Development
Bundy Seeks to Create Transformative Experiences for Students with Donor-Centered Approach

As a first-year student at Penn State, O. Richard Bundy III fully expected that his undergraduate years would produce a degree in architectural engineering. While his career has been distinguished by the figurative building of bridges around the world, Bundy routinely relies on tools of the trade most commonly associated with the liberal arts education he ultimately received during his pursuit of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in History, conferred in 1993 and 1996, respectively. 

Bunton-Waller Graduate Awards Program

Bunton-Waller Graduate Awards Program information.

Business (BSBAB_BS)
Business (BSBAL_BS)
Business (BSBBK_BS)
Business (BSBUC_BS)
Business (undecided) (BA_PMAJ)
Business (undecided) (BCBUS_PMAJ)
Business Administration (2BAAB_AS)

Transfer requirements for the Business Administration major at Penn State.

Business Administration (2BAAL_AS)
Business Administration (2BABK_AS)
Business Administration (2BACA_AS)
Business Administration (2BAUC_AS)
Business and Management

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Business and Society House (BASH)

The purpose of BASH is to provide a launching pad for undergraduate students to explore Penn State’s many opportunities and the professional world with a supportive community at their backs.

Business B.S. (BSBIC_BS)
Business Economics (BECON_BS)
Business Ethics and Society

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Business Law II

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Business Law, Introductory

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Business Math

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Business Studies/Business

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Bylaws of Graduate Council

The Bylaws of Graduate Council



If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Calendar of Events
Campus Recreation

With so many recreation opportunities, you can stay fit, have fun, reduce stress, learn a new sport, or explore the outdoors. The Penn State student fee gives you access to most of our recreation spaces so find your challenge and get moving.

Campus Resources
Campus Tour

Join Session

Campus Tours
Can I accept my offer after May 1?
Can I apply for a scholarship without being admitted?
Can I apply if I was homeschooled?
Can I apply to a Commonwealth campus as Early Action?
Can I apply to Penn State if I am undocumented?
Can I be admitted with an HSED or GED?
Can I bring a car with me to campus?
Can I change my starting campus back to the University Park campus after choosing to participate in the 1+3 Program?
Can I come visit campus even if the university is closed?
Can I defer my admission and take part in the 1+3 Program?
Can I get a refund on my acceptance fee?
Can I get a refund on my application fee?
Can I get in-state tuition if I am an international student?
Can I have a campus map?
Can I make updates to my SRAR after it is submitted? 
Can I make updates to my SRAR after it is submitted? 
Can I receive directions to campus?
Can I round up my GPA and grades? 
Can I round up my GPA and grades? 
Can I schedule a tour?
Can I send my high school transcript instead of filling out the SRAR?
Can I send my high school transcript instead of filling out the SRAR?
Can I still receive financial aid?
Can I take a virtual tour of campus?
Can I take classes only online?
Can I take classes without pursuing a degree?
Can I transfer to Penn State Campus?
Can I transfer to World Campus?
Can Leader Gender Role Identities Influence Employee Innovation Behavior? The Proactive Motivation Perspective
Can String Quartets Dance?
Can transfer students apply Early Action?
Can undocumented students or DACA recipients receive financial aid or merit-based scholarships?

Can You Answer This? - Exploring Zero-Shot QA Generalization Capabilities in Large Language Models
Canada (Except Quebec)

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Canada (Quebec)

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Canción en el Puerto
Capital College
Career and Professional Development
Career and Professional Development
Career and Professional Development Events

The Graduate Exhibition celebrates research and creative scholarship as an integral and exciting part of graduate education at Penn State. Established in 1986, the Graduate Exhibition places special emphasis on communicating research and creative endeavor to a general audience. All Exhibition activities are free and open to the public.

Career Development Calendar
Career Development Services
Career Development Tips from Students
Career Exploration Workshop
Career Exploration Workshop
Career Exploration Workshop

Career Exploration Workshop

Career Exploration Workshop

Career Exploration Workshop

Career Services

Career Services is committed to offering a comprehensive array of programs and services that supports and facilitates career development for all students. Programs and resources are provided to assist students and alumni in specifying career goals, expanding knowledge of career alternatives, understanding effective decision making, and acquiring appropriate strategies and skills to carry out the process.

Catching up with Time: Exile, Nationalism and Modernity
Categories and Awards

Graduate Exhibition 2023

The Graduate Exhibition features the exciting research and creativity of Penn State graduate students. All members of the Penn State and local community are invited to serve as judges to help select the top presentations and celebrate the achievements of Penn State’s graduate students. The presentations are all designed for a general audience, so no special expertise is needed to be a judge.

Celebrating Rachmaninoff on the 150th Anniversary of His Birth: "Polichinelle" and "Serenade"
Center for Arts & Crafts

The Center for Arts & Crafts offers a variety of non-credit adult art classes throughout the year and children's art camps during the summer. The Ceramics Studio offers classes in wheel-thrown pottery and hand-building techniques. Studio memberships are available during fall and spring semesters. All of our classes are taught by Penn State students majoring in art or art education, graduate students and professional artists.

Center for Performing Arts

The Center for the Performing Arts provides a context, through artistic connections, to the human experience. By bringing artists and audiences together we spark discovery of passion, inspiration, and inner truths. We are a motivator for creative thinking and examination of our relationship with the world.

Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity

The Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (CSGD) provides a comprehensive range of education, information, and advocacy services to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We work to create and maintain an open, safer, and inclusive environment honoring gender and sexual diversity. Through educational, social, and supportive programming, along with workshops and individual consultation, the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity strives to serve the entire Penn State community. 

Center for Spiritual & Ethical Development

The largest multi-faith center of its kind in the country, The Pasquerilla Spiritual Center is home to the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development at Penn State. The center offers a welcoming, safe, inclusive environment, and aims to promote an environment of appreciation and respect for religious and spiritual diversity.

Center for World University Rankings

Top 100 University Worldwide


Complete this interest form and we will help you get your Penn State experience off to a great start by providing you with information about the Penn States application process and sharing opportunities and options across our multi-campus system. 

Chaperone Agreement

An agreement for all chaperones of group visits to Penn State University Park that outlines guidelines and expectations for the days visit experience. 

Chaperone Preparation

A brief packing list to give chaperones an idea of what they should plan to bring with you to University Park on your scheduled group visit date. In addition, we’ve included some tips and tricks to make sure you get the most out of your time on campus.

Characterization of 4T1.2-HER2 Mouse Mammary Tumor Model
Characterization of resistant starch degrading machinery in the human gut
Characterizing the associations among transdiagnostic vulnerabilities, motivational processes, and smoking lapses in those with comorbid anxiety/depressive disorders and nicotine dependence
Charogne (Carcass)
Chemical Engineering (CHE_BS)

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Chemistry (CHEM_BS)
Chemistry (CHMBC_BS)

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Chinese (CHNS_BS)
Chinese A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Chinese B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Chinese Language

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Chinese Language

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Choosing Your Penn State Campus for International Students

Penn State isn't a single place. With 20 campuses throughout Pennsylvania, you have your choice of where to study.

Ciphers, Cynics, and Codes: Epistolary Diplomacy During the Restoration
Civil Engineering (CE_BS)
Civil Engineering (CECA_BS)
Civil War Reconstruction

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Clandestine China: Extraterritorial Violence and the National Revolution Abroad, 1895-1919
Class Notes

Stay in touch with your classmates! 
Submit your announcements of career achievements and updates, and any other news of general interest that you would like to share.

Class Notes - Fall 2018

Stay in touch with your classmates!

All Graduate School alumni are invited to submit your announcements of career achievements, updates, or any other news of general interest that you would like to share.

Class Notes - July 2016

Submit your announcements of career achievements and updates, and any other news of general interest that you would like to share. 

Class Notes - July 2017

All Graduate School alumni are invited to submit your announcements of career achievements, updates, or any other news of general interest that you would like to share. Following are our most recent submissions:

Class Notes - March 2017

All Graduate School alumni are invited to submit your announcements of career achievements, updates, or any other news of general interest that you would like to share.  Following are our most recent submissions:

Class Notes - May 2018

All Graduate School alumni are invited to submit your announcements of career achievements, updates, or any other news of general interest that you would like to share.

Class Notes - November 2017

All Graduate School alumni are invited to submit your announcements of career achievements, updates, or any other news of general interest that you would like to share.

Class Notes - October 2016

Submit your announcements of career achievements, updates, or any other news of general interest that you would like to share.

Class Notes - Summer 2019

Stay in touch with your classmates! All Graduate School alumni are invited to submit your announcements of career achievements, updates, or any other news of general interest that you would like to share.

Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies (CAMS_BA)
Classroom Design and its Potential Association with Civility and Safety
Classroom Experience

Join Session

Claude Debussy- Feux d’artifice
CLEP Credit

Taking College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations may allow you to earn Penn State credit.

Climate Changed: II-IV; and Untitled: I & II
Climate Transition Risk and Commercial Real Estate
Closing Remarks

Join Session

Closing Remarks

Join Session

Closing Remarks

Join Session

Closing Remarks

Join Session

Closing Remarks

Join Session

Closing Remarks
Closing the Macro-Micro Link: Testing the Effects of Hot Spots Policing on Individual Adolescent Outcomes
Clostridium butyricum: An overlooked resistant starch degrading member of the human gut microbiome?
Clubs and Organizations

Clubs and organizations are about community, engagement and finding your place at Penn State.

Codeless App Development: Evaluating A Cloud-Native Domain-Specific Functions Approach
Co-evolution of male and female mating strategies in non-human primates
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a treatment modality for refugees affected by Trauma
Collaboration through the Theatre creative process
Collaborative Mixed-Reality-Based Firefighter Training
Collective Punishment and Identity Fusion: An Examination
College Algebra

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

College Algebra - Trigonometry

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

College Associate Deans

Directory information for the college associate deans for graduate studies.

College Composition

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

College Composition Modular

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

College Fairs
College Magazine

#1 Alumni Network

College Mathematics

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

College of Agricultural Sciences
College of Agricultural Sciences
College of Agricultural Sciences
College of Agricultural Sciences

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences.

College of Agricultural Sciences

Connect with an admissions representative in the College of Agricultural Sciences to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

College of Agricultural Sciences - Welcome

Join Session

College of Agricultural Sciences - Welcome

Join Session

College of Agricultural Sciences - Welcome

Join Session

College of Agricultural Sciences College Overview
College of Agricultural Sciences Student Panel
College of Arts & Architecture
College of Arts and Architecture
College of Arts and Architecture

Connect with an admissions representative in the College of Arts and Architecture to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

College of Arts and Architecture

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State College of Arts and Architecture.

College of Arts and Architecture
College of Arts and Architecture

Four-Year Program Deadlines for the College of Arts and Architecture undergraduate degree programs.

College of Arts and Architecture
College of Arts and Architecture - Architecture

Join Session

College of Arts and Architecture - Art History or Integrative Arts

Schedule Appointment

College of Arts and Architecture - Graphic Design

Join Session

College of Arts and Architecture - Landscape Architecture

Join Session

College of Arts and Architecture - Musical Theatre and Acting

Acceptd Login

College of Arts and Architecture - School of Music

Join Session

College of Arts and Architecture - Student Panel

Join Session

College of Arts and Architecture - Technical Theatre

Join Session

College of Arts and Architecture - Theatre Studies (BA)

Join Session

College of Arts and Architecture - Visual Arts

Join Session

College of Arts and Architecture Overview

Join Session

College of Arts and Architecture Overview

Join Session

College of Arts and Architecture Overview

Join Session

College of Earth & Mineral Sciences
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Connect with an admissions representative in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences - Overview

Join Session

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences - Overview

Join Session

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences - Overview

Join Session

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Tour
College of Education
College of Education
College of Education
College of Education
College of Education

Connect with an admissions representative in the College of Education to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

College of Education

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State College of Education.

College of Education Student Panel
College of Education- Student Panel

Join Session

College of Education Virtual Tour

Student Taylor Young takes you on a tour of the Penn State College of Education.

College of Education- Welcome

Join Session

College of Education- Welcome

Join Session

College of Education- Welcome

Join Session

College of Engineering

Join Session

College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering

Join Session

College of Engineering

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State College of Engineering.

College of Engineering

Connect with an admissions representative in the College of Engineering to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

College of Engineering

Join Session

College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering

Four-Year Program Deadlines for the College of Engineering undergraduate degree programs. 

College of Engineering Virtual Tour
College of Engineering-Virtual Tour

Join Session

College of Health & Human Development
College of Health and Human Development
College of Health and Human Development

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State College of Health and Human Development.

College of Health and Human Development

Connect with an admissions representative in the College of Health and Human Development to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

College of Health and Human Development
College of Health and Human Development
College of Health and Human Development

Four-Year Program Deadlines for the College of Health and Human Development undergraduate degree programs. 

College of Health and Human Development - Welcome

Join Session

College of Health and Human Development - Welcome

Join Session

College of Health and Human Development - Welcome

Join Session

College of Information Sciences & Technology
College of Information Sciences and Technology
College of Information Sciences and Technology
College of Information Sciences and Technology

Connect with an admissions representative in the College of Information Sciences and Technology to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

College of Information Sciences and Technology

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology.

College of Information Sciences and Technology - Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations

Join Session

College of Information Sciences and Technology - Data Sciences

Join Session

College of Information Sciences and Technology - Enterprise Technology Integration

Join Session

College of Information Sciences and Technology - Overview

Join Session

College of Information Sciences and Technology - Overview

Join Session

College of Information Sciences and Technology - Overview

Join Session

College of Information Sciences and Technology Student Panel
College of Medicine Student Honored by the Special Olympics

As a volunteer with Special Olympics, Penn State graduate student Taryn Mockus has invested her time, knowledge, energy, and spirit over the years in programs and events that enrich the lives of all athletes she supports. For Mockus, the personal rewards for her involvement are reflected in the achievements of those she mentors. 

College of Nursing

Join Session

College of Nursing
College of Nursing
College of Nursing

Join Session

College of Nursing

Join Session

College of Nursing
College of Science - Astronomy

Join Session

College of Science - Biochemistry

Join Session

College of Science - Biology

Join Session

College of Science - Chemistry

Join Session

College of Science - Forensic Science

Join Session

College of Science - Mathematics

Join Session

College of Science - Physics

Join Session

College of Science - PMM

Join Session

College of Science - PMM

Join Session

College of Science - Statistics

Join Session

College of Science - Welcome

Join Session

College of Science - Welcome

Join Session

College of Science - Welcome

Join Session

College of the Liberal Arts
College of the Liberal Arts
College of the Liberal Arts

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State College of the Liberal Arts.

College of the Liberal Arts

Connect with an admissions representative in the College of the Liberal Arts to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

College of the Liberal Arts
College of the Liberal Arts
College of the Liberal Arts - Anthropology

Join Session

College of the Liberal Arts - Cultural Studies

Join Session

College of the Liberal Arts - Economics

Join Session

College of the Liberal Arts - English

Join Session

College of the Liberal Arts - Global

Join Session

College of the Liberal Arts - Labor

Join Session

College of the Liberal Arts - Languages

Join Session

College of the Liberal Arts - Psychology

Join Session

College of the Liberal Arts - Welcome

Join Session

College of the Liberal Arts - Welcome

Join Session

College of the Liberal Arts - Welcome

Join Session


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Color and Compensation: Investigating Racial Disparities in Hospitality Leadership Pay
Commencement Calendar
Commencement Regalia Information
Committee on Academic Standards

The membership and duties of the Graduate Council Committee on Academic Standards

Committee on Committees and Procedures

The membership and duties of the Graduate Council Committee on Committees and Procedures

Committee on Fellowships and Awards

The membership and duties of the Graduate Council Committee on Fellowships and Awards

Committee on Graduate Exhibition
Committee on Graduate Research

The membership and duties of the Graduate Council Committee on Graduate Research

Committee on Graduate Student and Faculty Issues

The membership and duties of the Graduate Council Committee on Graduate Student and Faculty Issues

Committee on Program Review and Evaluation
Committee on Programs and Courses

The membership and duties of the Graduate Council Committee on Programs and Courses

Committee Priorities

2023-2024 Graduate Council Standing Committee Priorities.

Common App

Information about Penn State's participation in the Common App.

Commonwealth Campus Accepted Student Programs

Have an offer of admission to a Penn State Campus? The best way to see if Penn State is the place for you is to attend one of our Accepted Student Programs

Commonwealth Campuses
Commonwealth Campuses
Commonweath Campus
Commonweath Campus
Commonweath Campus
Commonweath Campuses
Communicating Liposomes Based on Enzyme-Cascades
Communication (COMBA_BA)
Communication Arts and Sciences (CASBK_BA)
Communication Arts and Sciences (CASUC_BA)
Communication Arts and Sciences B.A. (CAS_BA)
Communication Arts and Sciences B.S. (CASBS_BS)
Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD_BS)
Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSDCA_BS)
Communications (COMAL_BA)
Communications (COMCA_BA)
Communications (COMM_PMAJ)
Communications (COMUC_BA)
Community and Social Events

The Graduate Exhibition celebrates research and creative scholarship as an integral and exciting part of graduate education at Penn State. Established in 1986, the Graduate Exhibition places special emphasis on communicating research and creative endeavor to a general audience. All Exhibition activities are free and open to the public.

Community, Environment and Development (CED_BS)
Comparative Literature (CMLIT_BA)
Comparative urine metabolomics of mice treated with non-toxic and toxic oral doses of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate
Competition and Effort Dynamics
Complementary functions of Pramex1 and Pramel1 during spermatogenesis as revealed by Pramex1/Pramel1 double knockout mice
Complete Your Degree
Complete your registration
Computer and Information Systems
Computer Engineering (CENBC_BS)
Computer Engineering (CMPEN_BS)
Computer Science

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Computer Science (CMPAB_BS)
Computer Science (CMPBC_BS)
Computer Science (CMPSC_BS)
Computer Science (COMP_BS)
Computer Science (CSENG_BS)
Computer Science A

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Computer Science A

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Computer Science AB

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Computer Science Principles

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Computer-Accelerated Research: Unlocking the Potential of Green Hydrogen for a Sustainable Energy Future

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Computing and Information Technology

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Computing Fellowship Recipients

Recipients of the Graduate School's Academic Computing Fellowships.

Conception(s) of a Promised Land within the Mexican-Jewish Diaspora through "Las genealogías" of Margo Glantz
Conceptualizing Coming Out Conversations
Concurrent anodal HD-tDCS to the posterior parietal cortex modulates the learning of a direction skill task
Concurrent Degrees - FAQs

FAQs on concurrent degrees.

Condimentum Etiam
Confrontational Memory: The Equal Justice Initiative and the Rhetoric of Time
Connect with an academic adviser

Complete this interest form and we will help you get your Penn State experience off to a great start by providing you with information about the Penn States application process and sharing opportunities and options across our multi-campus system. 

Conrado M. Gempesaw, II

Conrado M. Gempesaw, II; who received a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics at Penn State, is the 2017 recipient of the Graduate School Alumni Society Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is presented to alumni who have achieved exceptional success throughout the course of their career, and have demonstrated loyalty to the University and the Alumni Association. 


We want to help you with any questions you might have regarding the  Admissions Alumni Volunteer Program. 

Contact Admissions Strategic Partnerships

At Penn State, we believe that a diverse campus environment is the best way to challenge our students to consider new cultures, perspectives, and traditions.

Contact Information for Penn State Community Recruitment Centers and Regional Recruitment Offices

Penn State Admissions Recruiters serve as local resources to students and families interested in joining the Penn State community.

Contact Lion Scouts

Contact us for more information about the Lion Scouts.

Contact Penn State's SMART

Contact us for more information about SMART

Contact the Penn State Graduate School

Contact the Penn State Graduate School

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out if you have additional questions or would like more information.

Contact your campus about Transfer Student Orientation
Contacto para Estudiantes Latinx

Para más información sobre admisión a Penn State, favor de contactarnos con preguntas.

Contested Intercourses: International Physician and Sex Worker Connectivity, Mandatory STI Testing, and Constructed Medical Knowledge in Guatemala City, 1880-1948
Continual Learning of Visual Concepts for Assistive Robots through Limited Supervision
Cooperation, Rivalry and Tactical Diffusion in Militant Networks
Coordination of social attention and the mentalizing network during naturalistic social interactions between friends
Coping Style Moderates the Effects of Pain on Depression Symptoms Among Persons with Multiple Sclerosis
Coral calcification: sink or source of carbon?
Corporate Communication (CCBA_BA)
Corporate Communication (CCUC_BA)
Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIENT_BS)
Corporate Sociopolitical Activism (CSA): Consumer response to contribution type
Correlation between yield and enzyme production in Pleurotus ostreatus on minimally supplemented wood-based substrates
Cortical and trabecular bone response to bipedalism in an experimental rat model
Costa Rica

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Cost-Effectiveness of Hemithyroidectomy Versus Total Thyroidectomy for Patients with Low Risk Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
Council of College Multicultural Leadership

This group is primarily responsible for leading the efforts to recruit and retain a diverse student body within the colleges and the Graduate School at Penn State.

Council of College Multicultural Leadership (CCML)
Council of College Multicultural Leadership (CCML)

Join Session

Council of College Multicultural Leadership (CCML)

Join Session

Council of College Multicultural Leadership (CCML)

Join Session

Council of College Multicultural Leadership (CCML)

Join Session

COVID-19 Impacts on Online and In-store Shopping Behaviors: Why They Happened and Whether They Will Last Post Pandemic
Crafting Work and Life Meaningfully: Factors Impacting Effective Job Crafting in Saudi Arabia's Higher Education from Female Perspectives - helps, hinders, and hopes
Creating eTDs

Electronic theses and dissertations (eTDs) usually consist of one PDF file. The PDF file is uploaded to the eTD website by the specified deadlines and is eventually placed in the eTD archives as the final thesis or dissertation.

Creating science standards in changing policy environments: implications for science education policy
Creative Writing (CWRIT_BFA)
Credit by Validation

Information regarding the Penn State process for receiving credit by validation. 

Credit By Validation

Course work completed at non-accredited institutions may be eligible for credit by validation.

Credit from Other Sources (exams)

Information regarding how Penn State awards credit from multiple sources, such as Advanced Placement exams or military experience.

Criminal Justice

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Criminal Justice (2 CJCA_AS)
Criminal Justice (2 CJUC_AS)
Criminal Justice (2CJ_AS)
Criminal Justice (CRIMJ_BS)
Criminal Justice B.A. (CJAAB_BA)
Criminal Justice B.A. (CJABK_BA)
Criminal Justice B.A. (CJBA_BA)
Criminal Justice B.A. (CRMUC_BA)
Criminal Justice B.S. (CJBS_BS)
Criminal Justice B.S. (CJSAB_BS)
Criminal Justice B.S. (CJSBK_BS)
Criminal Justice B.S. (CRMUC_BS)
Criminology B.A. (CRMBA_BA)
Criminology B.S. (CRMBS_BS)
Cryo-EM study to investigate the conformational dynamics of archaeal and eukaryotic RNA polymerases
Culture, Love, & Politics: Understanding AfroBrazilian Organizing from 1930-1968
Current Students

Instructions for submitting course syllabi for current Penn State students who completed course work at another institution.

Current Students

Thesis Guide-Remove asterisk on committee pages, top line.

Current Students

Information and resources for students currently enrolled at Penn State.

Current Students

Information for current Penn State students enrolling in classes outside of the University and transferring earned credit to Penn State.

Cutaneous microvascular endothelial function is impaired in adults who are nocturnal blood pressure non-dippers compared to dippers.
Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations B.S. (CAOAB_BS)
Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations B.S. (CAOAL_BS)
Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations B.S. (CAOBK_BS)
Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations B.S. (CAOCA_BS)
Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations B.S. (CAOUC_BS)
Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations B.S. (CAOWC_BS)
Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations B.S. (CYAOP_BS)
Cytotoxic activity of schweinfurthin analogue TTI-3114 in multiple myeloma cells


Das Channels Passion for Penn State to International Alumni, Student Engagement

As an “alumni ambassador” for Penn State Global Programs and chair of the Graduate School Alumni Society’s Global Outreach Committee, Amit Das is casting an indelible imprint of his volunteer service throughout the University and around the world. 

Data Sciences, Applied Data Sciences (DATSC_BS)
Data Sciences, Computational Data Sciences (DTSCE_BS)
Data Sciences, Statistical Modeling Data Sciences (DTSCS_BS)
Data-Driven Detection and Characterization of Shocks in the Global Trade Network
Dates & Deadlines

Find out when you should apply and when you can expect a decision.

Dates & Deadlines for Adult Students

Penn State has adult learners at all campuses. Review when to apply based on your applicant type or desired program. 

Dates & Deadlines for First-Year Students

Penn State receives over 100,000 first-year student applications, so what can you do to ensure your application is as competitive as possible?

Dates & Deadlines for International Students

Penn State has specific priority filing dates for both first-year and transfer international applicants.

Dates & Deadlines for Transfer Students

In order to make sure that you apply at the proper time, please review the dates for transfer students below.

Dates and Deadlines for World Campus

Information regarding dates and deadlines for applicants interested in applying to online degree programs through the Penn State World Campus.

David W. Will

Penn State Graduate School alumnus David Will received the Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Humanitarian Award on March 24 at the annual GSAS Recognition Dinner. This award recognizes an alumnus/alumna holding a graduate degree from Penn State who has made a positive societal impact on the welfare of humankind beyond the responsibilities of one’s profession.

Day in the Life
Death Becomes Her
Decent, Solemn, Proper: How Black Abolitionists Resisted Bodysnatching in 1788 New York City
Defense Support of Civil Authorities against Mexican Transnational Criminal Organizations
Delhi’s leisure spaces: Patterns of spatial use in a mixed-income informal settlement
Deliberation of the Self
Democracy and Its Doubles: Representing the People in Sinophone and Francophone Extraterritoriality
Demographic Differences in Fatalistic Attitudes Toward Substance Use Disorder
Depression Apps, Design, and the Rhetorics of Mental Disability
Depression impacts how low-income women enrolled in WIC feed their infants, and the relationship is moderated by food security
Depression Symptoms, Parenting Stress, and Relationship Quality among Transgender and Gender Nonbinary (TGNB) Parents
Depressive symptoms and eating behaviors interact to predict energy intake in pregnant women
Design and Technology

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Design End-effector for Automatic Mushroom Harvesting
Design Option

Graduate Exhibition 2023

The Design Option focuses on the design of a product, whether that be in 3-dimensional or digital space. Design work could include a variety of design products such as a 3-dimensional object, a video game, a computer-aided design (CAD), simulations, musical composition, or other design object.

Design Technology

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Designing a Neurodivergent Stage: A Scenic Design for "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"
Designing for Marginalized Groups: A Dramaturgical Exploration into the Costume Design for “Emilia”
Designing 'Safe' Schools: Identifying Areas of Research in School Safety & Security
desktop playground
Desorption Characteristics of Selenium Thin Films: A ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Study

Determination of the ADSL deficiency-directed perturbation and mechanism impacting the changes in tyramine level
Developing Graduate Program Proposals

Guidelines for developing graduate program proposals

Development and Evaluation of an Audio-Based Self-Guided Behavioral Activation Intervention for Depression
Development and Validation of a Risk-Assessment Tool for Energy Deficiency in Young Active Females: The Female Energy Deficiency Questionnaire (FED-Q)
Development of an Air-Assisted Co-Axial Device for Mass Production of Versatile Microgels for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Applications
Development of Mouse Model and Gene Therapy for TAR Syndrome
Diamonds trace formation of 3 Ga continental roots
Dielectric response of polymers at higher electric field
Dietary Cognitive Restraint is not Indicative of Energy Deficiency in Exercising Men
Differential effects of clothianidin exposure on metabolic rates across life stages in the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
Digital Arts and Media Design (IDS_BDES)
Digital Journalism and Media (DGJRM_BA)
Digital Media and Design

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Digital Media, Arts, and Technology (DIGIT_BA)
Digital Multimedia Design (DIGMD_BDES)
Dining and Residence Living

Convenient dining options can be found on each Penn State campus.

Direct Extraction of Lithium from -Spodumene by Salt-roasting and Water Leaching: Process Optimization and Kinetic Study
Disability education training suggestions based on The First-Week Experience of Students with Disability, Their Teachers and Administrations, at Jazan University of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia”
Disabled Democracy: Antebellum Literature and the Politics of Embodiment
Discovery: Digital Magazine
Dislocated Travels: Navigating Utopia/Dystopia in Melanie Smith’s Fordlândia (2013)
Disordered Eating and Literary
Dissecting the Relationship Between Democracy and Transparency: A Country Level Longitudinal Analysis
Distinguished Graduate Fellowships

Distinguished Graduate Fellowship program information.

Distinguished Master's Thesis Award

The Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award recognizes excellence in master’s-level thesis research in any of the disciplinary areas of Fine Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences - Applied and Basic; Physical and Computational Sciences - Applied and Basic; Life and Health Sciences; and Engineering.

Distinguished Master's Thesis Award recipients

The Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award recognizes excellence in master’s-level thesis research in any of the disciplinary areas of Fine Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences - Applied and Basic; Physical and Computational Sciences - Applied and Basic; Life and Health Sciences; and Engineering.  Pending receipt of qualified nominations, at least five $2,500 awards will be supported annually for the selected nominees - one in each of five disciplinary areas represented above.

Disturbances, disasters, and resiliency: The role of ecotourism in post-crisis recovery in the Caribbean

The development of critical thought is one of the cornerstones of the University. Such critical thought is dependent upon demographic and cultural diversity. The units of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School define diversity as “a climate which encourages representation of faculty, staff, and students from typically underrepresented entities, including those from racial/ethnic minority groups, various countries and cultures, genders, persons with disabilities, and those from a mixture of religions and sexual orientations.”

Diversity at Penn State

At Penn State our commitment to diversity in all of its forms is significant, and we are nationally recognized for our efforts.

Division of Undergraduate Studies

Connect with an admissions representative in the Division of Undergraduate Studies to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

Division of Undergraduate Studies

Join Session

Division of Undergraduate Studies

Join Session

Division of Undergraduate Studies
Division of Undergraduate Studies

Join Session

Division of Undergraduate Studies
Division of Undergraduate Studies (D U S)
Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS_PMAJ)
Division of Undergraduate Studies Information Session
Division Undergraduate Studies (DUS)

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State Division of Undergraduate Studies.

Do “Plea Rewards” Exist in Prison?
Do freshman have to live on campus?
Do I have to attend New Student Orientation?
Do I have to attend summer session?
Do I have to be interviewed to be admitted?
Do I have to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?
Do I have to submit immunization records?
Do I have to submit the SRAR? 
Do I have to submit the SRAR? 
Do I need a physical before coming to Penn State?
Do I need to list any courses from middle school or junior high on the SRAR? 
Do I need to list any courses from middle school or junior high on the SRAR? 
Do I need to report classes I failed on the SRAR? 
Do I need to report classes I failed on the SRAR? 
Do I need to report my senior year grades?
Do I need to report my senior year grades?
Do I need to submit the high school transcript to be evaluated in Early Action?
Do I stand a greater likelihood of being admitted to my first-choice campus and major by applying Early Action?
Do you accept CLEP credits?
Do you have an academic calendar?
Do you have foreign language requirements?
Doctoral Alumni Recognition – Classes of 2013, 1998 and 1973
Doctoral Alumni Recognition Ceremony 2021
Doctoral Alumni Recognition Weekend
Doctoral Alumni Recognition Weekend

The Doctoral Alumni Recognition Weekend celebrates alumni celebrating their 10th, 25th, and 50th anniversary of receiving a doctoral degree from Penn State. It's a wonderful opportunity for alumni to visit campus, be publicly recognized. You will also connect with fellow alumni, meet current graduate students, and learn more about the innovative research being conducted at Penn State.

Doctoral Alumni Reunion Weekend - Save the Date

Save the Date 
March 24-26, 2017

Penn State Doctoral Alumni Recognition Weekend
Honoring graduates from 1967, 1992, and 2007

Documenting Insanity: Paperwork and Patient Narratives in Psychiatric History
Does Fear of COVID-19 Influence Consumers’ Reliance on Intuitive Thinking and Food Temperature Preferences?
Does literacy skill impact spoken language comprehension?
Does Penn State have 2-year degrees?
Does Penn State have a GPA requirement?
Does Penn State have a waitlist?
Does Penn State have an open house?
Does Penn State offer dual-enrollment?
Does Penn State offer study abroad programs?
Does Retirement Status Moderate the Relationship Between Loneliness and Body Mass Index Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults? A Cross-Cultural Study of the United States, China, and Korea
Does Trauma Have a Race? The Role of French Imperialism in Conceptualizing Trauma and Recovery in Western Medicine (1914-1918)

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

An overview of the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, produced by students in the Bellisario College.

Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications
Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications.

Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

Connect with an admissions representative in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications
Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications: Accepted Student Presentation

Information for students admitted into the Penn State Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications.

Doppler ultrasound power of kidney stones in elevated oxygen environments
Dr. Edward Frymoyer

Penn State Graduate School alumnus Edward M. Frymoyer received the Penn State Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Lifetime Achievement Award on March 27, 2021, at the annual GSAS Doctoral Alumni Recognition Ceremony. The award is presented to alumni who have achieved exceptional success throughout the course of their career and have demonstrated loyalty to the University and the Alumni Association.

Drama and Theatre Studies

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Dreamscapes in Music: A Performance of Schumann's Fantasiestücke Through the Lens of Romantic Escapism
Dual Admissions Program

Penn State's Commonwealth Campuses have partnered with Pennsylvania Community Colleges to provide a seamless Dual Admissions Program for students seeking to complete a four-year degree at Penn State. 

Dual Credit Enrollment at Penn State

Dual enrollment is an opportunity to take one or more college classes at Penn State while in high school.



Early Action
Early Action

Frequently asked questions regarding Penn State's New Early Action filing deadline. 

Early childhood adversity and later reading outcomes: The role of sustained attention
Earn Penn State Credit for Advanced Level Exams

Students who have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) Examinations may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Earn Penn State Credit for International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams

Students who have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) Examinations may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Earn Penn State Credit from Military Experience

Military students may be eligible for credit from educational experiences in the armed forces.

Earn Penn State Credit through DSST Examinations

Students may be able to earn Penn State credit by taking DSST exams.

Earning Penn State Credit from Advanced Placement (AP) Tests

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP) tests, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Earth & Mineral Sciences (undecided) (EMSC_PMAJ)
Earth Science and Policy (EARSP_BS)
Earth Sciences (EARTH_BS)
Eating in the Absence of Hunger (EAH) remains stable in middle childhood (7–9-year-olds)
Eberly College of Science
Eberly College of Science

Connect with an admissions representative in the Eberly College of Science to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

Eberly College of Science

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State Eberly College of Science.

Eberly College of Science
Eberly College of Science
Eberly College of Science
Eberly College of Science Student Panel

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Economics (ECNS_BA)
Economics and Business

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Economics B.A. (ECLBA_BA)
Economics B.S. (ECLBS_BS)
Economics: Macroeconomics

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Economics: Microeconomics

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Ecumenism and Women’s Higher Education as Precursors to World Society: A Network Analysis of Global Protestant Higher Education in the Early 20th Century
Edges of the Bower and Fragment in the Romantic Anthropocene
Educating Feeling: Race and Sentimental Science in Aglaé Comte’s Histoire naturelle racontée à la jeunesse
Education (undecided) (ED_PMAJ)
Education Abroad

The world awaits. Every year thousands of Penn State students and faculty engage the world through academic programs, research, service, internships, and cultural immersion abroad. Personal development, new knowledge and enhanced perspective drives global impact.

Education and Public Policy (EPP_BS)
Educational Equity (OGEEP) Events

The Graduate Exhibition celebrates research and creative scholarship as an integral and exciting part of graduate education at Penn State. Established in 1986, the Graduate Exhibition places special emphasis on communicating research and creative endeavor to a general audience. All Exhibition activities are free and open to the public.

Educational Psychology, Introduction to

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Effect of age and severity on antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection
Effect of as-built Surface Roughness on the Surface Smoothing and Residual Stress Development in 3d Printed Ti-6Al-4V after Shot Peening
Effect of low relative humidity over vector competence in Aedes aegypti
Effect of Parsley Powder as a Source of Nitrate on Some Quality Characteristics of Uncured Fermented Sausage
Effect of phenolic loading on the corrosion protection performance of bisphenol A non-intent food can coatings subjected to retort processing
Effect of Seat Angle on Intervertebral Disc in Pilots Exposed to High-G Forces
Effects of acute noise disturbance on operant learning performance and reproductive success in Eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis)
Effects of body size on the energetics of weight-bearing cockroaches
Effects of Evidence-Based Communication of COVID-19 Vaccine on Vaccination Intention
Effects of food additive guar gum on colonic inflammation in murine models of inflammatory bowel disease
Effects of sex steroid exposure and pubertal timing on sexually differentiated psychology and behavior
Effects of spotted lanternfly’s access to tree of heaven on predation by native arthropods
Effects of TLR3 activation on expression of neuroimmune markers: Implications for substance abuse

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

El Salvador

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (ECET_BS)
Electrical Engineering (EE_BS)
Electrical Engineering (EEBC_BS)
Electrical Engineering (EENG_BS)
Electrical Engineering Technology (2EET_AENGT)
Electrical Engineering Technology (2ETB_AENGT)
Electrical Engineering Technology (EET_BS)
Electrical Engineering Technology (EETEN_BS)
Electro - Mechanical Engineering Technology (EMET_BS)
Electronic Approval for Thesis and Dissertation Submission

All thesis and dissertation submissions will be digitally approved by their committee members via the eTD application.  This allows committee members the ability to review the previously vetted document and give their approval electronically.  All requested changes by the committee following the final defense should be communicated to the student and completed before the final document is uploaded to the eTD site.  (Changes that are requested to the document after submission to the eTD require the review and approval of each committee member and the Graduate School every time a change is made.)

Elementary and Early Childhood Education (CEAED_BS)
Elementary Education (ELEM_BELED)
Elite Narratives and Immigration Discourse: Unraveling the Influence of Party Elites on Public Attitudes in South Africa
Elusive Maya Forest Societies in the Southern Yucatán Lowlands, 1560-1625
Emma Lou Diemer- Toccata for Piano (1979)
EMOtion Capture
Enabling Scientific Reproducibility through FAIR Data Management: An Ontology-driven Deep Learning Approach in the NeuroBridge Project
Endometrial transcriptome in response to intrauterine infusions of secretory proteins from the bovine conceptus
Endometriosis Blanket
Ends of Language in the Anthropocene: Narrating Environmental Destruction in Middle Eastern Speculative Fiction
Energy and Sustainability Policy (ESPBA_BA)
Energy and Sustainability Policy (ESPBS_BS)
Energy Deficiency-related Differences Between Japanese And American Female Athletes
Energy Engineering (ENENG_BS)
Energy Harvesting by Integrating Thermoelectric Generators (TEG) and Phase Change Material (PCM) into the Building Envelope
Energy restriction and physical activity alter the metabolomic profile in the tumor microenvironment and in the plasma in the 4T1.2 mammary tumor model of triple negative breast cancer
Energy, Business and Finance (EBF_BS)
Engineering (undecided) (BCEGN_PMAJ)
Engineering (undecided) (ENGR_PMAJ)
Engineering B. S., Applied Materials (GE_BS)
Engineering B.S., Alternate Energy/Power Generation (GE_BS)
Engineering B.S., Multidisciplinary Engineering Design (GE_BS)
Engineering Science (ESC_BS)
Engineering Technologies
English (ELISH_BA)
English (ENGAB_BA)
English (ENGAL_BA)
English (ENGCA_BHUM)
English (ENGL_BA)
English (ENGUC_BA)
English A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

English as a Second Language

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

English B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

English Competence - Professional Doctorate - FAQs
English Competence - Research Doctorate - FAQs
English Composition

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

English Language

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

English Language and Literature

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

English Literature

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

English Literature

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

English Proficiency of International Teaching Assistants
English Proficiency of International Teaching Assistants 2
English: Language and Composition

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

English: Literature and Composition

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Enhanced production of cellulase and hemicellulase in DDGS-based media by optimizing nitrogen source and salt amendment
Enhancing Energy Performance of Single-Family Housing in Islamabad, Pakistan 
Enhancing Energy Performance of Single-Family Housing through Parametric Modeling
Enrollment Resources
Enrollment Types
Ensemble coding of fatness: Implications for social identity threat and safety
Entangling Narratives: Race, Animality, Disability and the “Science” of Degeneracy in The Island of Doctor Moreau and Dracula
Enterprise Technology Integration, B.S. (ETCHI_BS)
Enterprise Technology Integration, B.S. (ETICA_BS)
Environment and Humanity

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Environmental education for stormwater stewardship
Environmental Management

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Environmental Resource Management (ERM_BS)
Environmental Science

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Environmental Science

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Environmental Science (ENVSC_BS)
Environmental Studies B.A. (ENVBA_BA)
Environmental Studies B.S. (ENVBS_BS)
Environmental Systems Engineering (ENVSE_BS)
Escaping the Inquisition: The Story of Giacob son of Samuel in Early Modern Italy
Estimation of Crash Type Frequency Accounting for Misclassification in Crash Data
Estudiantes Latinx

Información en español para estudiantes latinos y sus familias.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Ethics in America

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Evaluating liquid anaerobic digestate injection vs. surface application for NH3-N conservation and corn yield response
Evaluating Pennsylvania native Mortierella species’ ability to limit Fusarium solani growth and disease
Evaluating the Impact of a Semester-long Social Justice Pedagogy Professional Development Program on Language Instructors’ Engagement with Social Justice Pedagogy
Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of the Social Skills Improvement System—Social-Emotional Learning Brief Scales-Teacher Form
Evaluation Approaches for Energy and Carbon Target Achievement in Single-family Homes
Evaluation Of Demethylation Inhibitor (DMI) Fungicides to Manage Resistant Clarireedia Jacksonii Populations on A Golf Course Fairway
Evaluation of Hybrid Maize Expressing Flavonoids for Fall Armyworm Control
Evaluation of the effects of growing and drying conditions on the nutritional and phytochemical composition of emergency foods in a post-nuclear war scenario.

Join us for Virtual Jersey Day, a special visit for New Jersey Students on Friday, November 6. We know you are already off of school, so we hope you choose to spend some of that time learning about the University so many Jersey students already call home. This event is for high school students who are interested in learning more about both Penn State and its application process

Evitable AI: Rhetorical Speculation in AI Futures
Examining correlations between plasma volume, hydration, and anemia biomarkers in pregnant women in Tanzania
Examining Iron Status, Development, and Behavior in Young Children in the Pennsylvania Foster Care System, an Exploratory Retrospective Medicaid Chart Review
Examining Neural Correlates of Metacognitive Deficits in Individuals Aging with Traumatic Brain Injury
Examining Resilience in Black and Latinx Students in the face of Racial/Ethnic Discrimination
Examining the effects of a creativity-specificity induction on creative divergent thinking and memory in aging
Examining the Moral Significance of Secondhand Sources of Empathy
Examining The Nature Of Complex Urban Flooding Through A Mixed Methods Approach: A Case from Kerala India
Excavating the Castle: Toward a New Historiography of the Gothic
Exceptions to Graduate School Policies in Response to COVID-19 Outbreak

Exceptions to Graduate School Policies in Response to COVID-19 Outbreak

Exceptions to In-Person Participation Requirements for Graduate Benchmark Examinations
Executive Committee

The membership and duties of the Graduate Council Executive Committee


A guide to the Penn State for prospective students and families. Schedule a visit, discover resources demonstrating the Penn State experience on our 20 undergraduate campuses and in our academic colleges, find answers to frequently asked questions and connect with the Penn State community.

Explaining the Design of Insurgent Alliances in Civil Wars
Exploratory (Division of Undergraduate Studies) (DUS_PMAJ)
Exploratory Process
Explore Penn State Abington: Admissions Brochure

Penn State Abington is a residential campus that offers baccalaureate degrees in 21 majors, undergraduate research, the Schreyer honors program, NCAA Division III athletics, and more.

Explore Penn State Beaver - Brochure

Discover the Penn State Beaver advantage. 

Explore Penn State Beaver: Out-of-State Brochure

Discover the Penn State Beaver advantage for students who reside outside of Pennsylvania. 

Explore your Campus
Exploring 3D Printing Technology for Sustainable "HempCobcrete" Structures: Material Science and Design Analysis
Exploring Arts
Exploring Business
Exploring calf microbiome in early phase: a prospective cohort study
Exploring Campus and Community

Many groups like to visit additional areas or points of interest after their Penn State University Park group visit. Groups that are looking to maximize their time on campus and in State College will find these resources helpful in planning to explore the local area. 

Exploring Edge Disentanglement for Node Classification
Exploring Engineering
Exploring Extended Technique on the Saxophone
Exploring Extension Professionals’ Challenges and Strategies for Design, Delivery, and Evaluation of Urban Extension Programs
Exploring Gambia’s Transitional Justice Odyssey: A Historical Overview and Insight from Global Pan-African Perspective
Exploring How First Year Students Adapt to New Social Contexts at PSU
Exploring Human Services
Exploring Humanities
Exploring Life Sciences
Exploring Natural Allies: Identifying Larval Parasitoids for Sustainable Grape Berry Moth Management in Vineyards
Exploring new metals and topological semimetals for interconnects
Exploring Penn State Campuses for First-Year Students

First-year applicants have choices when applying to Penn State. Research your campus options to find the perfect fit for you.

Exploring Potential Contributions of Social Learning to Adaptive Learning Systems
Exploring Preservice Secondary Agricultural Educator Perceptions of Global Issues Integration into Instruction
Exploring Substance-Specific Stigma: Implications for a Nuanced Approach to Stigma Reduction Messaging
Exploring Technology
Exploring the Design Space of Technological Interventions for Menopause: A Systematic Review
Exploring the expression of “past” in Romance: grammaticalization through the lens of an orally transmitted variety in a contact environment
Exploring the Genetic Basis of Flavonoid Accumulation in Young Maize Leaves: Implications for Fall Armyworm Resistance
Exploring the impact of the interference of pain in daily activities and sweetened beverage consumption on emotional eating behaviors in pregnant women
Exploring the Intersection of Religion, Stigma, and Etiology in Addiction
Exploring the potential of using ChatGPT for rhetorical move-step analysis: The impact of prompt refinement, few-shot learning, and fine-tuning
Expression of immune tolerance molecules in peripheral blood leukocytes of dairy heifers during early pregnancy
Extended Contract Beliefs of Pennsylvania Agriculture Teachers
Extended OPT Eligibility
Extensions to Graduate Council Time Limits Due to the COVID-19 Outbreak

This Guidance provides temporary allowances to the following Graduate Council Academic (GCAC) Policy provisions for any degree-seeking student enrolled in the Graduate School for the applicable graduate degrees listed below beginning in the Spring 2020 (SP20) semester.  These temporary allowances DO NOT require an exception request to Graduate Enrollment Services.

Extensions to Graduate Council Time Limits Due to the COVID-19 Outbreak

This Guidance provides temporary allowances to the following Graduate Council Academic (GCAC) Policy provisions for any degree-seeking student enrolled in the Graduate School for the applicable graduate degrees listed below beginning in the Spring 2020 (SP20) semester.  These temporary allowances DO NOT require an exception request to Graduate Enrollment Services.

External Fellowship Programs
External Funding

External funding database and resources


Facility Sneak Peeks - Fitness Center
Facility Sneak Peeks - Res Halls
Faculty and Student Awards Deadline Approaching

November 1 serves as the deadline for a number of the Graduate School’s faculty and student award program nominations. Forms must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration by the November 1 deadline to receive full consideration.

Faculty Awards

Faculty awards and incentive program information.

Faculty Awards and Incentive Programs

Faculty awards and incentive program information.

Faculty Panel for NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Learn about professional etiquette in graduate school and beyond during this two-part series.

Faculty Recognition Awards
FAFSA Reminder

Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.

Failure to enroll: Making Black lives in/visible through anonymizing technologies
Fair Creature of an Hour: Romantic Ballet and Its Affects of Disfigurement
Fair Creature of an Hour: Romantic Ballet and Its Affects of Disfigurement
Fall 2019 Commencement
Fall 2022 Wellness Week
Fall 2023 Welcome Month
Fall Commencement

Every Penn State story begins with a MyPennState profile. Creating a profile takes less than a minute but it gets your Penn State story off to a great start, giving you access to our application this fall and other information about options and opportunities at Penn State.

Fantasy on Indian Folk Songs: Reena Esmail's "Jhula Jhule"
FAQs about Dropping and Phasing Out Graduate Educational Offerings
Fastened Up
Feathers and Wax by Amanda Harberg
Fellowships & Awards

An overview of the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration.

Female Human Animal
Fictional Bodies: Complicit and Complacent Subjects in Contemporary Latin American and Spanish Literature

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Film Production (FILM_BA)
Final High School Transcript

Penn State requires students who have accepted their offer of admission to provide documentation that indicates the student's high school completion status.

Adult learners, as defined by the University, are exempt from this requirement.

Finance (FIN_BS)
Finance (FINCE_BS)
Finance (FNC_BS)
Finance (FNCE_BS)
Financial Accounting

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Financial and Visa Information for International Students

Information for international students on the visa and financial requirements, as well as the steps of this process for attending Penn State.

Financial Wellness: New Year, New Budget
Finding Graduate Support

Information about where to look for graduate student financial support.

Finding social (mis)alignment in elderly and opioid health policy implementation with corpus-assisted discourse analysis
First Generation Graduate School Symposium
Flavonoid Expressing Maize Anti-Herbivory For Fall Armyworm And Corn Earworm Management
Flexible Orthopaedic Implants for Improved Bone Healing
Float, but Move Forward, and Talk
Flourish, a journey for highly sensitive people
Food and Language: The role of written recipes in home cooking practices
Food Options at Penn State
Food parenting as a dynamic process: Changes in firstborn feeding after birth of a secondborn
Food Science (FDSC_BS)
Food Studies

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Food switching during a meal in children
Food variety and portion size combine to influence energy intake at a meal
For the campuses with housing, is on-campus housing guaranteed for students in the 1+3 Program?
Forensic Science (FRNSC_BS)
Foresight: Technology, Memory, and the American Imagination
Forest Ecosystem Management (FOREM_BS)
Forest Technology (2FORT_AS)
Format Review

What and how to submit for format review.

Foundations of Education

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

French A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

French and Francophone Studies B.A. (FRBA_BA)
French and Francophone Studies B.S. (FRBS_BS)
French B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

French Language

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

French Language

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

French Language - Level 1

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

French Language - Level 2

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

French Literature

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions - where you will find the answers for the most often asked questions by other prospective students applying to the Graduate School.

Frequently Asked Questions (continued)

Frequently Asked Questions (continued) - where you will find the answers for the most often asked questions by other prospective students applying to the Graduate School.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Policies

A set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and standard policy information for large groups visiting Penn State University Park. 

Frequently Asked Questions (Page 3)

Find the answers to your Frequently Asked Questions 

Freshman College Composition

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Friendly vs. assertive messages by foreign elites: Testing the effectiveness of digital diplomacy
From Clicks to Collective Action: How Online Activism Promotes Individual Protest Mobilization
From Gas to Electric Stoves: How to Debias Consumers’ Lay Beliefs About Cooking Techniques
From Physical Model Making to Calibrated Digital Model For Tensioned Knitted Textile Structures
From the Dean
From the Dean
From the Dean
From the Dean
From the Dean
From the Dean
From the Spatiality of Oppression and Resistance to the Decoloniality of Space
From Vikings to Muslims: Narratives of Invasion in Medieval England
Functional Data Analytics B.S. (FDTAN_BS)
Fund for Excellence in Graduate Recruitment

Fund for Excellence in Graduate Recruitment (FEGR) program information.

Fund for Excellence in Graduate Recruitment (FEGR) Program Guidelines

Program guidelines for the Fund for Excellence in Graduate Recruitment (FEGR) program.

Fundamentals of College Algebra

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Fundamentals of Counseling

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Future orientation is associated with protective feeding practices and is mediated by perceived stress and household chaos among caregivers with low-income


Gavin Hayes

Penn State Graduate School alumnus Gavin Hayes received the Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Early Career Award on March 24 at the annual GSAS Recognition Dinner. This award was established to recognize alumni who have demonstrated exceptional success in their chosen field within the first ten years after obtaining their graduate degree.

GCAC-101 Graduate Faculty Membership

The purpose of this policy is to define that categories and associated duties/privileges/requirements of membership in the Graduate Faculty.

GCAC-102 Evaluation of Graduate Faculty Teaching

This policy defines the requirements for the evaluation of Graduate Faculty teaching.

GCAC-201 Scholarly and Professional Goals for All Graduate Degree Students

The Pennsylvania State University Graduate Council Scholarly and Professional Goals for All Graduate Degree Students.

GCAC-203 Graduate Course Designations

This policy describes graduate course numbers and which categories of courses may count towards graduate degrees.

GCAC-204 Graduate Course Definitions: 500- vs. 800-Level Courses

This policy defines the distinction between 500-level (research-oriented) and 800-level (practitioner-oriented) graduate courses.

GCAC-205 Concurrent Offering of Graduate and Non-Graduate Courses

This policy prohibits the simultaneous offering of graduate courses (500- and 800-level) and non-graduate courses in the same classroom.

GCAC-206 Graduate Curricular Proposal Requirements
GCAC-207 Degree Program Options

This policy defines that criteria for which an option in a graduate degree program can be offered.

GCAC-208 Dual-Title Graduate Degree Programs

This policy describes underlying goal of and the process by which graduate students may apply and be admitted to a dual-title graduate degree program.

GCAC-209 Concurrent Degrees

This policy defines the conditions under which a graduate student may pursue a concurrent degree.

GCAC-210 Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate (IUG) Degree Programs

This policy defines integrated undergraduate-graduate (IUG) degree programs and describes procedures and guidelines for establishing an IUG program.

GCAC-211 Joint Degree Programs

This policy outlines the criteria for establishing a joint degree program.

GCAC-212 Postbaccalaureate Credit Certificate Programs

This policy describes the criteria and process for establishing a Postbaccalaureate or Graduate credit certificate program.

GCAC-213 Residency and Related Policies for Off-Campus Degree Programs

This policy defines residency and other requirements for graduate degrees classified as off-campus degree programs.

GCAC-214 Collaborative Graduate Education Programs with Institutions Outside of the United States

This policy presents guidelines for establishing collaborations with institutions outside the U.S. involving graduate education.

GCAC-215 Common Course Numbers

This policy defines the graduate common course numbers and special policies and procedures that apply to them.

GCAC-217 Degree Titles

This policy establishes criteria for distinguishing between academic and professional programs degree titles.

GCAC-301 Qualifications for Admission

The purpose of this policy is to set the minimum requirements for admission to a graduate degree program.

GCAC-302 Classification of Students

This policy defines the different classifications for admission to the Graduate School.

GCAC-303 Provisional Admission

The purpose of this policy is to define the conditions under which The Graduate School will offer provisional admission.

GCAC-304 Nondegree Admission

This policy defines the category of nondegree admission.

GCAC-305 Admission Requirements for International Students

The purpose of this policy is to define the minimum requirements for international applicants to be admitted to a graduate degree program.

GCAC-307 Concurrent or Second Doctorates

The purpose of this policy is to define conditions under which individuals may pursue a second doctoral degree.

GCAC-309 Transfer Credit

The purpose of this policy is to define the circumstances under which credits taken while a student was not enrolled in a graduate degree program at Penn State may be applied towards graduate degree requirements at Penn State.

GCAC-401 Grading System

The purpose of this policy is to define the grading system used for graduate courses.

GCAC-403 Corrected Grades

The purpose of this policy is to define circumstances under which graduate students' grades may be corrected.

GCAC-404 Satisfactory Scholarship

The purpose of this policy is to define minimum standards of acceptable academic performance in graduate classes.

GCAC-405 Credit by Examination

The purpose of this policy is to define conditions under which graduate students may earn credits by examination.

GCAC-501 Credit Load

This policy defines the minimum and maximum credit load per semester for full-time academic work in a graduate program.

GCAC-504 Visiting or Auditing a Course

This policy defines how students may attend classes without receiving credit as either visitors or auditors.

GCAC-507 Undergraduate Students Taking Graduate Courses

This policy defines the circumstances under which undergraduate students may take 500- or 800-level graduate courses.

GCAC-508 Change of Degree or Program

This policy describes how students admitted to one graduate degree or program may change to another.

GCAC-510 University Employee Credit Status

This policy defines credit load limits and academic status for University employees enrolled in graduate courses.

GCAC-513 Registration

This policy establishes the requirements for graduate students to be properly registered.

GCAC-514 Continuity of Registration and Resume Study

This policy defines continuity of registration, and the process for readmission to The Graduate School when continuity of registration is not maintained.

GCAC-515 Registration Requirements When Course Work Has Been Completed

This policy defines the requirements for graduate students to register after they have completed all required course work and are nearing completion of their degree program.

GCAC-516 Registration for Work Done Away from Campus

This policy sets requirements for registration for work done away from campus.

GCAC-601 Residency Requirement - Research Doctorate

This policy establishes the minimum residency requirement for students in a research doctorate program.

GCAC-602 Ph.D. Committee Formation, Composition, and Review - Research Doctorate

This policy describes when and how a Ph.D. student’s Ph.D. committee is formed and maintained through the course of his/her degree program of study.

GCAC-603 Ph.D. Committee Responsibilities - Research Doctorate

The purpose of this policy is to identify the duties and responsibilities of the Doctoral Committee – Research Doctorate (hereafter, Ph.D. Committee) in guiding the student in scholarly work and professional development.

GCAC-604 Qualifying Examination - Research Doctorate

This policy establishes the content, form, scheduling, and reporting requirements for the Qualifying Examination.

GCAC-605 English Competence - Research Doctorate

The purpose of this policy is to establish the content, form, timeline, and reporting requirements for assessment of English competence.

GCAC-606 Comprehensive Examination - Research Doctorate

The purpose of this policy is to define the requirements for the second summative assessment of doctoral student progress, the Comprehensive Examination.

GCAC-606 Comprehensive Examination - Research Doctorate

This policy establishes the content, form, scheduling, and reporting requirements for the Comprehensive Examination of a research doctorate program.

GCAC-607 Dissertation - Research Doctorate

The purpose of this policy is to define the final product of a student’s doctoral research effort.

GCAC-608 Final Oral Examination - Research Doctorate

The purpose of this policy is to define the requirements for the final summative assessment of doctoral student progress, the Final Oral Examination.

GCAC-608 Final Oral Examination - Research Doctorate

This policy establishes the requirements of the Final Oral Examination in a research doctorate program.

GCAC-610 Time Limitation - Research Doctorate

This policy sets the maximum time limit for students pursuing a research doctorate (Ph.D.).

GCAC-611 Minor - Research Doctorate

This policy defines the requirements for a minor in a research doctoral (Ph.D.) degree program.

GCAC-630 Admission - Research Master's

This policy sets admission requirements for research master’s degree programs (M.A. and M.S.).

GCAC-631 Degree Requirements - Research Master's

This policy defines the minimum requirements for obtaining a research master's degree (M.A. or M.S.).

GCAC-632 Time Limitation - Research Master's

This policy sets the maximum time limit for students pursuing a research master's degree (M.A. or M.S.).

GCAC-641 Minor - Research Master's

This policy defines the requirements for a minor in a research master's degree program (M.A. or M.S.).

GCAC-642 Culminating Experience - Research Master's

This policy defines the acceptable culminating experiences for the research master's degree (M.A. and M.S.).

GCAC-642 Culminating Experience - Research Master's

This policy defines the acceptable culminating experiences for the research master's degree (M.A. and M.S.).

GCAC-700 Degree Requirements - Professional Doctorate

GCAC-700 defines the minimum requirements for obtaining a professional doctoral degree.

GCAC-701 Residency Requirement - Professional Doctorate

GCAC-701 defines residency requirements for residential professional doctorate degrees awarded by Penn State.

GCAC-702 Professional Doctoral Committee Composition - Professional Doctorate

GCAC-702 defines the composition of the Professional Doctoral Committee in guiding the professional doctoral student in scholarly work toward their degree.

GCAC-703 Professional Doctoral Committee Responsibilities - Professional Doctorate

GCAC-703 defines the duties and responsibilities of the Professional Doctoral Committee in guiding the professional doctoral student in scholarly work toward their degree. 

GCAC-704 Qualifying Examination - Professional Doctorate

GCAC-704 defines the content, form, scheduling, and reporting requirements for the Qualifying Examination. 

GCAC-705 English Competence - Professional Doctorate

GCAC-705 establishes the content, form, timeline, and reporting requirements for assessment of English competence. 

GCAC-706 Comprehensive Examination - Professional Doctorate

GCAC-706 establishes the content, form, scheduling, and reporting requirements for the Comprehensive Examination.

GCAC-707 Professional Doctoral Culminating Experience – Professional Doctorate

GCAC-707 defines the culminating experience required for a professional doctoral degree.

GCAC-708 Time Limitation - Professional Doctorate

GCAC-708 sets the maximum time limit for students pursuing a professional doctorate.

GCAC-709 Minor – Professional Doctorate

GCAC-709 defines the requirements for a minor in a professional doctoral degree program.

GCAC-730 Admission - Professional Master's

GCAC-703 defines the minimum admission requirements for a professional master's degree.

GCAC-731 Degree Requirements - Professional Master's

GCAC-730 defines the minimum requirements for obtaining a professional master's degree.

GCAC-732 Time Limitation - Professional Master's

GCAC-732 sets the maximum time limit for students pursuing a professional doctorate.

GCAC-741 Minor - Professional Master's

GCAC-741 defines the requirements for a minor in a professional master's degree program.

GCAC-742 Culminating Experience - Professional Master's

GCAC-742 defines acceptable culminating experiences for professional master’s degrees.

GCAC-801 Conduct

This policy describes the expectations for graduate student conduct and adjudication of allegations of violation of the Code of Conduct.

GCAC-802 Procedures for Resolution of Problems

This policy describes how a range of concerns and disagreements involving graduate students and other members of the University should be handled.

GCAC-803 Procedures for Termination of the Degree Program of a Graduate Student for Unsatisfactory Scholarship

This policy describes the procedure by which a graduate student is terminated from a graduate program for unsatisfactory scholarship.

GCAC-804 Termination of Assistantships Due to Inadequate Performance

This policy provides guidance to units in dealing with inadequate performance by graduate assistants.

GCAC-902 Student Instructional Assistants in Graduate Courses

The purpose of this policy is to describe when and how students may assist Graduate Faculty members in the instruction of graduate-level coursework (i.e., 500-and 800-level courses).

Gender Equity Center & Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity

Join Session

Gender, Race, and Power
Gendered and Racialized Voter Perceptions of Candidate Quality in Executive and Legislative Elections
Gene Expression in Eastern Oak Species is Impacted by Underlying Site Geology
General Anthropology

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

General Arts & Sciences (GAS_BA)
General Business (2GBBC_AS)
General Paper

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Geobiology (GEOBI_BS)

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Geography B.A. (GEOBA_BA)
Geography B.S. (GEOBS_BS)

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Geosciences B.A. (GSCBA_BA)
Geosciences B.S. (GSCBS_BS)
German A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

German B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

German B.A. (GERBA_BA)
German B.S. (GERBS_BS)
German in Misiones, Argentina - a case of Language Shift due to Verticalization?
German Language

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

German Language

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

German Language - Level 1

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

German Language - Level 2

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Gig Workers' Self-Tracking Practices
GLAGcreates: Poetry as a Medium for Food Security Education.

Complete this interest form and we will help you get your Penn State experience off to a great start by providing you with information about the Penn States application process and sharing opportunities and options across our multi-campus system. 

Global and International Studies (GSBA_BA)
Global and International Studies (GSBS_BS)
Global Citizenship: Change in Agricultural Teacher Candidates from a High Impact Experience
Global Engagement and Leadership Experience: Intensive Intercultural Development Weekends
Global Politics

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Global Studies (GLBST_BA)

This invite-only program will allow you the opportunity to explore the University Park campus, learn about the vast network of resources for students, and connect with your future academic college in a personalized way.

GODS vs. DEMONS Playing Cards
Golf Management (GHHD_NODEG)
Government and Politics

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Government and Politics: Comparative

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Government and Politics: United States

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Government Careers Roundtable

Learn about professional etiquette in graduate school and beyond during this two-part series.

GPA Calculator
GPR44-Dependent Regulation of Immune Checkpoint Control in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
GRADS Access

The Graduate Admissions Decision System (GRADS) is an enterprise-wide online system created and supported by the Graduate School that allows graduate programs to

GRADS Advisory Committee Membership List
GRADS Information

Supporting documents and information for the GRADS system.

GRADS Workshops Q&A

Questions and Answers from the GRADS Workshops under the categories of Test Scores, GRADS, Applications, References, and FERPA


GradSense aims to help graduate students make wise financial decisions that will support their long term academic and professional career goals.

Graduate Admissions
Graduate Assistant Tuition Rate Eligibility Program

Graduate Assistant Tuition Rate Eligibility Program Graduate Assistant Tuition Rate Eligibility ProgramGraduate Assistant Tuition Rate Eligibility Program information and application

Graduate Council

Information related to Graduate Council

Graduate Council Administration Staff Directory
Graduate Council Agenda Materials and Meeting Minutes

Graduate Council Articles of Authority

The Articles of Authority of Graduate Council

Graduate Council Committees

Links to the standing committees of Graduate Council

Graduate Council Curricular Review Important Dates

Important curricular review dates

Graduate Council Curricular Review Process
Graduate Council Curriculum Report
Graduate Council Governance and Policies
Graduate Council Membership

A list of the current members of Graduate Council

Graduate Course Proposal Submission

Guidelines for submitting new graduate course proposals within the Curriculum Review and Consultation System (CRCS).

Graduate Degree Programs
Graduate Education Financial Administration Staff Directory
Graduate Education Policies

The Graduate School's policies are formally approved guiding and governing principles that assist in the conduct of graduate education. Learn more about the Structure and Organization of Graduate Education Policies.

Graduate Educational Equity Programs Calendar
Graduate Enrollment Services Documents and Forms

Links to forms for Graduate School students, faculty, and staff.

Graduate Enrollment Services Staff Directory
Graduate Enterprise Technology Systems Staff Directory
Graduate Exhibition
Graduate Exhibition

The Graduate Exhibition celebrates research and creative scholarship as an integral and exciting part of graduate education at Penn State. Established in 1986, the Graduate Exhibition places special emphasis on communicating research and creative endeavor to a general audience. All Exhibition activities are free and open to the public.

Graduate Exhibition
Graduate Exhibition
Graduate Exhibition (Musical Performances)
Graduate Exhibition Archive of Award Winners
Graduate Exhibition Award Recipients

More than 200 graduate students registered for the 2021 Graduate Exhibition which included 156 graduate student participants in the research poster presentation option, 13 in the visual arts option, 11 in the performance option, 22 in the video option, and nine in the new design option. More than 200 individuals also volunteered to serve as judges.  

Graduate Exhibition Benefactors Prize Communication Skills

W. Howard Cyr and Robert D. Smith share more in common than their love for and loyalty to their graduate alma mater Penn State. Both received master’s degrees and doctoral degrees. Both were also inspired to create endowments in support of the Graduate Exhibition, as an expression of gratitude for the influence Penn State had on their lives and careers.

Graduate Exhibition Calendar
Graduate Exhibition Performances
Graduate Exhibition Presentations
Graduate Exhibition Schedule

Graduate Exhibition 2023

Graduate Exhibition schedule

Graduate Exhibition Visual Arts Display
Graduate Faculty at a Glance
Graduate Faculty Membership - FAQs

This FAQ was developed to answer questions commonly asked about the Graduate Faculty Membership policy.

Graduate Faculty Policies

Graduate Council policies and administrative procedures and national policy statements that affect or may be of interest to faculty and staff

Graduate Faculty Teaching Award

The Graduate Faculty Teaching Award is intended to recognize faculty members for their outstanding teaching performance and advising/supervision of doctoral and terminal degree students. Graduate students, faculty, or staff may submit nominations to the nominee's graduate program professor-in-charge. Each graduate program is limited to one nomination.

Graduate Faculty Teaching Awards
Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration Documents and Forms

OGFAA award program links for faculty and staff.

Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration Staff Directory
Graduate Funding

Financing graduate education at Penn State: types of funding, sources, Graduate School awards, and information for graduate assistants.

Graduate Funding FAQs

Following is a compilation of the most frequent inquiries to the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration.

Graduate Program Chair Leadership Award

The Graduate School Alumni Society Graduate Program Chair Leadership Award is intended to recognize faculty members for exemplary leadership benefiting graduate students and faculty in an existing graduate degree program at Penn State. 

Graduate Program Resources
Graduate School Alumni

Thank you for visiting the Alumni and Friends page on The Graduate School website. Whether you are exploring opportunities for engagement in Graduate School alumni events or seeking information on initiatives advanced by the Graduate School Alumni Society, your interest in maintaining a vibrant connection is sincerely appreciated.

Graduate School Alumni Events Calendar

Events calendar for the GSAS

Graduate School Alumni News and Notes

Check out some of our highlighted alumni and their advice to current and future Penn State graduate students below!

Graduate School Alumni Society

The Graduate School Alumni Society is a constituent society of the Penn State Alumni Association. Our mission is to nurture relationships between graduate students and alumni globally;  enhance the overall graduate experience; advance graduate education and research; and increase graduate alumni membership in the Penn State Alumni Association.

Graduate School Alumni Society Awards

Awards that are supported by the Graduate School Alumni Society

Graduate School Alumni Society Board of Directors – Fall Meeting
Graduate School Alumni Society Board of Directors – Spring Meeting
Graduate School Alumni Society Board of Directors Committees

The Awards Committee plans and implements the Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) alumni recognition program which honors Penn State graduate alumni for outstanding professional achievement and humanitarian service.  The awards are presented in the spring at the Graduate School Alumni Recognition Ceremony.

Graduate School Alumni Society Receives Alumni Association Award

The Graduate School Alumni Society was recognized by the Penn State Alumni Association for outreach to graduate students with selection for the Volunteer Group Award in the Professional Development Category. Alumni Association CEO Paul Clifford presented the award to Alumni Society President Cynthia Mable during the annual Volunteer Awards Ceremony last fall.

Graduate School Alumni Spotlight Series

Check out some of our highlighted alumni and their advice to current and future Penn State graduate students below!

Graduate School Calendar of Events

The Graduate Exhibition celebrates research and creative scholarship as an integral and exciting part of graduate education at Penn State. Established in 1986, the Graduate Exhibition places special emphasis on communicating research and creative endeavor to a general audience. All Exhibition activities are free and open to the public.

Graduate School Commencement




Graduate School Commencement




Graduate School Commencement




Graduate School Commencement

Fall 2022 Commencement
Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.; Bryce Jordan Center



Graduate School Commencement

Fall 2022 Commencement
Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.; Bryce Jordan Center



Graduate School Commencement

Fall 2022 Commencement
Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.; Bryce Jordan Center



Graduate School Directory

Contact information for the staff of the Graduate School

Graduate School Documents and Forms

Links to Graduate School forms

Graduate School Exit Survey Report

Every semester, the Graduate School Exit Survey gives all Penn State graduate students who have activated their intent to graduate the opportunity to provide feedback on their experiences at the university.

Graduate School Funding

Financing graduate education at Penn State: types of funding, sources, Graduate School awards, and information for graduate assistants.

Graduate School Funding Program Administration

This page is designed to provide those faculty and staff who are involved in graduate student awarding processes with direct access to information related to the administration of Graduate School-allocated funding.

Graduate School is More Than a Degree
Graduate School Main Calendar
Graduate School News
Graduate School Summer Commencement Ceremony
Graduate School Teaching Certificate

Penn State graduate students wanting recognition of their commitment to college teaching may earn the Graduate School Teaching Certificate. The Graduate School Teaching Certificate was developed to provide graduate students with an avenue to enhance their teaching skills. The certificate is self-directed and available to all Penn State graduate students who fulfill the following requirements:

Graduate School Website Search Results
Graduate student excellence celebrated at awards luncheon

Penn State President Eric Barron presented 11 awards to more than 30 graduate students in recognition of outstanding achievement during the annual Graduate Student Awards Luncheon, held April 25 at the Nittany Lion Inn.

Graduate Student Excellence in Mentoring Award

The Graduate Student Excellence in Mentoring Award recognizes senior doctoral students for exemplary and effective mentoring of undergraduate and/or new or junior graduate students that significantly contributes to the student’s personal growth, professional development and/or academic success.  

Graduate Student Excellence in Mentoring Award

The Graduate Student Excellence in Mentoring Award recognizes senior doctoral students for exemplary and effective mentoring of undergraduate and/or new or junior graduate students that significantly contributes to the student’s personal growth, professional development and/or academic success.  

Graduate Student International Research Award

The Graduate Student International Research Award promotes and supports graduate student international research and scholarship that has potential for global impact.  The award is to be used for travel, living expenses, and/or research-related costs (e.g., laboratory or fieldwork supplies; specialized software; costs associated with access to or reproduction of special collections; translation fees; etc.). 

Graduate Student International Research Award

The Graduate Student International Research Award promotes and supports graduate student international research and scholarship that has potential for global impact.  The award is to be used for travel, living expenses, and/or research-related costs (e.g., laboratory or fieldwork supplies; specialized software; costs associated with access to or reproduction of special collections; translation fees; etc.). 

Graduate Student Life

There are many resources you can utilize while pursuing your graduate degree at Penn State. Below you'll find more information and links to additional services you have access to as a graduate student. 

If you have any questions, please contact, and you can suggest adding a resource to this page by emailing

Graduate Student Life and Well-Being

The Office of Graduate Student Life and Well-being is designed to enhance the Graduate School’s efforts to support the health and well-being needs of Penn State graduate students.

Graduate Student Life Calendar
Graduate Student Ombudsperson Program

The goal of the Graduate Student Ombudsperson Program is to provide graduate students with a neutral, informal, impartial, and confidential (except in cases in which reporting is required by University policy) resource to discuss problems, issues, and to raise questions and concerns. The ultimate objective of the program is to enhance communication, identify resources and options, and clarify possible misunderstandings to help settle issues without escalation.

Graduate Student Policies

The following are up-to-date policies and procedures that affect students of the Penn State Graduate School. Additional policies are located in Graduate Education Policies.

Graduate Student Profile: James Fraser

For James Fraser, a Ph.D. student in the intercollege molecular, cellular, and integrative biosciences program, studying red blood cell generation is a cause that he can personally understand. That is because he has hemophilia, a bleeding disorder where blood does not clot normally, and understanding blood and the underlying complex roles physiology plays in the blood is important to him.

Graduate Student Self Care Fair
Graduate Student Self-Care Fair

Learn about professional etiquette in graduate school and beyond during this two-part series.

Graduate Student Socialization through Mentored Writing Interactions:Between Empowerment and Marginalization
Graduate Students Seek Solutions to Complex Challenges Through Novel Research

What if you could predict when a civil war would break out in a country? Or, what if there was a way to reverse the nerve damage associated with traumatic brain injury? Two graduate students at Penn State are doing extraordinary research to solve these problems that impact our global society. 

Graduate Welcome Month Calendar
Graduation Ceremony Deferral Requests
Graham Endowed Fellowship

Graham Endowed Fellowship program information.

Grammatical Gender Marking on Pronouns in Pennsylvania Dutch: How Amish and Mennonite Speakers Differ
Grammatical variation in children's acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese
Graphic Design (GD_BDES)
GRATS Information

Supporting documents and information for the GRATS system.

Greater Allegheny
Greater Allegheny
Greek B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Greek Language

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Greek Life
Green play infrastructure: [Re]Connecting children with nature in underserved urban neighborhoods

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Grid Synchronization of renewable sources – a case study
Grid-Coding: An Accessible, Efficient, and Structured Coding Paradigm for Blind and Low-Vision Programmers
GSAD-202 Joint Degree Programs Administrative Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that joint degree students receive the academic and administrative support needed to complete these complex educational programs.

GSAD-204 Schreyer Honors College Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate Degree Programs

This policy allows Schreyer Scholars to create individualized integrated undergraduate-graduate degree programs.

GSAD-205 Intercollege Graduate Degree Programs
GSAD-206 Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)
GSAD-301 Course Abbreviations Used for Transfer Credit

This policy establishes the course abbreviations used to record transfer credit.

GSAD-501 Credit Loads and Academic Status for Graduate Assistants
GSAD-502 Credit Loads for International Students

This policy sets the minimum credit load per semester for international students.

GSAD-503 World Campus Course Registration for Graduate Assistants, Graduate Fellows, and Graduate Trainees and STAP Recipients

This policy describes how graduate assistants, who are required to be registered as resident instruction students, as well as graduate fellows and trainees, who are assessed graduate assistant rate tuition, may register for World Campus courses during the fall, spring and summer semesters; and how eligible graduate students can apply for Summer Tuition Assistance for World Campus courses.

GSAD-504 Withdrawal

This policy defines withdrawal from the University.

GSAD-506 Credit Loads for Graduate Students Utilizing Department of Veterans Affairs Education Benefits
GSAD-510 Thesis Submission

This policy describes the requirements for submitting a thesis for a research master's degree (M.A. or M.S.).

GSAD-511 Graduation

This policy states the administrative requirements for graduation.

GSAD-520 Postdoctoral Fellows, Scholars, and Guests of the University Attending Graduate Classes

The purpose of this policy is to define the conditions under which postdoctoral fellows, postdoctoral scholars, and guests of the University may attend graduate courses for non-credit study.

GSAD-901 Graduate Assistants (formerly PR06)

The purpose of this policy is to provide the definition of and policies for appointing Graduate Assistants.

GSAD-903 Assistantships and Employment for International Students
GSAD-904 Graduate Assistantships for Students in Joint Degree Programs

This policy describes how a student enrolled in a joint degree program may use double-counted courses to be eligible for a graduate assistantship (GA).

GSAD-905 Summer Graduate Lecturer/Researcher (formerly PR17)

To establish Summer Graduate Assistant appointments for graduate students who will be teaching or undertaking research. Graduate students teaching or undertaking research who are eligible to have tuition for summer courses paid by the Summer Tuition Assistance Program (STAP) may also be appointed as a Summer Graduate Assistant. The title for these positions is “Summer Graduate Lecturer/Researcher.”

GSAD-906 Graduate Student Leave of Absence

This policy defines the conditions under which graduate students may request a Short-Term Absence, Extended Absence, or Leave of Absence from their program of study, and the process for resuming their studies.

GSAD-907 Graduate Fellows and Graduate Trainees (formerly PR03)
GSAD-920 Graduate Student Policy for International Travel

To define the requirements for graduate students traveling internationally in keeping with University Travel Policy TR01 International Travel Requirements.

GSAD-930 Exceptions to Graduate Council Academic Requirements

GSAD-930 provides appropriate mechanisms for exceptions to academic requirements defined in Graduate Council policies.

GSAS Early Career Award

The GSAS Early Career Award recognizes alumni who have demonstrated exceptional success in their chosen field within the first ten years after obtaining their graduate degrees.

GSAS Humanitarian Award

The Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Humanitarian Award recognizes an alumnus/alumna holding a graduate degree from Penn State who has made a positive societal impact on the welfare of humankind beyond the responsibilities of one's profession. This includes a significant contribution benefiting one's community, state, and/or nation, or people of other nations.

GSAS Lifetime Achievement Award

The Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes Graduate School alumni who have achieved exceptional success in their profession, and have demonstrated loyalty to the University and Alumni Association.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Guidance for Graduate Assistantships with IUGs, Internships, or Outside Employment
Guide to Graduate Faculty Membership
Guide to Using the Ombudspersons Program
Guidelines and Best Practices for Doctoral Committees
Guidelines for Collaborative International-Concurrent Graduate Degree Programs (CI-CGDP)
Guidelines for Collaborative International-Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate Degree Programs (CI-IUGDP)
Guidelines for Graduate Assistant Paid Leave

This item has moved. Please see GSAD-906 - Graduate Student Leave of Absence.

Guiding Principles for Good Practice

Working relationships between faculty, staff, and students are an important component of graduate education at Penn State. The quality of these relationships can make or break the graduate school experience. The development of a positive learning environment depends on a shared vision of educational values, objectives and expectations. It is the joint responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to work together to nurture this vision, and to encourage freedom of inquiry, demonstrate personal and professional integrity, and insure a climate of mutual respect.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below


H. Steven "Hank" Seifert

Penn State Graduate School alumnus H. Steven “Hank” Seifert received the Penn State Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Lifetime Achievement Award on March 24 at the annual GSAS Recognition Dinner. The award is presented to alumni who have achieved exceptional success throughout the course of their career and have demonstrated loyalty to the University and the Alumni Association.

HACC Virtual Transfer Fair
Haoles in Hawai‘i: Maritime Families, Industry, and Imperialism in Hawai‘i
Harold F. Martin Graduate Assistant Outstanding Teaching Award

The Harold F. Martin Graduate Assistant Outstanding Teaching Award recognizes graduate assistants for outstanding teaching performance. This award is sponsored jointly by the Graduate School, through the Harold F. Martin Graduate Assistant Outstanding Teaching Award endowment, and the Office of the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education. 

Harold K. Schilling Award Recipients

Recipients of the Harold K. Schilling Dean's Graduate Scholarship

Harold K. Schilling Dean's Graduate Scholarship

The Harold K. Schilling Dean’s Graduate Scholarship recognizes outstanding graduate students whose course of study is relevant to science, religion, and ethics.

Harvesting Health: Identifying Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Modulators in Edible Fungi to Illuminate the Path to Gastrointestinal Wellness
headline 1
headline 2
headline 3
Health & Human Development (undecided) (HHD_PMAJ)
Health and Human Development

Health and Human Development (formerly known as Here's to Your Health).

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Health and Human Development Accepted Student Presentation

The College of Health and Human Development Accepted Student Presentation

Health Humanities (HHUM_BA)
Health Humanities (HHUM_BS)
Health Policy and Administration (HPA_BS)
Health Policy and Administration (HPACA_BS)
Health Policy and Administration (HPAUC_BS)
Health Professions Recreational Services
Hemostatic Foam based on Polysaccharide Polyelectrolyte Complexes
High School Course Requirements: 2-Year Degrees

Review the minimum high school course requirements for admission to a two-year (associate) degree program.

High School Course Requirements: 4-Year Degrees

Review the minimum high school course requirements for admission to a four-year (baccalaureate) degree program.

Hindemith Viola Sonata, Op. 25 No. 4
Hindi B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Histidine dose-response effects on lactational performance and plasma amino acid concentrations in lactating dairy cows fed a metabolizable protein-deficient diet

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


A brief summary of the history of graduate education at Penn State

History (HISAL_BA)
History (HIST_BA)
History (HSTAB_BA)
History (HSTBA_BA)
History of the Soviet Union

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

History of the Vietnam War

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

History: Africa

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

History: Americas

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

History: Asia/Middle East

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

History: Europe

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

History: European

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

History: United States

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

History: World

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Holistic Admissions Post-SCOTUS #2024

The mission of Penn State Homecoming is to celebrate tradition and instill pride in all members of the Penn State family through active engagement of students, alumni, faculty and staff across the community.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below

Hong Kong

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Hospitalities: Modern Culture and the Politics of Welcoming
Hospitality Management (HM_BS)
Hospitality Management (HMBK_BS)
Hours and Location - McNair Scholars Program

McNair Scholars Program contact information

hOurworld in Happy Valley: An Interactive Experience
House of Trade: Mestizo Children, Merchant Networks, and Empire Building in Early Modern Colombia
Housing and Residence Life at Penn State

Housing options are available at every Penn State campus giving you a place to live and to learn.

How Aging Shapes Semantic Memory: Exploring the Relationships between Language Abilities, Network Construction, and Word Characteristics on the Structure of Semantic Networks in Younger and Older Adults
How can academic self-promotion be possibly done? A rhetorical analysis of 100 university faculty's teaching philosophy statements
How can I see my admissions decision?
How do archaeologists use maps?
How do different types of morphological awareness in Chinese and English contribute to English reading for Chinese adolescents?
How do I accept my offer of admission to Penn State?
How do I apply for a Visa?
How do I apply for financial aid?
How do I apply to Penn State?
How do I apply to Penn State?
How do I apply to the Schreyer's Honors College?
How do I change my major?
How do I change my starting campus or starting semester/term?
How do I connect with my academic advisor?
How do I contact the admissions office?
How do I decline my offer of admission?
How do I decline the Housing contract?
How do I defer my offer of admission to a future starting semester?
How do I fill out my SRAR?
How do I get a scholarship?
How do I get into an Accepted Student Program (ASP) that's already full?
How do I list summer courses on the SRAR? 
How do I list summer courses on the SRAR? 
How do I order football tickets?
How do I provide English Language Proficiency?
How do I report my GPA?
How do I report my GPA?
How do I submit AP, IB, or Dual Enrollment Credits?
How do I submit my high school transcript?
How do I transfer credits to Penn State?
How do I transfer to University Park?
How do I update a mistake on my application?
How do I update my residency to in-state?
How do I withdraw my application?
How do mutations affect the entire genome? A new paradigm
How do you communicate with students who have an offer of admission?
How does Early Action differ from Early Decision?
How Effective Are Fixed-Effects Models in Fixing the Transit Supply-Demand Bidirectional Interaction?
How many majors does Penn State offer?
How much do meal plans cost?
How much is the acceptance fee?
How much time will it take to complete SRAR?
How much time will it take to complete SRAR?
How Much Will You Share? Exploring Information Privacy Concerns and Sharing Behavior
How serious is your 15-minute rule?
How should a student choose whether or not to have SAT or ACT exam scores considered in the evaluation of their application?
How should I list Dual Enrollment courses on the SRAR? 
How should I list Dual Enrollment courses on the SRAR? 
How theory can inform and be informed by community-engaged research in Southeast Alaska
How to Apply

Thank you for your interest in applying for graduate study at Penn State. Before applying, check out the following resources designed to help you throughout the application process.

How To Avoid The Most Common Mistakes

How to avoid the most common mistakes when writing your thesis or dissertation.

How to Bring a Recommendation, Idea, or Question/Concern to Graduate Council

Describes how Graduate Council members and other members of the University community can bring recommendations, ideas, or questions/concerns to Graduate Council for consideration.

How to Bring a Recommendation, Idea, or Question/Concern to Graduate Council

Describes how Graduate Council members and other members of the University community can bring recommendations, ideas, or questions/concerns to Graduate Council for consideration.

How to Participate as a Non-Graduate Faculty Member
How to Submit a Doctoral Dissertation

Procedures to follow in order to submit a Doctoral Dissertation

How to Submit a Master's Thesis

Procedures to submit a Master's Thesis

How will I indicate interest in Early Action?
How will my A level scores apply?
How will my AP scores apply?
How will my classes transfer to Penn State?
How will my IB scores apply?
How will Penn State make admission decisions without a standardized test score?
How would the 1+3 program affect my financial aid?
Howard B. Palmer Awards

The Howard B. Palmer Mentoring Award was established in 1991 in honor of Dr. Howard Palmer who served as senior associate dean of the Graduate School from 1985-1991. The award is presented to a full-time member of the faculty who demonstrates "effective mentoring through guiding and nurturing the collegial and professional development of junior faculty."

Hudson Webber Performs George Crumb's Sonata for Solo Cello
Human Biology

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Human Capital Management (HCPMG_BS)
Human Culture/Geography

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Human Development and Family Studies (2EHFS_AS)
Human Development and Family Studies (2FSAL_AS)
Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS_BS)
Human Development and Family Studies (HFSAL_BS)
Human Development and Family Studies (HFSCA_BS)
Human Development and Family Studies (HFSUC_BS)
Human Geography

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Human Growth and Development

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Human Resource Management

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Human-Centered Design and Development, B.S (HCDCA_BS)
Humanimal Narratives: Genre and Animality in Contemporary Ethnic Literatures

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Humanities (HUMN_BA)
Humanities (HUMUC_BA)
Humanities and Language


I applied through the Common App. Do I still need to submit a SRAR? 
I applied through the Common App. Do I still need to submit a SRAR? 
I attended more than one high school. How do I complete the SRAR?
I attended more than one high school. How do I complete the SRAR?
I can't find my school in the list. What should I do? 
I can't find my school in the list. What should I do? 
I don't know what subject area to pick. What should I do?  
I don't know what subject area to pick. What should I do?  
I don't plan to participate in the 1+3 Program and still plan to attend the University Park campus this fall. Will there be enough housing and classes?
I have a deferral decision, can I change my major or campus so that I can get an admission decision immediately?
I have a deferral decision, is there a way to get an admissions decision by December 24?
I have a visit scheduled with someone at a campus or from an academic college, is that canceled?
I heard about 1+3 from a friend; can I do it too?
I made an intentional or unintentional error in my SRAR, how do I fix it? 
I made an intentional or unintentional error in my SRAR, how do I fix it? 
I received a deferral decision. What if I don't have a decision by January 31?
I sleep alone
I took a course, but I didn't receive credit. What grade should I select? 
I took a course, but I didn't receive credit. What grade should I select? 
I took the same class more than once. How do I report that on the SRAR? 
I took the same class more than once. How do I report that on the SRAR? 
Iceberg calving and meltwater drainage at the ice-cliff terminus of Helheim Glacier, Greenland
ICU Diaries: A Pilot Program
I'd like to participate in the 1+3 Program, but I'm not sure which new starting campus to choose. How can I decide?
If a student indicates that they want to have SAT or ACT scores used in the evaluation of their application for admission, will Penn State superscore?
If a student is admitted and commits to attending Penn State, will they need to submit SAT or ACT exam scores?
If a student wishes to have SAT or ACT exam scores considered as part of their application, how should they report the scores?
If I participate in the 1+3 Program, what are my options for a new starting campus?
If I participate in the 1+3 Program, will these savings continue beyond my first year?
If I take part in the 1+3 Program, will I still be able to get involved on the University Park campus for my first year?
If I've already received another scholarship from Penn State, will I be able to keep that scholarship and participate in the 1+3 Program?
If my campus of interest has housing available, do I have to live on campus to participate in the 1+3 Program?
If You Have a Reliable Source, Say Something: Effects of Correction Comments on COVID-19 Misinformation
IGDP Outreach

The Intercollege Graduate Student Outreach Achievement Award began in spring 2004 with a  generous donation from alumni Steven E. and Alice R. Linberg and a matching commitment from University Outreach.

IGDP Outreach Award Recipients

Intercollege Graduate Student Outreach Achievement Award Recipients

Illness, Embodiment, and Being: Katherine Mansfield’s (Un)Timely Affiliation with Gurdjieff and the Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man
I'm an admitted student, how can I find out more information about Penn State?
I'm an international student and my school doesn't use the U.S. grading scale. Should I convert my grades? 
I'm an international student and my school doesn't use the U.S. grading scale. Should I convert my grades? 
I'm graduating early. How do I enter my grades and coursework? 
I'm graduating early. How do I enter my grades and coursework? 
I'm reapplying for first-year admission to Penn State. Do I need to resubmit the SRAR?  
I'm reapplying for first-year admission to Penn State. Do I need to resubmit the SRAR?  
I'm seeing someone else's SRAR data when I'm trying to access my SRAR. What should I do? 
I'm seeing someone else's SRAR data when I'm trying to access my SRAR. What should I do? 
I'm slated to enroll at Penn State for the summer – can I still take summer courses?
Immersive Remote Monitoring and Control for Internet of Things
Immersive Simulation-Based Learning (ISBL): Efficacy and Effect of Navigation in the Virtual Environment
Immigrant women's language learning experiences in community-based English literacy programs
Immunology and Infectious Disease (IID_BS)
Impact of Vegetated Infrastructure to Mitigate the Urban Heat Island Effect in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Impact of Wettability on Capillary Phase Trapping using Pore-Network Modeling
Imperial Relations and the Ruins of War, On the Possibility of Global Care in Light of Global Violence
Implementation of Anxiety Screening in Lung Transplant Candidates
Implementing Agricultural Literacy in Pennsylvania Elementary and Middle Schools: Perceptions of Principals
Implementing Nursing Safety Huddles for a Long-Term Care Facility: A Quality Improvement Initiative
Important Deadlines

A calendar of important dates and deadlines in graduate education

Important Policies for Graduate Students
Improving clinical interpretation of performance on a neuropsychological concussion battery by utilizing premorbid IQ
Improving Single-Family Housing in Islamabad (Pakistan) for Energy Efficiency
Incarcerated Until Proven Guilty? An Exploration of Racial Disparities in Pretrial Confinement
Inceptos Mattis
Incorporating methanotrophic flux balance analysis into a detailed model for methane biofiltration systems.
Increasing Compliance of Independent Double Checks for Continuous Intravenous Medication Infusions
Independence’s Others: Decolonial Taiwan in the Transpacific
Independence's Others: Decolonial Taiwan in the Transpacific

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Industrial Engineering (IE_BS)
Industrial Engineering (IESBC_BS)
Industry Immersion Week
Industry Job Search Strategies - Summer Workshop Series
Influence of Grape Cluster Architecture on the Microbiome of Sour Rot Infected and Healthy Grapes
Info about Ombudsperson principles
InfoGCL: Information-Aware Graph Contrastive Learning
Informal mixed-income neighborhoods in Delhi
Information and Communication Technology

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Information and Computer Applications

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Information for Applicants with a GED
Information for Faculty and Staff

General information and related links for faculty and staff of the Graduate School.

Information for Graduate Assistants

Many graduate students at Penn State receive funding packages in the form of graduate assistantships that involve teaching-, research-, or (in a few cases) administrative support-related activities. Below are some important facts pertaining to graduate assistantships (and where applicable, graduate fellowships and traineeships):

Information for Industry Partners
Information for Industry Partners
Information for Industry Partners
Information for Judges

Graduate Exhibition 2023

The Graduate Exhibition features the exciting research and creativity of Penn State graduate students. All members of the Penn State and local community are invited to serve as judges to help select the top presentations and celebrate the achievements of Penn State’s graduate students. The presentations are all designed for a general audience, so no special expertise is needed to be a judge.

Information for Students

Graduate Exhibition 2023

Students may register on the Graduate Exhibition website.

Information for Students
Information for Students
Information for Students
Information for Students Returning to Penn State

Information for students who were once enrolled at Penn State and wish to return to the University.

Information Sciences and Technology (2ISBK_AS)
Information Sciences and Technology (2IST_AS)
Information Sciences and Technology (2ISUC_AS)
Information Sciences and Technology B.S. (ISSCA_BS)
Information Sciences and Technology B.S. (ISSWC_BS)
Information Sciences and Technology B.S. (ISTBS_BS)
Information Sheet for Requesting a Letter of Certification
Information Systems

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Information Systems (INFSY_BS)
Information Technology

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Information Technology B.S. (ITSAB_BS)
Information Technology B.S. (ITSAL_BS)
Information Technology B.S. (ITSBK_BS)
Information Technology B.S. (ITSUC_BS)
Innovative Research Design: Positive Youth Development Through Youth Participatory Action Research with Ukrainian Refugee Youth
Inquire about housing options
Insecticidal 3-deoxyanthocyanidin Flavonoids from Maize and Sorghum to Manage Fall Armyworm
Inside a dog’s mind: A comparison of guardian surveys and cognitive tasks to understand canine cognition
Insights for Culturally Appropriate Genetic Counseling Practices from Qualitative Interviews with Mothers with Transfusion-Dependent-Thalassemia in West-Java, Indonesia Regarding Reproductive Rights
Insights into the oral microbiome of ancient Georgia and its response to urbanization
Instagram Ambassadors
Instagram of Rivers: Facilitating Distributed Collaboration in Hyperlocal Citizen Science
Instant Karma: the role of karmic-investment mindset in charitable giving
In-State Student Experience
Instructions for Chinese Applicants with Missing Information


For Chinese applicants who are in a missing information status, this video will help you understand the steps you need to take to have a completed application for Penn State.

Instructions on using Faculty and Program Evaluation
Integrated and Joint Degree Programs

An integrated undergraduate-graduate (IUG) degree program combines a Penn State baccalaureate degree with a master’s degree as a continuous program of study. Integrated undergraduate-graduate students have the ability to pursue a coherent plan of study through the master’s degree, reduce the total time to completion for the master’s degree, work with the Graduate School faculty, and utilize the Graduate School resources.

Integrated Social Sciences (ISOSC_BS)
Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate (IUG) Degree Programs - FAQs

FAQs on Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate (IUG) Degree Programs.

Integrative Arts (IARAB_BA)
Integrative Arts (INART_BA)
Integrative Science B.S. (SCBS_BS)
Integrative Science B.S. (SCIAB_BS)
Integrative Science B.S. (SCIBK_BS)
Integrative Science B.S. (SCICA_BS)
Integrative Science B.S. (SCIUC_BS)
Intelligent Operation and Control of Microgrids Using Multiple Reinforcement Learning Agents
Intercollege Degree Programs
Intercollege Graduate Degree Programs

When faculty members from departments in two or more colleges collaborate to offer a graduate major, the program is designated as an intercollege graduate degree program. Penn State currently offers more than a dozen such programs, primarily at the doctoral level.

Intercultural online communication during the global pandemic: Polysemiotic pragmatic strategies for effective and cooperative English as a lingua franca synchronous virtual interactions
Interdisciplinary Business with Engineering Studies (IBE_BS)
Interdisciplinary Graduate Training

Penn State has a variety of mechanisms to offer interdisciplinary training. One method is the dual-title program, which is a unique model that fully integrates two fields of study into a single research/thesis problem. The dual-title program offers considerable value-added scholarship for students, along with enhanced methodological/ analytical skills, and broadens students’ employment/career opportunities.

Interdisciplinary Studies
Inter-Domain courses

This page provides information on transfer courses that have multiple attributes or have been designated as satisfying Inter-Domain criteria for multiple Knowledge Domains. Inter-Domain courses each demonstrate how two Knowledge Domains speak to one another and how knowledge in one Domain relates to knowledge in another.

International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

International Business (INTB_BS)
International Politics (INTPL_BS)
International Students

Join Session

International Students: I-20 and financial guarantee details
International Video

Get a glimpse of the student life experience with a series of videos showcasing Penn State.

Internments Elsewhere
Interpreting the Culture War: Universities, Left Cultural Criticism, and the Christian Right
Inter-rebel Alliances in Multiparty Civil Wars
Interviewing Workshop
Introduction and Welcome

Join Session

Introduction and Welcome

Join Session

Introduction and Welcome to Multicultural Outreach

Join Session

Introduction and Welcome to Multicultural Outreach

View Recording

Introduction and Welcome to S.M.A.R.T

Join Session

Introduction from Dean Esters
Introduction to Business

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Introduction to Computing

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Introduction to Geography

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Introduction to Geology

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Introduction to Law Enforcement

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to Multicultural Outreach
Introduction to the Modern Middle East

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Introduction to World Religions

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Invent Penn State

Wherever you are on the entrepreneurial path, Invent Penn State has resources you can use. Our signature programs can help you start up and grow a business, find licensable technologies and investment opportunities, and get to know the Penn State entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Investigating language teachers’ practices and perceptions toward multilingualism in the classroom: A comparative study
Investigating Mn2+ Doped ZnSe Nanocrystals for Use in Photocatalysis
Investigating neural mechanisms supporting attention-based cognitive interventions in older adults
Investigation of the potential of utilizing airport deicing waste as an alternate feedstock in the anaerobic digestion process to increase biogas production
Investigation on Solar NIR-Absorptive Films for Operational Energy Conservation
Invisible Minority: The Experiences of Migrant Nurses Caring for Older Adults in U.S Long-Term Care Facilities. A Preliminary Finding
Irritable bowel syndrome and the nutrition transition: contextualizing modern disease within cultural shifts
Is housing still available?
Is Penn State Division 1?
Is Penn State public or private?
Is there a deadline or expiration date for accepting my offer of admission?
Is there a disadvantage to not doing Early Action?
Is there a minimum grade point average for applicants?
Is there an application fee for undocumented/DACA students?
Is there public transportation on campus?
Islamic Studies

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

IST Accepted Student Program (ASP) Presentation

Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology Accepted Student Presentation.

IST Video Tour: Take a tour of the Westgate Building!

Meet Lexie, a current IST student, and take a video tour of the College of IST’s home – the Westgate Building.

Westgate Self-guided walking tour Penn State: Learning Edge Academic Program (LEAP) PDF

It is not too late to apply

It was war

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Italian B.A. (ITBA_BA)
Italian B.S. (ITBS_BS)
Italian: Language and Culture

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Iterative Design and Prototyping of Computer Vision Mediated Remote Sighted Assistance
IUG Degree Plans Information
I've already applied. How do I add the Schreyer Honors College Application?
I've completed my SRAR, but it won't let me submit it. What should I do?
I've completed my SRAR, but it won't let me submit it. What should I do?



Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

James E. McClure

Penn State Graduate School alumnus James E. McClure received the Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Humanitarian Award on March 25 at the annual GSAS recognition dinner. This award was established to recognize alumni holding a graduate degree from Penn State who has made a positive societal impact on the welfare of humankind beyond the responsibilities of one’s profession.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Japanese (JAPNS_BA)
Japanese B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Japanese Language

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Jekyll and Hyde: Designing the Spectacular and the Intimate for The MUNY Stage
Jewish Studies (JST_BA)
Job Search Strategies Series
Job Search Strategies Series
Job Search Strategies Series
Job Search Strategies Series
Job Search Strategies Series
Job Search Strategies Series
John Ritchie and Common Consent: The Local Politics of Peace and Amnesty in Bleeding Kansas

Share your Penn State pride. Our alumni volunteers are important to the student recruitment process. Join us to help grow the Penn State family by emailing to create your Alumni Admissions Volunteer profile. You will be connected with the program coordinator, and will be notified of our official training to get you volunteering!

Join us on #GivingTuesday - November 27, 2018

On November 27, 2018, Penn State will participate in #GivingTuesday—a day to celebrate philanthropy. During this event, challenges will be held to increase donor activity across the University.

Joint M.D.-Ph.D. student wins international prize, honored during weeklong ceremony in Stockholm

Allison Cleary decided that she wanted to try something different, so the joint degree student who is working on an M.D. and a research doctorate (Ph.D.) in Cell and Molecular Biology at Penn State’s College of Medicine participated in a cancer lab rotation. Ultimately, the desire to expand her personal horizons placed Cleary squarely on a path to international acclaim as the 2015 Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists grand prize winner for her essay, “Teamwork: The Tumor Cell Edition.”


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Journalism (JOURN_BA)



Join Session


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Keeping the Door Open: A Conversation with Penn State Alumni

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


Join Session


Join Session


Join Session

Keynote Speaker

"Building for the Future”: It’s safe to say that Penn Stater & Former NFL Quarterback Wally Richardson may know a little about Leadership and Success. Would you like to learn about grit, success, and building for the future? If so, suit up and get ready for 4th and long.

Keynote Speaker
Kinesiology (KINAL_BS)
Kinesiology (KINBK_BS)
Kinesiology (KINCA_BS)
Kinesiology (KINES_BS)
Konrad Wachsmann’s Shift from Product to Process: Prefiguring Automated Industrialized Building in Architecture Through Developments in “Universal” Building Machines
Korean (KORBA_BA)
Korean A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Korean B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


La Vida en Penn State para Estudiantes Latinos

La experiencia Penn State puede ser diferente para cada estudiante, dependiendo de sus metas e intereses.

Labor and Human Resources (2LHR_AS)
Labor and Human Resources B.A. (LHRBA_BA)
Labor and Human Resources B.S. (LHRBS_BS)
Land as an Indigenous Archive in Yvonne Vera's The Stone Virgins
Landing an Internship
Landing CSS Module
Landscape Architecture (LARCH_BLA)
Landscape Contracting (LSCPE_BS)
Language Barriers, Internal Migration, and the Labor Market: a General Equilibrium Analysis
Language Learning in Transition to a Capital City: Narrative Case Studies of Two Provincial High School Students
Large Group Visitation Resources

Undergraduate Admissions welcomes large groups of 15 or more with registration. Group coordinators groups will find this set of resources useful in helping to plan for a successful trip to Penn State University Park. 


If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Latin American Studies (LATAM_BA)
Latin B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Latin: Literature

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Law and Society (LAWSC_BA)
Leadership Award Recipients

Graduate School Alumni Society Graduate Program Chair Leadership Award Recipients


Join Session


The Learning Edge Academic Program (LEAP) is for incoming first-year students accepted to the University Park campus. The program, which runs during Summer Session II, combines small, cohort-based courses with out-of-class programming and peer-mentoring to help students successfully transition to Penn State.

Leap 2

Join Session

LeapAttack: Hard-Label Adversarial Attack on Text via Gradient-Based Optimization
Learned Experience: Negativity in Firstborns Affects Maternal Feeding of Secondborns
Learning L2 English modality through online concept-based language instruction: A mixed methods investigation
Learning new words and new concepts in a second language: A study combining brain activity and behavioral measurements
Learning to Talk About Motion in L2 Spanish Over Time
Leave of Absence - FAQs

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Legacies of Modernist Play: From Velvet-Strike to Total Refusal
Lehigh Carbon CC Transfer Fair
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Valley
Les Mis: The Video Game
Lester C. Griel, Jr.

Lester C. Griel, Jr., professor of veterinary science at Penn State, is the recipient of the 2014 Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Lifetime Achievement Award. This award recognizes graduate school alumni who have achieved exceptional success throughout the course of their profession and have demonstrated loyalty to the University and the Alumni Association.


Letter of Certification Student Desktop Guide
Leveraging AI and LinkedIn to understand alumni career success
Leveraging Mechanical Flexibility to Improve Bone Healing
LGBTQ+ Identity Disclosures in the Workplace: Exploring the Impact of Justice on Workplace Outcomes
Liberal Arts (undecided) (BCHSS_PMAJ)
Liberal Arts (undecided) (LA_PMAJ)
Liberal Arts Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity at Penn State

The Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity in the College of the Liberal Arts supports access and success of the traditionally underrepresented students in higher education.


'Library 25': City as a generator for the type


Life Span Developmental Psychology

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Like Mother Like Daughter: Maternity, Sexuality, and the Courtesan Mother in 18th-century French and Francophone Literature
Linguistic Rupture, Racialization, and Resistance in Latina/x Feminisms: A Critical Phenomenological Approach
Linguistic Tone in Contemporary Thai Concert Music
Linguistics B. A. (LING_BA)
Lion Scouts Programs

There are many fun ways for Lion Scouts to share their Penn State pride year-round!

List of Penn State Graduate Degree Programs for STEM Fall Open House 2014

List of Penn State graduate degree programs participating in the STEM Fall Open House

Liszt Rigoletto Paraphrase
Livelihood Sovereignty and Social Capital: Analyzing Social Capabilities in times of Economic Transition and Climate Instability
Living Learning Communities

Some on-campus residence halls and apartments have designated floors to bring together students who share common interests and goals.

Living Learning Community
Living-wall Integrated Facades: Incorporating Energy Performance Evaluation in the Design Process Using Digital Simulation
Loïe Fuller's Ecomaterialist Kinesthetics
Loneliness is Associated with Bioenergetic Health in Community-Dwelling Adults
Long-Term Effectiveness of Stream Restoration Activities in the Lititz Run Watershed
Loss of Pramel1 disrupt the retinoic acid-mediated initiation of spermatogenesis
Low fundamental and formant frequencies predict fighting ability among male mixed martial arts fighters
Low-Cost Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Multi-Sensing Monitoring System with Internet of Things Integration
Lower inhibitory control is related to greater food intake across meals varying in portion size
Low-Frequency Wireless Power Transfer with Magnetoelectric Receiver


Machine Learning based Suicide Prediction and Development of Suicide Vulnerability Index for US Counties
Macroeconomics, Principles of

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Madalena, Plaintiff: Violence, Enslavement, and Survival of a Transatlantic Indigenous Woman, 1535-1553
Magnetic, modular, undulatory robot: exploring fish-inspired swimming for advancing underwater locomotion and robotics
MagSonic: Hybrid Magnetic-Ultrasonic Wireless Interrogation of Millimeter-Scale Biomedical Implants with Magnetoelectric Transducer
Main Calendar Upcoming Events
Making a Big School Feel Small
Making Friends at Penn State

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Management (MGMT_BS)
Management (MNGMT_BS)
Management Information Systems

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Management Information Systems (MIS_BS)
Management Information Systems (MISBC_BS)
Management of Graduate Assistantships, Fellowships, and Traineeships for Graduate Students with an Approved Leave of Absence - Guidelines
Management, Principles of

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Manager Approval of GRADS Access Request
Mandarin B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Manipulated Dates and Motivated Votes: An Experiment on Election Schedules and Political Participation under Autocracy
Map and Key of the Kepone Superfund site, State College, PA
Mapping Community Dynamics: Integrating Social and Spatial Perspectives in decoding the functioning of Mixed-income Informal Neighborhoods
Mapping Melville in the Pacific: an atlas
Marc L. Rigas
Marica Bodrozic's "Kirschholz und alte Gefühle" (2012): Photographs of future importance?
Marketing (MKTG_BS)
Marketing (MRKT_BS)
Marketing (MRKTG_BS)
Marketing and Strategic Communications Staff Directory
Marketing, Principles of

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Materials Science & Engineering (MATSE_BS)

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Math Analysis and Approaches

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Math Applications and Interpretation

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Math for Liberal Arts

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Mathematics B.A. (MTHBA_BS)
Mathematics B.S. (MASC_BS)
Mathematics B.S. (MTHBC_BS)
Mathematics B.S. (MTHBS_BS)
Mathematics C

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Mathematics, Applied

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Mathematics, Further

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Mathematics, Pure

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Mathematics: Calculus AB

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Mathematics: Calculus BC

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Matthew S. Hall

Penn State Graduate School alumnus Matthew S. Hall received the Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Early Career Award on March 25 at the annual GSAS recognition dinner. This award was established to recognize alumni who have demonstrated exceptional success in their chosen field within the first 10 years after obtaining their graduate degree. 

McNair Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility requirements to apply for the McNair Scholars Program

McNair FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the McNair Scholars Program.

McNair Program

The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (also known as the McNair Scholars Program) is one of 187 such programs nationwide. First established in 1989 and named after Dr. Ronald E. McNair, this program is designed to help academically talented students from traditionally underserved backgrounds reach their potential by earning a doctoral degree.

McNair Program Papers 2003
McNair Program Papers 2004
McNair Program Papers 2005
McNair Program Papers 2006
McNair Program Papers 2007
McNair Program Papers 2008
McNair Program Papers 2009
McNair Research Journals

McNair Research Journals by McNair Scholars (2003-2019)

McNair Scholars Program Staff Directory
McNair Services

Summary of McNair Services provided to enrolled students

Measuring plasma volume in women of reproductive age – a comparison study of hydroxyethyl starch to other methods of plasma volume measurements
Measuring plasma volume in women of reproductive age – a comparison study of indocyanine green and hydroxyethyl starch
Mechanical Engineering (ME_BS)
Mechanical Engineering (MEAL_BS)
Mechanical Engineering (MEBC_BS)
Mechanical Engineering (MEBK_BS)
Mechanical Engineering (MECA_BS)
Mechanical Engineering BS. (MEENG_BS)
Mechanical Engineering Technology (2MET_AENGT)
Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET_BS)
Mechanical Engineering Technology (METBC_BS)

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Mechanisms/Models for Interdisciplinary Graduate Training

A list of the mechanisms/models for interdisciplinary graduate training at Penn State, along with links to more specific information

Media Studies

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Media Studies (MEDIA_BA)
Medical Laboratory Technology (2MLT_AS)
Medieval Studies (MEDVL_BA)
MedSkim: Denoised Health Risk Prediction via Skimming Medical Claims Data
Meet the Ag Advocates
Meet the Alumni and External Relations Team

Meet the Alumni and External Relations Team

Memory Work in the “Old Cities” of Bethlehem and Hebron
Mendelssohn Piano Trio No. 1, Op. 49, first movement
Mentoring Award Recipients

Howard B. Palmer Mentoring Award Recipients

Mentoring Matters

Success in graduate school depends in large measure on the quality of mentoring the student receives as well as a close and effective working relationship with an advisor. Ideally, a student’s advisor plays a mentoring role, providing advice on a variety of topics including dissertation projects, responsible conduct of research, professional development, and career selection.

Metabolic Equivalent Cut-Points for the Use of Physical Activity Research in Pregnant Women with Overweight and Obesity: An Exploratory Analysis
Metabolically Suppressed Female Runners, As Described By Pre-Season RMR Ratio, Exhibit Poorer Running Performance
Metamorphoses: Storytelling and Scenic Design as Odes to Change
Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (METEO_BS)
Methionine Transcription Factors form a transcriptional hotspot in budding yeast nucleus to promote 3D clustering of co-regulated genes

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Microbiology (MICRB_BS)
Microeconomics, Principles of

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Middle East Studies (MESTD_BA)
Middle Level Education (MLVED_BS)
Migratory Pathways: Violence, Dehumanization, and Survival in Francophone Literatures
Military Honor Cord Ceremony
Millennium Scholars Program

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Millennium Scholars Program.

Millennium Scholars Program: College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Here's a look at our Millennium Scholars, which range from first-year students to a senior majoring in materials science and engineering who is planning a path to a Ph.D.

Millennium Scholars Program: College of Engineering

The Penn State Millennium Scholars Program is designed for high-achieving science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) students who will become leaders in their chosen fields and are committed to increasing the diversity of professionals in STEM-related disciplines.

Mindfulness Enhances Cognitive Functioning: A Meta-Analysis of 101 Randomized Controlled Trials
MINDSTRONG Delivery Method for Penn State Undergraduate Nurses: A Program Evaluation
Mining Engineering (MNGE_BS)
Misfit Between Enacted and Preferred Introversion-Related Behaviors: Associations with Trait Introversion and Implications for Well-Being
Mitochondrial Capacity and Knee Joint Muscle Endurance are Positively Correlated in Physically Active Adults
Moderating Effects of Arterial Stiffness on Cognitive Performance in Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome
Modern Zeus: Drones, Deinos, and Dissuading Dissent
Money and Banking

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Mont Alto
Mont Alto
Morceau de Concert Performance
More Barriers, Less Benefits: LGBTQ+ College Student’s Perceptions Impacting Physical Activity Participation
More than a Hashtag

More Than A Hashtag” #SayHerName #ICantBreathe #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #Justice #Racism We have seen all of these, but how much do they matter? What did they change? We are going to discuss ways on how to find who your ally will be on a college campus and beyond. How to cut through the white noise and get into difficult and productive conversations. Your ally should not just post a trendy hashtag on Insta and that be the only thing. Your ally should roll up their sleeves and get dirty with you in the fight against racism.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Motor unit based synergies in a non-compartmentalized muscle
Multidisciplinary Studies ( 2LAAL_AA)
Multidisciplinary Studies ( 2LACA_AA)
Multidisciplinary Studies ( 2LAUC_AA)
Multidisciplinary Studies (2LAAB_AA)
Multidisciplinary Studies (2LABC_AA)
Multidisciplinary Studies (2LABK_AA)
Multidisciplinary Studies (2LAS_AA)
Multidisciplinary Studies (LAS_BA)
Multidisciplinary Studies (LASAB_BA)
Multidisciplinary Studies (LASAL_BA)
Multidisciplinary Studies (LASUC_BA)

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Music B.A. (MUSBA_BA)
Music B.M. (MUSBM_BMA)
Music Education (MUED_BME)
Music: Theory

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Musical Arts (MUBMA_BMA)
Musical disruption in Parchman Prison, 1961
Musical Theatre (THRMT_BFA)
Must I disclose my status as undocumented/DACA when I apply?
My course name is not on the General Course Title drop-down list. What should I do? 
My course name is not on the General Course Title drop-down list. What should I do? 
My school reports semester grades and final grades. Which grades should I report? 
My school reports semester grades and final grades. Which grades should I report? 
My school uses block scheduling. How do I report that on the SRAR? 
My school uses block scheduling. How do I report that on the SRAR? 

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

MyPennState Portal Information

The MyPennState portal is where Undergraduate Admissions will collect and share information with you as you move through the admission process.



Narrating the Nature of Resources
Narrativizing Undocumented Status: How Immigrants Position Themselves and Navigate Dominant Discourses in their Reclaimant Narratives
Narrowing the gaps between science and society through interactive model of communication
National Institute of Health Proposals Grant Writing Workshop
National Institute of Health Proposals Grant Writing Workshop 2022
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Annual Information Session

Penn State students interested in applying for a 2019 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) are encouraged to attend our annual information sessions:

Learn more

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Applying Tips

Tips for applying for National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships.

National Transfer Student Week

Join the entire Penn State community in celebrating transfer students during National Transfer Student Week (NTSW), from October 18-22.

Natural Sciences

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


Negotiating Homosociality and Masculinities: Pedro Henríquez Ureña and the Ateneo de la Juventud Mexicana
Negotiating the Threshold of Understanding: Comparative Receptions of Singlish Literature and Media

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Nepal Studies

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Networking & Interviewing Workshop
Networking & Interviewing Workshop
Networking & Interviewing Workshop
Networking for International Students Workshop
Networking Workshop
New Applicants

Thank you for your interest in applying to graduate study at The Pennsylvania State University.

New Estimates of the Timing and Tempo of Population Change at Cahokia
New Graduate Student Checklist
New Graduate Student Orientation
New Graduate Student Orientation

The Graduate School’s New Student Orientation is an online, asynchronous, and self-guided format Canvas course. It is available to all incoming graduate students on any Penn State campus, including the World Campus. The Orientation course will remain in a student’s canvas dashboard for the remainder of their time at the University. The Fall 2021 New Graduate Student Orientation Canvas Course will launch in the beginning of August.

New Kensington
New Kensington
New Program Proposals – Off-Campus or Online Delivery
New Program Proposals – Residential, On-Campus Delivery
New Zealand

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below

Newcomer Onboarding: What Helps. What Hinders, and Their Hopes
Next Steps for Accepted Students
Next Steps for Accepted Students
Next Steps for Ag Sciences Accepted Students

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Nitric Oxide-dependent Cutaneous Vasodilation is not Altered in Adults Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join the Undergraduate Admissions Office, the Office of Student Aid, New Student Orientation, and Housing and Food Services to learn about everything you need to do should you decide to attend Penn State!

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nittany Lion Next Steps

Join Session

Nominate Outstanding Graduate Alumni

As the President of the Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS), I have the privilege of meeting so many of our amazing graduate school alums. Be it during Board Meetings, the Career Exploration Workshop, the Graduate Exhibition, or the Doctoral Alumni Reunion, I’m always awed and amazed by the quality of the individuals who have received a graduate education and degree from Penn State University.

Nominate Outstanding Graduate School Alumni

The Graduate School Alumni Society is accepting nominations at this time for three recognition awards—the Early Career Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, and Humanitarian Award. v

Nominations open for Graduate School Alumni Awards

Nominations open for Graduate School Alumni Awards

Non-thermal "sterilization" of powdered foods for Human Gut Bacteria Research
Non-timber forest products: a framework for sustainable management in small forest areas
Not all policymakers respond similarly to science communication strategies: The SCOPE Model as an Example
Novel insight into the role of the vitamin D receptor in the development and function of the immune system.
Novel Insights from Mitochondrial 3D Reconstructions: Preventing Heart Attacks in Older Females
Novel Morphological Processing During L2 Spanish Reading
Novel Verb Reading in First- and Second-Language Spanish
Noventa Millas: Migration history, genomic ancestry, and health disparities among Cuban immigrants and Cuban-Americans in Miami, Florida
NRC Rankings of Research Doctorate Programs

Penn State was one of the largest institutional participants from among 212 universities in the latest National Research Council (NRC) Assessment of Research Doctorate Programs. Sixty-five Penn State programs were ranked in the 2006 assessment with top rankings in Anthropology, Plant Biology, Kinesiology, and Spanish.

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Information Session

Learn about professional etiquette in graduate school and beyond during this two-part series.

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Information Session

Learn about professional etiquette in graduate school and beyond during this two-part series.

Nuclear Engineering (NUCE_BS)
Nullam Ligula
Nursing (for RN's Only)
Nursing (NURS_BSN)
Nursing (Second Degree Option)
Nursing Simulation Laboratory Tour

The Nursing Simulation Laboratory is designed to provide students with hands-on clinical experiences.

Take a closure look by visiting the Sim Lab website.

Nutritional Sciences (NUTR_BS)


Occupational Science B.S (OCCSC_BS)
Occupational Therapy (2OTBK_AS)
Occupational Therapy (2OTUC_AS)
Off-Campus & the State College Area
Office of Graduate Educational Equity Programs Staff Directory
Office of Graduate Enrollment Services

The responsibilities of the Office of Graduate Enrollment Services at Penn State encompass the academic involvement and concerns of all graduate students from the time they apply until they graduate.

Office of Graduate Student Affairs Staff Directory
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of Student Aid
Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean of the Graduate School Staff Directory
Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School

Introduction to the faculty administrators in Penn State's Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School.

Office of Theses and Dissertations

The Office of Theses and Dissertations (OTD) is the unit within GES that certifies electronic theses and dissertations (eTDs) have been prepared in accordance with the standards set by the Graduate Council and the University Libraries. OTD maintains eTDs held for delayed release to Open Access status and uploads eTDs to the University Libraries. In addition, this office coordinates commencement activities for the Graduate School, including the distribution of doctoral diplomas.

OGEEP Grad Gala

Learn about professional etiquette in graduate school and beyond during this two-part series.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Ombudsperson Policies and Procedures
Ombudspersons' Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics
On the Responses to Conflicting Advice
On-Campus Room & Meals
On-Campus Room & Meals
On-Campus Room & Meals
Online Fight or Offline Flight: Black and Asian Women’s Perceptions of and Responses to Cyber Aggression

Openness and Perceptions of Safety in School Environments
Open-source, serverless web-mapping:A Case Study for the Agriculture Industry
Opioid Mis/use 1976-2017: The Role of Marital Status and Parenthood by Gender

Penn State Alumni Admissions Volunteers form a crucial piece of the University's recruitment strategy. Get involved today to start sharing your Penn State pride with future Penn Staters.



Complete this interest form and we will help you get your Penn State experience off to a great start by providing you with information about the Penn States application process and sharing opportunities and options across our multi-campus system. 

Optical Signatures of Dopant Defect Coupling in Vanadium doped Tungsten Disulfide Monolayers
Optimization of Cosolvent Enhanced Lignocellulosic Fractionation for Isolating Lignin with Distinct Structural Features from Switchgrass Using Response Surface Methodology
Optimize Risk-Based Autism Screening Under Limited Diagnostic Service Capacity
Optimizing Lignin Valorization in Biorefinery Systems with Biological Upgrading for Economic Viability
Optimizing Schedules of Reinforcement for Skill Acquisition: A Systematic Review
Optional Alternative Grading for Graduate Students

Whereas, In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Dean of the Graduate School enabled optional alternative grading procedures as an exception to Graduate Council grading policies as authorized in the Bylaws of Graduate Council; and

Oral Microbiome Indicators of Systemic Disease Associated Frailty In Ancient Britain: A Paleoepidemiological Approach
Organizational and Professional Communication B.A. (ORPCM_BA)
Organizational and Professional Communication B.S. (ORPCM_BS)
Organizational Behavior

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Organizational Leadership B.A. (OLBA_BA)
Organizational Leadership B.S. (OLBS_BS)
Other Graduate School Initiatives and Programs

Links to Graduate School initiatives and programs

Our New MaHalle: The Bilingual Political Imaginary of Turkish-German Literature
Out-of-State Accepted Student Programs

As you make your college decision, Penn State wants to make sure you have all the information that you need. Please consider joining us for an accepted student program we are holding in your area for students with offers of admission.

Out-of-State Student Experience
Overview of Graduate Funding for Prospective Students

Types of Graduate Support

Overview of the Graduate Council Curricular Review Process

An overview of the Graduate Council Curricular Review Process

Overview of the Structure and Organization of Graduate Education Policies

Overview of the structure and organization of Graduate Education Policies


P1 - Adding a Minor - Professional Doctorate
P1 - Adding a Minor - Professional Master's
P1 - Adding a Minor - Research Doctorate
P1 - Adding a Minor - Research Master's
P1 - Admission Requirements for International Students
P1 - Approval of a Concurrent Degree Proposal and Integrated Study Plan
P1 - Concurrent Offering of Graduate and Non-Graduate Courses
P1 - Corrected Grades
P1 - Dissertation - Research Doctorate
P1 - Distance Participation Request
P1 - Ending a Graduate Assistantship
P1 - Graduate Curricular Proposal Requirements
P1 - Leave of Absence (Full Semester or Longer)
P1 - Letters of Certification
P1 - Nomination to Membership in the Graduate Faculty
P1 - Ph.D. Committee Formation, Composition, and Review - Research Doctorate
P1 - Postbaccalaureate Credit Certificate Programs
P1 - Posthumous Degree Conferral (Graduate)
P1 - Procedure for CIP Code Requests
P1 - Requesting Exceptions to Graduate Council Academic Requirements
P1 - Satisfactory Scholarship
P2 - Adding a Master's-Along-the-Way
P2 - Approval to Teach 500- and 800-Level Courses
P2 - Determining Academic Eligibility for Admission of International Students – Academic Credentials
P2 - Expedited Review Process for Limited Off-Campus Course Offerings
P2 - Extended Absence with Course Drops
P2 - Graduate Assistantships with IUGs, Internships, or Outside Employment
P3 - Determining English Proficiency for Admission of International Students
P3 - Fulfilling the Essential Elements of Residency in Off-Campus Graduate Degree Programs
P3 - Graduate Program Roles and Responsibilities
PA TRAC: Information for Pennsylvania University/College Transfer Students

Transfer course information for students currently enrolled at a Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education university or a Pennsylvania community college

Packaging and Delivery of Nuclear Targeting Proteins using Paramyxovirus-like Particles
Pain Management Outcomes in Nursing Homes Residents with Dementia and Apathy

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Paramyxovirus-Like Particles for Therapeutic Delivery of Proteins to Cells
Parentheses, Possibility, and the Poetics of Loss in Silverlake Life: The View from Here
Parent-reported obesogenic risk behaviors are associated with higher infant BMI among WIC families
Parents Program

The Penn State Parents Program welcomes you to the Penn State family. We look forward to supporting you as you support your student. We are here to partner with you to ensure your student's success.

Parents report greater concern for increased weight in girls than in boys
Parking Instructions

Instructions for securing your parking reservation when visiting the University Park campus as part of an Undergraduate Admissions Visit Program.

Partisans of the Soil: Speculative Expropriation, Racial Capitalism, and Indigenous Dispossession, 1870 - 1920

Every Penn State story begins with a MyPennState profile. Creating a profile takes less than a minute but it gets your Penn State story off to a great start, giving you access to our application this fall and other information about options and opportunities at Penn State.

Past Event Archive
Past Events

Past Accelerate to Industry events.

Past Events

Past Accelerate to Industry events.

Past Events

Past Accelerate to Industry events.

Paul Robeson Cultural Center

The Paul Robeson Cultural Center provides programs and support services to encourage and cultivate the appreciation and celebration of the diverse perspectives, experiences, and cultures of many under-represented communities at Penn State.

Paul Robeson Cultural Center & Multicultural Resource Center

Join Session

Pay your bill.
Peeling the Rotten Onion: A Three-Year Bacterial Survey of Onion Fields across Pennsylvania and New York
Penn State

How do thousands of individual "me’s" turn into a powerful "us," all to make the world a better place?

Penn State - Educational Value

There are literally hundreds of reasons to choose Penn State. Among the many reasons you might consider Penn State, one stands out: high-quality academics.

Penn State - Get Involved

Penn State offers top-tier academic programs, opportunities for research and engaged scholarship, and a wide range of organizations and activities combine for an experience that is distinctly Penn State. 

Penn State - We Are 101

The most important piece of every “We Are” is the spirit of community behind it. 

Penn State 1+3 Program
Penn State 2+2 Plan

Choose to study at one of our 20 campuses for your first two years and then finish your degree at another campus with the 2+2 plan.

Penn State Abington

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Abington. 

Penn State Abington - The Moment

With the option of completing one of eighteen undergraduate majors at Abington or starting 160+ majors here and completing them at University Park, you will feel the power of community. Seize your moment today, at Penn State Abington.

Penn State Abington - Tour Lions Gate Residence Hall

Lions Gate is Penn State Abington's first residence hall located just off campus. Take a video tour with one of Lions Gate's Resident Assistants!

Penn State Abington (4yr)
Penn State Accelerate to Industry (A2i) Immersion Week
Penn State Admissions - Philadelphia

Our team provides support to Philadelphia area students on all aspects of the college admission process from taking the SAT to applying for financial aid.

Penn State Admissions - Pittsburgh

Our job is to help students successfully navigate the transition from high school to college. We serve as Pittsburgh’s local Penn State resource.

Penn State Admissions Information for First-Year Students

You are a first-year student if you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident who is currently in high school or has completed fewer than 18 college credits.

Penn State Admissions Information for International Students

You are an international student if you require any type of visa to attend Penn State. This includes students living inside and outside the United States.

Penn State Admissions Information for Parents and Families

This section contains information to help parents assess whether Penn State is the right fit for their student and connect to resources for parents at Penn State.

Penn State Admissions Information for School Counselors

School counselors play an important role in the application process, and Penn State hopes to make things as simple as possible for you and your students.

Penn State Admissions Information for Transfer Students

You are a transfer student if you have attempted or completed 18 or more credits at another college or university after high school graduation.

Penn State Admissions: First-Year Poster

Penn State has the opportunities and resources to allow you to explore many different interests while obtaining a high-quality education. With more than 275 majors and 20 undergraduate Campus locations, we have something for everyone.

Penn State Altoona

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Altoona. 

Penn State Altoona - Academics

A brief overview of the academic programs and opportunities available at Penn State Altoona with Dr. Peter Hopsicker, associate dean for Academic Affairs.

Penn State Altoona - Admissions Presentation

Learn about Penn State Altoona and the Admissions process with Cassandra Lewis, a member of our Admissions team.

Penn State Altoona - Athletics

Learn about opportunities available in NCAA Division III athletics, club sports, intramurals, and recreational activities at Penn State Altoona from Brent Baird, director of Intercollegiate Athletics.

Penn State Altoona - Diversity and Inclusion

Learn about diversity and inclusion initiatives at Penn State Altoona with Sue Patterson, director of Student Diversity and Inclusion Programming.

Penn State Altoona - Financial Aid Presentation

An overview of Penn State's financial aid process and resources with David Pearlman, director of Financial Aid at Penn State Altoona.

Penn State Altoona - Health and Wellness

Mental Health Outreach Coordinator Jessica Mock and Student Disability Resources Coordinator Mandi Ronan offer an overview of services and resources provided by Penn State Altoona's Health and Wellness Center.

Penn State Altoona - Student Affairs

Learn about all that Student Affairs has to offer at Penn State Altoona with Dani Fry, associate director of Student Affairs.

Penn State Altoona - Student Experience

Whether you make Penn State Altoona your home for 2 or 4 years, you’ll be part of a supportive community where you can excel in the classroom, build relationships with faculty, and meet some of your best friends.

Penn State Altoona - Virtual Tour

Rachel Fowkes, a Penn State Altoona alumna and current employee, takes you on a virtual tour of our campus.

Penn State Altoona - Welcome

More than 3,000 students call Penn State Altoona home. With its 23 degrees, 60+ student clubs, NCAA Division III athletics, and two campus locations, Penn State Altoona is an exciting living and learning community.

Penn State Altoona (4yr)
Penn State Altoona -2+2 Success Story

Alum Christy Shields, now a meteorologist with WTAJ-TV in Altoona, PA, shares her experiences as a 2+2 student at Penn State Altoona and University Park

Penn State Alumni Admissions Volunteer Code of Conduct

A set of standards and ideals demonstrated by all alumni admissions volunteers.

Penn State Alumni Association Information

More than 174,000 alumni and friends keep their connection to our world-class University strong through membership in the Penn State Alumni Association — the largest and most powerful alumni network in the world.

Penn State Alumni Association Scholarship for Penn State Alumni in the Graduate School

The Penn State Alumni Association Scholarship for Penn State Alumni in the Graduate School provides recognition and financial assistance to students who have been admitted to the Graduate School at The Pennsylvania State University as candidates for a graduate degree and who received their undergraduate degree from the University.

Penn State Alumni Association Scholarship for Penn State Alumni in the Graduate School

The Penn State Alumni Association Scholarship for Penn State Alumni in the Graduate School provides recognition and financial assistance to students who have been admitted to the Graduate School at The Pennsylvania State University as candidates for a graduate degree and who received their undergraduate degree from the University.

Penn State announces search for vice provost, dean of graduate education

Penn State announces search for vice provost, dean of graduate education

Penn State has launched a national search for a new vice provost for graduate education and dean of the Graduate School.

Penn State Beaver

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Beaver. 

Penn State Beaver - Campus Tour

Take a virtual tour of the Penn State Beaver campus. 

Penn State Beaver (4yr)
Penn State Behrend

More than 4,600 undergraduate and graduate students call Penn State Behrend home. With its 40-plus degrees, 120 student clubs, NCAA Division III athletics, and an 854-acre campus, Penn State Behrend is an exciting living and learning community.

Penn State Behrend

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in startingthe admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Behrend. 

Penn State Behrend - Exceptional Faculty

Penn State Behrend's faculty-to-student ratio is 1:15, and our faculty members are accomplished instructors, providing students with a personalized learning experience.

Penn State Behrend - Find Your Place

A playlist of informative videos for students with an offer of admission to Penn State Behrend.

Penn State Behrend - Student Life

With more than 120 clubs and student organizations as well as dozens of concerts, speakers, and other special events held on campus every year, there are always plenty of things to do and opportunities to get involved at Penn State Behrend.

Penn State Behrend (4yr)
Penn State Behrend Accepted Student Presentation

Admissions Counselor Katie Patterson introduces accepted students to Penn State Behrend programs, activities, and the next steps in the acceptance process.

Penn State Berks

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in start ing the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Berks. 

Penn State Berks - Accepted Student Presentation

At Penn State Berks we are often asked "Why do you love Berks?" It's impossible to name just one thing- there are so many amazing aspects to our campus. But when it comes down to it WE LOVE OUR STUDENTS! And we want to give future Penn Staters the opportunity to learn what it's like to be a student at Berks inside and outside of the classroom.

Penn State Berks - Campus Life

At Penn State Berks Students participate in a vibrant and active community. 

Penn State Berks - Housing

Get to know the Penn State Berks community by exploring the on-campus student living options. 

Penn State Berks (4yr)
Penn State Brandywine

Penn State students share how their experience at Penn State Brandywine helped them to achieve their goals. 

Penn State Brandywine

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Brandywine. 

Penn State Brandywine - Experiences

We asked a few of our first-year students and their parents about starting college and moving to campus. See how their answers compare!

Penn State Brandywine - Featured Brandywinners Playlist

What’s a Brandywinner? An involved Penn State Brandywine community member with notable achievements.

Penn State Brandywine (4yr)
Penn State Brandywine- Four-year Engineering

Through a consortium consisting of Penn State Brandywine, Abington, and Great Valley, undergraduate engineering students in the Philadelphia region can now complete their baccalaureate degrees in engineering without leaving the area.

Penn State Brandywine: Accepted Student Admissions Panel

Join our Admissions and Financial Aid teams along with faculty, staff, and current students to learn more about Penn State Brandywine. This webinar is for students who have been offered admission to Brandywine for the 2020-2021 school year.

Penn State Brandywine: Accepted Student- Athletic Panel

Join our Admissions and Financial Aid teams along with faculty, staff, and current students to learn more about Penn State Brandywine. This webinar is for students who have been offered admission to Brandywine for the 2020-2021 school year.

Penn State Brandywine: Accepted Student Faculty Panel

Join our Admissions and Financial Aid teams along with faculty, staff, and current students to learn more about Penn State Brandywine. This webinar is for students who have been offered admission to Brandywine for the 2020-2021 school year.

Penn State Brandywine: Accepted Student- Student Panel

Join our Admissions and Financial Aid teams along with faculty, staff, and current students to learn more about Penn State Brandywine. This webinar is for students who have been offered admission to Brandywine for the 2020-2021 school year.

Penn State Brandywine: Chancellor Message

"I can empathize with how difficult this change has been—both as a chancellor and as a parent." — Chancellor Marilyn J. Wells

Penn State Brandywine-Communication Arts and Sciences

The Communication Arts and Sciences program at Penn State Brandywine is designed to help students develop the skills necessary to communicate effectively in the contemporary workplace.

Penn State Campus Resources

Connect to prospective and admitted student resources at any of Penn State's 20 undergraduate campus locations.

Penn State Campuses

Penn State's multi-campus system has 20 undergraduate locations throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Penn State Career Services

A top-ranked Career Services office and the largest on-campus career fairs east of the Mississippi give Penn State students access to internships and jobs.

Penn State CIRTL Teaching Certificate Program
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences: Brochure

An overview of the opportunities available in the College of Agricultural Science

Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences: Infographic

Insights and highlights about the College of Agricultural Sciences.

Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences: Timeline

A timeline for high school students interested in the College of Agricultural Science.

Penn State College of Arts and Architecture: School of Music

Get a sense of the exceptional facilities in the Penn State School of Music by taking a quick tour. 

Penn State College of Arts and Architecture: Stuckeman School

Get a sense of the exciting experiences that happen in the Penn State Stuckeman School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Graphic Design  by taking a quick tour. 

Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences: Accepted Student Presentation

Information for students admitted into the Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.

Penn State College of Engineering: Accepted Student Presentation

Information for students with an offer of admission to the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Aerospace Engineering

Learn all about aerospace engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Architectural Engineering

Learn all about Architectural Engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Biological Engineering

Learn all about Biological Engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Biomedical Engineering

Learn all about Biomedical Engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Chemical Engineering

Learn all about Chemical Engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Civil Engineering

Learn all about Civil Engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Computer Engineering

Learn all about Computer Engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Computer Science

Learn all about Computer Science, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Data Sciences

Learn all about Data Sciences, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Electrical Engineering

Learn all about Electrical Engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Engineering Science

Learn all about Engineering Science, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Experience

The student experience in the Penn State College of Engineering is described by Megan Vareha.

Penn State College of Engineering: Industrial Engineering

Learn all about Industrial Engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Majors

Learn all about engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Mechanical Engineering

Learn all about Mechanical Engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Nuclear Engineering

Learn all about Nuclear Engineering, the undergraduate experience, career pathways, and the latest advancements in the industry from students, faculty, and alumni of the Penn State College of Engineering.

Penn State College of Engineering: Top Questions Brochure

The Penn State College of Engineering explores the core questions you should consider when you are thinking of becoming an Engineer.

Penn State College of Engineering: We Are

Two Penn State College of Engineering students share their experiences.

Penn State College of Health and Human Development: Accepted Student Presentation

Information for students with an offer of admission to the Penn State College of Health and Human Development.

Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology

Students in Penn State's College of Information Sciences and Technology describe the college and the opportunities it provides.

Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology: Accepted Student Presentation

Information for students with an offer of admission to the Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology.

Penn State College of Nursing: Accepted Student Presentation

Information for students with an offer of admission to the Penn State College of Nursing.

Penn State Comprehensive Studies Program

As part of its land-grant university mission, Penn State is committed to providing access and retention to low-income Pennsylvania students through the Comprehensive Studies Program (CSP).

Penn State Cost and Aid

A Penn State education is an excellent investment in your future. This overview will provide students and families with general information about Penn State’s costs and the types of student financial aid and services that are available.

Penn State Counseling Services

Students are not alone at Penn State. When needed, they can access counseling services for assistance.

Penn State Day 2021

Penn State Day is a university-wide open house program that connects future students admissions representatives and provides opportunities to learn about our top-notch academics, student life, and so much more. 

Penn State Discover Award

Learn the details about the Penn State Discover Award available at our Commonwealth Campuses.

Penn State Division of Undergraduate Studies: Accepted Student Presentation

Information for students with an offer of admission to the Penn State Division of Undergraduate Studies.

Penn State DuBois

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State DuBois. 

Penn State Dubois (4yr)
Penn State DuBois -My Future

Here is the ticket to my future at Penn State DuBois.

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Chemistry Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of the Chemistry Department Whitmore Lab within the Penn State Eberly College of Science.

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Chemistry Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of the Chemistry Department Whitmore Lab within the Penn State Eberly College of Science.

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Facts

Think math is just counting and equations? Today, math and statistics are crucial tools in science, engineering, and digital computing.

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Interdisciplinary Sciences

Whether you’ve dreamed of studying medicine or forensics, want to combine science and business, or would just prefer get a broad education in science— we have a program that could be right for you.

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Interdisciplinary Sciences

Whether you’ve dreamed of studying medicine or forensics, want to combine science and business, or would just prefer get a broad education in science— we have a program that could be right for you.

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Life Sciences

Are you fascinated by the basis of life and living things? Life scientists investigate the structure and function of living things, ranging from small things like molecules to whole living ecosystems.

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Life Sciences

Are you fascinated by the basis of life and living things? Life scientists investigate the structure and function of living things, ranging from small things like molecules to whole living ecosystems.

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Mathematical Sciences

Think math is just counting and equations? Today, math and statistics are crucial tools in science, engineering, and digital computing.

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Mathematical Sciences

Think math is just counting and equations? Today, math and statistics are crucial tools in science, engineering, and digital computing.

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Physical Sciences

Are you interested in matter, energy, and their interactions? A degree in one of our physical sciences majors might be right for you!

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Physical Sciences

Are you interested in matter, energy, and their interactions? A degree in one of our physical sciences majors might be right for you!

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Premedical-Medical

The Penn State Premedical-Medical (PMM) Program is an accelerated seven year program with three years of undergraduate study at Penn State followed by four years at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. 

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Science Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of the Science Complex within the Penn State Eberly College of Science.

Penn State Eberly College of Science: Science Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of the Science Complex within the Penn State Eberly College of Science.

Penn State Enrollment for High School Students

Penn State offers two programs for current high school students: dual enrollment and early college enrollment.

Penn State Fayette

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Fayette. 

Penn State Fayette - Family

Small class sizes, an inclusive dynamic, and personalized academic support are just some of the reasons why Penn State Fayette feels like family.

Penn State Fayette - Hands-on Learning

Learn about our Nursing program, known for small class sizes, state-of-the-science technology, and hands-on learning experiences.

Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus (4yr)
Penn State Global
Penn State Graduate School - Page Not Found

Custom 404 File Not Found error page.

Penn State Graduate School alumna recognized for early career achievements

Penn State Graduate School alumna Yiling Chen received the Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Early Career Award on March 19 at the annual GSAS recognition dinner. This award was established to recognize alumni who have demonstrated exceptional success in their chosen field within the first 10 years after obtaining their graduate degree. 

Penn State Graduate School alumni and graduate student selected for prestigious new fellowship

Three Graduate School alumni and a current graduate student have been named William Penn Fellows by Governor Tom Wolf. The William Penn Fellowship, a two-year program focused on making Pennsylvania a better place to live, was established by Governor Wolf in summer 2016. Over 250 individuals with master’s-level and other advanced degrees applied to the program, which was then narrowed to 23 finalists before selecting the final ten fellows.

Penn State Graduate School Fall Open House

The Penn State Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Fall Open House will be held October 15-18, 2021. The program is designed for underrepresented junior and senior undergraduates who have strong academic records and are interested in applying for graduate programs at Penn State.

Penn State Greater Allegheny

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Greater Allegheny. 

Penn State Greater Allegheny (4yr)
Penn State Harrisburg

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Harrisburg. 

Penn State Harrisburg - Financial Aid

Penn State Harrisburg presents information on completing the steps to access financial aid resources. 

Penn State Harrisburg - Honors Program

The Penn State Harrisburg honors program provides students with opportunities to grow their academic experience.

Penn State Harrisburg - Student Life

Penn State Harrisburg students are part of an active and engaged community. 

Penn State Harrisburg - WE ARE PENN STATE

Students at Penn State Harrisburg are part of a strong and supportive community.

Penn State Harrisburg Multicultural Recruitment and Community Affairs

Our objective is to create a dynamic, multicultural student body at Penn State Harrisburg and to serve the greater Penn State community.

Penn State Harrisburg, The Capital College (4yr)
Penn State Hazleton

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Hazleton. 

Penn State Hazleton (4yr)
Penn State Health

Penn State Health is a multi-hospital health system serving patients and communities across central Pennsylvania.

The system includes Penn State Health St. Joseph Medical Center in Reading, Pa., Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Penn State Children's Hospital, Penn State Cancer Institute, and Penn State Health Rehabilitation Hospital (jointly owned with Select Medical), based in Hershey, Pa., as well as more than 1,300 physicians and direct care providers at 78 medical office locations. The system also has jointly owned health care providers, including Hershey Outpatient Surgery Center, Hershey Endoscopy Center, Horizon Home Healthcare and the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute.

Penn State Housing and Food Services

A brief overview of the campus housing and food services at Penn State. 

Penn State Housing, Food Services and Residence Life

Join Penn State Housing, Food Services and Residence Life to learn about everything you need to do should you decide to attend Penn State!

Penn State Learning

Penn State Learning is a multi-disciplinary academic assistance program that is staffed by peer tutors who are themselves undergraduates, by scholars in residence who are content experts in their respective fields, and by professional and administrative staff members.

Penn State Learning supports individual and group tutoring, learning community development, and collaborative projects with academic departments to assess learning and improve academic assistance resources for undergraduates. 

Penn State Learning

Join Session

Penn State Lehigh Valley

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Lehign Valley. 

Penn State Lehigh Valley - Resources

Manpreet Singh, current business student, gives a tour of some campus resources like, the Learning Center, Library, Multimedia Innovation Center, Career Services, and Fitness Center.

Penn State Lehigh Valley (4yr)
Penn State Majors
Penn State Majors

Penn State offers more than 275 majors, with four-year degrees offered at all 20 of our undergraduate campuses.

Penn State Mont Alto

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Mont Alto. 

Penn State Mont Alto (4yr)
Penn State Mont Alto: Accept Student Presentation

Information for students who have received an offer of admission to Penn State Mont Alto.

Penn State Mont Alto: Student Aid Presentation

Student Aid information for students who have received an offer of admission to Penn State Mont Alto.

Penn State Multicultural Centers

Students from many cultures come together at Penn State to form a vibrant community that welcomes learning and discovery.

Penn State New Kensington

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State New Kensington. 

Penn State New Kensington - According to Recent Graduates

Recent graduates say how they describe Penn State New Kensington.

Penn State New Kensington - Campus Tour

We are Penn State New Kensington, and you're going to love it here! Learn about the campus' academic programs, student life and more.

Penn State New Kensington (4yr)
Penn State New Student Orientation

Penn State New Student Orientation programs aim to provide you and those who support you with programs and services that assist your successful academic, social, and personal transition to, and through, the University.

Penn State Outdoor Orientation Programs: Aurora

AURORA offers new students a distinct entrance into Penn State. In this session, you’ll meet upperclassmen AURORA leaders who’ll share how to meet other first-year students during a fun, relaxed outdoor expedition that is a 3-credit class.

Penn State Paul Robeson Cultural Center PRCC

A message from the Penn State Paul Robeson Cultural Center (PRCC).

Penn State Premedical-Medical Program

The Penn State Premedical-Medical (PMM) Program is an accelerated seven year program with three years of undergraduate study at Penn State followed by four years at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. 

Penn State Principles

The Penn State Principles were developed to embody the values that we hope our students, faculty, staff, administration, and alumni possess.

Penn State Roommate Information

Living with a roommate is typically a part of college life. Learn more about how your roommate is assigned and what to expect when sharing living space.

Penn State Scholarships and Awards

Learn about the opportunities for scholarships and awards from across the University and at our campuses.

Penn State Schuylkill

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Schuylkill. 

Penn State Schuylkill (4yr)
Penn State Scranton

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Scranton. 

Penn State Scranton (4yr)
Penn State Shenango

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Shenango. 

Penn State Shenango (4yr)
Penn State Sloan Scholars

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation provides funding for underrepresented students to pursue doctorates in mathematics, science, and engineering.

Penn State SMART Events

SMART is involved in many events and hosting prospective students throughout the year.

Penn State Smeal College Business: Undergraduate Experience

Build the foundation for a successful future as a student in the Penn State Smeal College of Business. Highly ranked by employers, the Smeal undergraduate experience is enhanced by numerous involvement opportunities and extensive corporate connections.

Penn State Student Aid

Penn State Undergraduate Admissions with the Office of Student Aid shares information about the Student Aid process at Penn State.

Penn State Summer Session

Starting in summer can be a great way to begin you Penn State experience. Many students choose to participate in the Learning Edge Academic Program (LEAP) The program combines small, cohort-based courses with out-of-class programming and peer-mentoring to help students successfully transition to Penn State.

Penn State Tuition and Costs

We know costs are an important factor in any decision to invest in a college education. We want to help you to make an informed choice.

Penn State Undergraduate Admissions Multicultural Outreach

A message from Penn State Undergraduate Admissions Multicultural Outreach.

Penn State University Park

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State University Park. 

Penn State University Park (4yr)
Penn State University Park Academic College Resources

Connect to prospective and admitted student resources at any of the Penn State University Park Academic Colleges.

Penn State University Park Dining Options

Take a quick tour of the Dining options at Penn State University Park.

Dining Information

Penn State University Park From Above
Penn State University Park Housing Options

Take a quick tour of the Housing options at Penn State University Park

Housing Information

Penn State University Park Transportation Options

Take a quick tour of the transportation options at Penn State University Park.

Transportation Information

Penn State University Park Virtual Tour

Join Penn State student tour guides to "tour" the University Park campus. This special virtual tour features building interiors, residence hall rooms, a dining commons and other popular campus locations. 

Penn State University Park Virtual Tour

Join Penn State student tour guides to "tour" the University Park campus. This special virtual tour features building interiors, including two residence hall rooms and a dining commons. Other popular campus locations will be featured as well.

Penn State University Park Virtual Tour

If you are unable to visit University Park in person, check out our virtual tour to see many of the highlights of campus.

Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Virtual Tour
Penn State Visitation Updates
Penn State Visits You!

Connect with admissions representatives at a college fair, high school visit, or information session in your area.

Penn State Wilkes-Barre

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State Wilkes-Barre. 

Penn State Wilkes-Barre (4yr)
Penn State Wilkes-Barre: Campus Tour

Take a tour of campus and get to know a few of the students from the Penn State Wilkes-Barre community. 

Penn State World Campus

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State World Campus. 

Penn State World Campus, Penn State Online (4yr)
Penn State York

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process at Penn State York. 

Penn State York (4yr)
Penn State: First-Year

Learn how Penn State will help you run your future. This brochure showcases important details for first-year Penn State applicants, including information about the application timeline, our 20 undergraduate campuses, and our 275+ academic programs.

Penn State: International Students

Explore the opportunities available for international students to study at Penn State. Learn more about our 20 undergraduate campuses and how a Penn State education can set you up for success.

Penn State: New Student Guide

Learn how Penn State will help you run your future. This brochure showcases important details for first-year Penn State applicants, including information about the application timeline, our 20 undergraduate campuses, and our 275+ academic programs.

Penn State: THON

THON is a student-run philanthropy committed to enhancing the lives of children and families impacted by childhood cancer. 

Penn State: Transfer

Each year, thousands of transfer students apply to Penn State to continue their academic career. Join these students and the Penn State community by earning your degree at one of our 20 undergraduate campuses.

Penn State's Schreyer Honors College

Penn State's Schreyer Honors College is widely recognized as one of the top undergraduate honors programs in the country.

Perceived Fatigue Impact and Cognitive Variability in Multiple Sclerosis
Perceptions of Plain-Sect Community Members on Effects of Drinking Water Quality on the Human and Animal Health
Performance Option

Graduate Exhibition 2023

The Performance Option is open to all graduate students who are pursuing graduate degrees in the performing arts.

Performing Fantasy: Scenarios of the Frontier in Joshua Oppenheimer's "The Act of Killing"
Performing Histories: Archival Embodiment as Rhetorical Historiography
Perpetrators of sexual harassment: Faking resistant measurement of unconscious cognitions

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Personal Finance

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Personalized Intravescial Immunotherapy for Bladder Cancer
Personalized pricing, Competition, and Welfare: Evidence from the US Car Market
Persuasion, Coercion, and Force: Introducing the Rebel Appeals and Incentives Dataset (RAID)

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (PNGE_BS)
Ph.D. Committee Responsibilities - Research Doctorate - FAQs
Pharmacology and Toxicology (TOX_BS)
Phase Engineering of Atomically-thin Half van der Waals Metals and their Use in Sensing
Phenotypic outcomes of the 16p12.1 deletion in an unselected population

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Philosophy (PHIL_BA)


Physical Activity Motivation Associated with Accelerometer Wear Time
Physical Education

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Physical Geography

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Physical Therapist Assistant (2PTA_AS)

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Physics (PHYBC_BS)
Physics (PHYS_BS)
Physics 1

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Physics 2

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Physics B

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Physics C: Mechanics

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Investigations of Ghost Pipe (Monotropa uniflora), a North American Medicinal Plant
Picturing One’s Self: Camera Use in Zoom Classes during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Plan for New Student Orientation.
Planetary Science and Astronomy (PASTR_BS)
Planning Ahead in a Second Language: Predictive Processing and Mood Selection in the L2
Plant Sciences (PLANT_BS)
Plastics Engineering Technology (PLTBC_BS)
Playing “Games” with the Municipal Government: A Study of Gambling Cases in Republican Shanghai
Points of Concern About and Recommendations for Modification to Penn State's Budget Allocation Model
Policy Defintions
Policy Search Result
Political Communication in the streaming oriented-platform, Twitch
Political Science B.A. (PLSC_BA)
Political Science B.A. (PLSCA_BA)
Political Science B.A. (POLSC_BA)
Political Science B.S. (PLSBS_BS)
Polymer Engineering and Science, B.S. (PES_BS)
Portugese A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Portugese B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Positive Youth Development Through Participatory Action Research with Ukrainian Refugees
Postbaccalaureate and Graduate Certificate Advising

Postbaccalaureate and graduate certificates  have become valuable tools for enhancing the skills and knowledge of individuals who have completed a baccalaureate degree and entered the workforce, but may not have the time, financial resources or need for a master’s degree.   Penn State currently offers over 75 postbaccalaureate and graduate certificates across a wide variety of disciplines, both in residence and online.  

Postbaccalaureate and Graduate Certificate Advising

Postbaccalaureate and graduate certificates  have become valuable tools for enhancing the skills and knowledge of individuals who have completed a baccalaureate degree and entered the workforce, but may not have the time, financial resources or need for a master’s degree.   Penn State currently offers over 75 postbaccalaureate and graduate certificates across a wide variety of disciplines, both in residence and online.  

Power Your Penn State Career Connections with LionLink!

You already know the value and power of the Penn State network.

Put that network to work for you using LionLink, a robust career platform built by and for Penn Staters.

Power, Diplomacy, and Interdependent Sovereignty in the Choctaw Nation, 1720-1924
Pramel1 is involved in germ cell homing and the initiation of the first round of spermatogenesis through the retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathway in mice
PRAMEY- a sperm-carried protein that influences paternal DNA methylation in zygotes

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Predicting Carpooling Participation After Offering Monetary Incentives Using Machine Learning Method
Predicting Subsequent Substance Use Based on Momentary Latent Class Membership
Prediction and accelerated laboratory discovery of AMMQ3 compounds using tolerance factor approach
Prediction is Production? Exploring the Relationship Between Language Prediction and Production in Younger and Older Adults
Predictors of Harsh Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic
PreMedical Medical Program
Premedical-Medical (Accelerated Program BS/MD) (PMM_BS)
Premedicine (PM_BS)
Presenting an open-source and cloud-based geospatial tool for risk-informed land use planning in Congo Basin forests
Presidential Leadership Academy

We should all be able to listen to all sides of an issue, to sense the willingness to move forward, and to take that step, and make a decision. As leaders, our aim needs to be to do what we believe is right.

- Dr. Eric Barron, President, Penn State University

Pretty Fucking Lost
Previous Alumni Association Disseration Award Winners 2002-2007

Previous Alumni Association Disseration Award Winners from 2002 to 2007

Principals' Perceptions and the Decision-Making Process on Extended Contracts for Agricultural Education Teachers
Principals’ Perceptions of and Perceived Barriers to Implementing Agricultural Literacy in Pennsylvania Grades K-8
Principles of Finance

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Principles of Financial Accounting

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Principles of Physical Science I

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Principles of Public Speaking

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Principles of Statistics

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Principles of Supervision

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Privilege Walk

Join Session

Probability Matching the Case Marking in German Verb-Preposition Collocations
Problematizing Empathy and Reading the Self Otherwise
Processing foreign-accented speech in noisy conditions in adults and children
Professional and Career Development for Graduate Students
Professional Development

One of the functions of the Office of Graduate Educational Equity is to plan professional development workshops.

Professional Development Opportunities
Professional Etiquette Series

Learn about professional etiquette in graduate school and beyond during this two-part series.

Professional Etiquette Series

Learn about professional etiquette in graduate school and beyond during this two-part series.

Professional Master's Excellence Award

The Professional Master’s Excellence Award recognizes individual student excellence in a professional master's degree program under the Graduate School, in any discipline, based upon the student’s academic record in the graduate program and the quality and impact of the student’s culminating experience, including creative works, performance, and projects conducted in a professional setting.

Professional Master's Excellence Award Recipients

The Professional Master’s Excellence Award recognizes individual student excellence in a professional master's degree program under the Graduate School, in any discipline, based upon the student’s academic record in the graduate program and the quality and impact of the student’s culminating experience, including creative works, performance, and projects conducted in a professional setting.

Professional Photography (PHOTO_BDES)
Program Activities

Summary of program activities provided to enrolled students.

Program Benefits

McNair Program Benefits provided to enrolled students

Program Brochure: Accounting

Accounting is often referred to as “the language of business.” As such, accountants develop and interpret financial data required for decision-making by managers, investors, regulators, and other stakeholders.

Program Brochure: Actuarial Science

The Actuarial Science major at Smeal prepares students for careers in insurance, consulting, finance, and government agencies that demand quantitative and qualitative skills.

Program Brochure: African American Studies

This major helps students achieve a critical understanding of the forms of knowledge, culture, and social organization that African-Americans have produced, and of the social conditions that have supported and constrained this work. 

Program Brochure: African Studies

The major in African studies is a multidisciplinary program designed to offer students the opportunity to develop their understanding of various aspects of the African continent, including its socioeconomic conditions and global relations. The program utilizes historical, cultural, geographical, economic, and political approaches to equip students with skills to undertake research on issues pertinent to Africa and to prepare themselves for careers in a range of professions as well for post-graduate studies.

Program Brochure: Anthropological Science

The Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropological Science provides the opportunity to develop a strong foundation in anthropological theory, research methods, quantification, and laboratory science.

Program Brochure: Anthropology

Anthropology is a holistic scientific discipline having links to the humanities. Anthropologists document, describe, and explain the physical and cultural differences of societies, both past and present. Anthropology sees the individual as part of a larger social order that both impinges upon and is molded by those who belong to it. Anthropology investigates how cultures interact and relate within specific economic, political, and ecological frameworks over time.

Program Brochure: Asian Studies

The major in African studies is a multidisciplinary program designed to offer students the opportunity to develop their understanding of various aspects of the African continent, including its socioeconomic conditions and global relations. The program utilizes historical, cultural, geographical, economic, and political approaches to equip students with skills to undertake research on issues pertinent to Africa and to prepare themselves for careers in a range of professions as well for post-graduate studies.

Program Brochure: Chinese

The major in Chinese is designed to develop skills in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing Chinese, as well as to promote an understanding of the diverse literatures, cultures, and traditions of the Chinese-speaking world, ranging from China itself to Chinese-speaking America

Program Brochure: Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies is concerned with the civilizations of the ancient Mediterranean world, including the ancient Greeks, Romans, and the peoples of Egypt and the Near East. The study of these civilizations includes their languages and literatures, history and politics, religion and mythologies, philosophies, and material culture.

Program Brochure: Communications Arts and Sciences

This major helps students better understand and analyze how people communicate in order to influence others and impact the world around them. The ability to communicate effectively in personal, social, professional, and multicultural situations is an essential skill in modern society.

Program Brochure: Comparative Literature

Designed for students who want to study literature with an interdisciplinary and global perspective, the major in Comparative Literature crosses the boundaries of geography, time, nationalities, languages, and cultures. The world of literature taught draws upon readings from the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, and from many historical periods. 

Program Brochure: Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship

CIENT majors think of creative ways to breathe life into existing product lines or taking advantage of technology to lead a division into new business offerings or new business segments.

Program Brochure: Criminology

This major provides students with a broadly based liberal education focused on the understanding and analysis of crime and justice systems.

Program Brochure: Economics

This major is designed for those who seek a broad understanding of the operation of the economic system and training in the methods and uses of economic analysis.

Program Brochure: Energy Business and Finance

Energy Business and Finance has a highly innovative interdisciplinary curriculum, with core courses in energy and related fields; foundation courses in science and mathematics; and training in business, economics, and finance.

Program Brochure: Energy Engineering

This exciting and unique major is the first of its kind in the country, exploring both the development of alternative sources of energy and conventional fossil fuels. Students study engineering fundamentals, renewable energy, and electrochemical engineering, as well as professional electives in business, finance, and management.

Program Brochure: English

Majors explore the imaginative and practical uses of English through courses in literature, writing, rhetoric, and language. They develop perspectives on human nature and cultural values through American, British, and other English literatures; they learn how to gather, analyze, synthesize, and communicate information; they gain mastery over their language.

Program Brochure: Environmental Systems Engineering

Students in this unique interdisciplinary curriculum study the critical environmental, safety, and health issues associated with the energy and mineral industries. They also study the safe and healthful design of industrial systems so that workers and the environment are protected from potential high risks.

Program Brochure: Finance

Finance focuses on how individuals and business organizations raise money and capital, and how those resources are allocated among competing investment and consumption opportunities. 

Program Brochure: French and Francophone Studies

The B.A. major in French and Francophone Studies encourages students to develop fluency in the language as well as an appreciation of francophone literature and culture. The major can also help to prepare students for interdisciplinary professional careers in which a knowledge of a foreign language is useful.

Program Brochure: Geography

Geographers’ careers include but are not limited to planning, environmental consulting, sustainability, policy analysis, demographics, cartography, remote sensing, and geovisualization. They work for government agencies, non-profit and educational institutions, and industry.

Program Brochure: Geosciences

The majors offered in the Department of Geosciences are aimed at those of you who are passionate about understanding the Earth’s past and securing its future.

Program Brochure: German

German Studies is an interdisciplinary academic sub-field of the Humanities concerned with the languages, literatures, arts, and politics of German-speaking communities in Europe and across the world. 

Program Brochure: Global and International Studies

The interdisciplinary major in Global and International Studies is intended to prepare students for lives and careers in a world that is increasingly interdependent. It reflects a "One World" concept that emphasizes the importance of global perspectives, foreign language study, and education or working experience abroad.

Program Brochure: History

This major provides a broad introduction to the history of the great civilizations of the world and specific areas of historical inquiry. Centered in one of the basic, traditional disciplines, the History major offers invaluable preparation for students interested in a career in government, international relations, law, or librarianship, as well as essential training for those interested in a professional career as an academic or public historian, archivist, or secondary school teacher.

Program Brochure: International Politics

This major, administered within the Department of Political Science, is designed to provide students with a broad, comprehensive education in international politics by offering students options in International Relations, International Political Economy, and Security Studies.

Program Brochure: Italian

The major offers training in the skills required for fluency in Italian and knowledge in Italian culture, civilization, and literature. Its aim is to open to the student both the traditions of one of the major formative components of the Western world and the continuing vitality of modern Italian and Italian-American life.

Program Brochure: Japanese

The Japanese major is designed for students who want to develop proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Japanese, and acquire profound knowledge of Japanese culture, history, and civilization in the context of East Asia.

Program Brochure: Jewish Studies

This major helps students achieve a critical understanding of the forms of knowledge, culture, and social organization that African-Americans have produced, and of the social conditions that have supported and constrained this work. 

Program Brochure: Korean

This major helps students achieve a critical understanding of the forms of knowledge, culture, and social organization that African-Americans have produced, and of the social conditions that have supported and constrained this work. 

Program Brochure: Labor and Human Resources

This major permits students to undertake a study of work and the employment relationship in the context of a liberal arts education. A broad foundation of theoretical and professional knowledge is provided through a multidisciplinary approach. 

Program Brochure: Latin American Studies

This interdisciplinary major is designed for students who want a basic understanding of Latin America.

Program Brochure: Linguistics

This major would allow students to receive a BA degree in Linguistics. Linguistics, which is the study of language as a structural, cognitive, historical, and cultural phenomenon, intersects with many different academic disciplines and career paths. Linguists study how people acquire their knowledge of a language (or multiple languages), how this knowledge interacts with other cognitive processes, and how best to model this knowledge.

Program Brochure: Management

Organizations need leaders—people who can effectively manage organizations and the people in them, as well as develop and implement strategies that will lead to success. Management majors find positions in all industries including professional services and consulting, consumer products, insurance, manufacturing, banking, retail, and more.

Program Brochure: Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems (MIS) lives in the space that intersects technology and business. Our graduates create and use technology tools to improve and benefit businesses.

Program Brochure: Marketing

Penn State Smeal Marketing offers an education balancing the timeless foundations of marketing with leading-edge concepts and tools, connecting theory and practice to enable better business decisions, in a diverse and collaborative environment.

Program Brochure: Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering is the perfect major to prepare you to contribute to building solutions for a better world. Engineered materials impact our lives every day. The development of new materials and the design of new devices and systems make possible the technologies that we enjoy.

Program Brochure: Medieval Studies

This major helps students achieve a critical understanding of the forms of knowledge, culture, and social organization that African-Americans have produced, and of the social conditions that have supported and constrained this work. 

Program Brochure: Meteorology and Atmospheric Science

Our renowned Meteorology and Atmospheric Science program, which is one of the oldest and largest in the nation, spans all areas of the atmospheric sciences. The strength department lies in the diverse knowledge and reputation of our faculty for both teaching and research, and the array of opportunities for students to engage in research projects and extracurricular activities that provide community outreach.

Program Brochure: Mining Engineering

Mining provides the mineral and energy resources for society, including coal, metallic ores, bauxite, phosphates, and salt, as well as the basic building products such as gravel, limestone, and stone that are essential to the nation’s highways, power plants, bridges, and building foundations. Mining engineers are seeking ways to extract essential raw materials without causing undue disturbance to the environment, as well as to prevent pollution and reclaim land mined in the past.

Program Brochure: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

The Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering program provides an up-to-date understanding of all phases of the petroleum and natural gas industry built on a strong foundation of basic science and engineering theory and practice.

Program Brochure: Philosophy

Philosophy is the oldest of the liberal arts, and is often defined simply as the love of wisdom. Philosophy is at the core of the liberal arts tradition and provided the foundation for the modern university, yet it remains highly relevant to life in technologically complex, diverse, global, information driven societies such as our own.

Program Brochure: Political Science

Political science is one of the social sciences. It is the study of systems of governance and governmental institutions, political activity, political thought, and political behavior. Political science draws from many other academic disciplines, including economics, law, sociology, history, philosophy, geography, psychology, and anthropology.

Program Brochure: Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of thought, behavior, and experience. Many people associate psychology with psychological therapy and the practice of clinical psychology. There are also many other important areas of scientific psychology, such as cognitive, developmental, industrial/organizational, and social psychology. 

Program Brochure: Real Estate

This rigorous program of study is designed to prepare students for careers in risk management, or risk analysis (including enterprise risk management and real estate), and government agencies that demand quantitative and qualitative skills needed to meet modern risk assessment requirements.

Program Brochure: Risk Management

This rigorous program of study is designed to prepare students for careers in risk management, or risk analysis (including enterprise risk management and real estate), and government agencies that demand quantitative and qualitative skills needed to meet modern risk assessment requirements.

Program Brochure: Russian

Russian Studies is an interdisciplinary sub-field of the Humanities and Slavic Studies that pertains to linguistics, literature, arts, history, politics, and more.

Program Brochure: Social Data Analytics

Social Data Analytics is an interdisciplinary major that prepares students to participate in both a research environment where “big data” is a major source of insight into social and political processes, and an economy increasingly organized around data analytics.

Program Brochure: Sociology

Sociology is the scientific study of social behavior and human social groups from individual families to nations. Sociology focuses on the ways that social environments, such as family, neighborhood, school, and society influence individuals’ life options, advantages and disadvantages.

Program Brochure: Spanish

Spanish is the native language of nearly 500 million people, making it the second-most widely spoken language in the world. It is an official language in 21 countries, each with a rich history and culture that are reflected in the grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of this one language in its many dialectal variations.

Program Brochure: Student Reference Guide

A student reference guide providing a sample academic plan for the first four semesters in the Smeal College of Business.

Program Brochure: Supply Chain and Information Systems

A supply chain encompasses business functions and enterprises interconnected by resource flows of goods, services, information, and funds. Supply chain management spans these interconnected networks to acquire, produce, and deliver goods and services in our global economy.

Program Brochure: Women's Studies

This interdisciplinary major is designed to develop a broad understanding of the study of women and women's perspectives in all areas of academic scholarship. 

Program Change Proposals – Begin Off-Campus or Online Delivery of an Existing Graduate Degree Program
Program Change Proposals – Changes to an Existing Graduate Degree Program
Program Change Proposals – Major Changes to an Existing Graduate Degree Program
Program Change Proposals – Minor Changes to an Existing Graduate Degree Program
Program Coordinator Approval of GRADS Access Request
Program Drop Proposals
Program Information

Alumni volunteers assist the Undergraduate Admissions Office by sharing their Penn State experiences during prospective and accepted student recruitment activities.

Program Opportunities

The Penn State Tour Guide Program offers additional opportunities to connect with prospective students and work on their professional development. Check some of them out here.

Program Requirements

Detailed information about the program requirements for enrolled students

Programas Académicos en Penn State

Penn State ofrece más de 275 programas académicos y tiene más de 150 años de liderazgo en educación universitaria.

Programs We Support

The Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) was established in 1997 to help support graduate education at Penn State and facilitate professional interaction between Graduate School alumni and graduate students. The Alumni Society supports or sponsors the following programs:

Progressivity in Small Group Discussions in International Teaching Assistant Training classrooms
Project and Supply Chain Management (PSCM_BS)
Project and Supply Chain Management (PSMCA_BS)
Project and Supply Chain Management (PSMUC_BS)
Promise of AI in battle with cancer
Promoting Second Language Development of English Modality Through Online Concept-Based Language Instruction: A Mixed Methods Study
Promoting vegetable intake in preschool children: Independent and combined effects of portion size and flavor enhancement
Promotional Spud Options - Date Finder
Promotional Spud Options - Date Finder
Promotional Spud Options - Day Summary
Promotional Spud Options - Day Summary
Promotional Spud Options - Photo Upcoming
Promotional Spud Options - Photo Upcoming
Promotional Spud Options - Upcoming Tile
Promotional Spud Options - Upcoming Tile
Prospect Presentation
Prospective Implications of Insufficient Sleep for Athletes
Prospective Student Virtual Visits

Penn State offers virtual visit experiences to help guide prospective students through the admissions process. Virtual visit experiences connect prospective students to Penn State resources and provide students with a view of the opportunities available at any of our 20 undergraduate campus locations.

Prospective Students

Penn State's Graduate School is one of the largest in the nation with more than 14,000 graduate students enrolled at the University Park campus, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; Penn State Great Valley; Penn State Harrisburg; and the Penn State College of Medicine. Certain professional degree programs (M.Eng., M.Agr., M.Ed., etc.) are also offered at other locations and through the Penn State World Campus.

We take pride in being one of the largest graduate schools in the nation and in our exemplary faculty and high-quality degree programs, many of which are nationally ranked.

Prospective Students

Instructions for submitting course syllabi for applicants who have not yet been admitted to Penn State and have completed course work at another institution.

Prospective Transfer Students
Provide the required health and immunization information.
Provisional Admission Statuses

Admitted provisionally by the program of study. This is a temporary classification that a student may remain for a period of two semesters following admission and no longer. If the conditions of the provisional admission are not met within this time, it may result in termination from the academic program.

Provost's Award

Learn the details about the Provost's Award available at Penn State’s 20 undergraduate campuses

Próximos pasos para aplicar a Penn State

Estamos muy emocionados de que hayas dado los próximos pasos con Penn State y estas considerando formar parte de nuestra familia! Vamos a ver que son esos pasos para aplicar.


Show us your #PSUVirtualPride! Download one (or all) of these images and set it as your virtual meeting background. 

Psychiatric Hospitalization and perceived safety in a sample of transgender adolescents living in Pennsylvania
Psychological and Social Sciences B.A. (PSSBA_BA)
Psychological and Social Sciences B.S. (PSSBS_BS)
Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Disparities in Pain Treatment Decisions

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Psychology B.A. (PSCBA_BA)
Psychology B.A. (PSHBA_BA)
Psychology B.A. (PSYBA_BA)
Psychology B.A. (PYAUC_BA)
Psychology B.S. (PSCBS_BS)
Psychology B.S. (PSHBS_BS)
Psychology B.S. (PSYBS_BS)
Psychology B.S. (PSYC_BS)
Psychology B.S. (PYSBK_BA)
Psychology B.S. (PYSBK_BS)
Psychology B.S. (PYSUC_BS)
Psychology, Introductory

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Public Policy (PUBPL_BS)


Qualifying Examination - Research Doctorate - FAQs
Qualifying Examination - Research Doctorate - Procedure
Quality of Democracy
Quantifying changes in bed state and grain mobility in steep bedrock rivers through repeat photogrammetric surveys
Quantifying hair morphology with new methods in sample preparation and image analysis
Queering Absence: The Rhetoric of the Homophile Movement


R.E.A.L. Talk (Monthly) Tuesdays
Race and Ethnic Studies B.A. (RETHS_BA)
Rachel C. Sayre

The Penn State Alumni Association has named Rachel C. Sayre, a 2011 graduate of the School of International Affairs, as a recipient of the Penn State Alumni Achievement Award.

Rachmaninoff Prelude in G minor, Op. 23, No. 5
Racial Disparities in Leisure Time Physical Activity and Mental Health Outcomes Among College Aged Students
Racial disparities in the protective effects of leisure time physical activity on mental health outcomes
Racialized Place-Making: An Investigation of Race, Place, and Value
Radiological Sciences (2RSUC_AS)
Radiological Sciences at Penn State New Kensington

Penn State New Kensington's Radiological Sciences Program is a comprehensive academic and clinical-based curriculum.

Rail Transportation Engineering (RTEAL_BS)
Ravel's Alborada del gracioso
Reaching beyond stakeholders in CSR communication: Social marketing and diffusion of innovations theory approach
Reaction is not required to form Turing-like patterns for protein!
Reactivity to food cues and energy intake among women with binge-eating disorder: a pilot ecological momentary assessment study
Reading Access: Disability, Textuality, and the Editorial Tradition of Early Modern English Drama
Reading Resistance in Eleazar’s Elegy
Real Estate (REST_BS)
Real-time Hardware-in-the-loop Microgrid Validation
Recent Actions of Graduate Council

This page provides summaries and links to recent actions of Graduate Council.

Recent Actions of The Graduate School

This page provides summaries and links to recent actions of the Graduate School.

Recommended Practices in Graduate Education

This document suggests examples of recommended practices in each of three core areas for all of the key participants in graduate student education. Programs are encouraged to use these suggestions as a starting point to develop a set of recommended practices that meets the needs of their students.

Recreating History: Bustle Dress
Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (RPTAB_BS)
Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (RPTM_BS)
Redlining Maps and Terrains of Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Mapping of Racialized Redlining to Present-Day Sustainability Agendas in Human Computer Interaction
Reduced Neurovascular Coupling Contributes to Poorer Performance on a Working Memory Task in Older Adults with Metabolic Syndrome
Reformulating Cubanness: Dionysian mysteries and Afro-Cuban ceremonies in the work of Fernando Ortiz
Refugees, Trauma, & Mental Health
Regulation of trans-species microRNAs biogenesis in the parasitic plant Cuscuta campestris
Rehabilitation and Human Services (RHS_BS)
Rehabilitation and Human Services (RHSAB_BS)
Rehabilitation and Human Services (RHSUC_BS)
Reimagining the Delhi Metro
Relationship Between Body Image and Dating Anxiety in Emerging Adults
Relationship between the inner and outer world
Relationship of Negative Parenting, Children’s Executive Functioning and Later Conduct Problems Moderated by Cortisol
Religious Studies

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Requesting GRADS Access
Requirements for Graduate Admission

Academic Eligibility Requirements

For admission to the Graduate School, an applicant must hold a degree from an officially recognized degree-granting institution in the country in which it operates.  Degree must be a:

  1. Baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or
  2. Tertiary (postsecondary) degree that is deemed comparable to a four-year bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution.
Research Ethics

Infomation regarding Penn State's commitment to educating about and promoting research ethics within the University community

Research Presentation Option

Graduate Exhibition 2023

The Research Poster Option is open to graduate students from all disciplines to present their research in person to a general audience on Friday March 24, 1-4 p.m. in the HUB-Robeson Center on the University Park campus.

Residence Halls Safety at Penn State

A commitment to safety helps make on-campus living a place where students can feel welcome and thrive.

Residency Information

Will Penn State consider you a Pennsylvania resident?

Residency Requirement – Research Doctorate - FAQs
Resilient Transportation Systems in Smart Cities
Resource Fair
Resource Use Efficiency, Yield, and Quality of Amaranth Grown as a Summer Leafy Green in Alternative Soilless Systems
Resources about Graduate Assistant, Fellow, and Trainee Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), Dental, and Vision Insurance Plans - Guidelines
Resources and Related Sites
Resources for Adult Students at Penn State

Many offices at Penn State work together to create an environment where adult learners can thrive.

Resources for Transfer Students at Penn State

Review the resources below for more information about Penn State and the application process for transfer students.

Resources on University Budget Discussions

Collection of resources focused on the ongoing discussion related to the Penn State Budget Allocation Model including information on the Academic Program and Portfolio Review (APPR) process.

Respiratory Cases - A Visualisation of the Effects of Climate Change
Respond to your offer of admission.
Restoration Britons Abroad: Diplomacy in the Early Modern Anglo-Spanish World
Resume & Cover Letter Workshop
Resume and Cover Letter Workshop
Resume Study or Change of Major/Degree

If you are looking to resume your academic study, change your major and/or degree, or add a certificate program, you must submit an application. Additional details are available below.

Resume Study, Change of Major/Degree, and/or Add a Certificate

If you are looking to resume your academic study, change your major and/or degree, or add a certificate program, you must submit an application. Additional details are available below.

Rethinking Classroom Discussion: A Framework for Meaningful Contentious Issues Discussion
Review your offer of admission
Review your offer of admission in MyPennState.
Reviewing GRADS Access
Revisiting the Concept of "Triggering" of Code-Switching
Revisiting the Concept of "Triggering" of Code-Switching
Revolutionary Genres in the Asian American and Chicano Movements and Literatures
Rhizomatic Genealogies, Cultural Crossings: The "neo-baroque poststructuralism" in the Caribbean and the Southern Cone (1950-1990)
Rhotic variation in northern Belize
Richest Dietary: Wellness Culture and Vernacular Health Regimens in Late-Medieval England
Rioting As Writing, Writing As Rioting: Towards a South African Black feminsit thought
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Risk Factors for Comorbid Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): A Systematic Literature Review
Risk Management (RM_BS)
RNA-binding protein IGF2BP1 promotes neuroblastoma metastasis in extracellular vesicle-dependent manner
Robert B. Pippin

Penn State Graduate School alumnus Robert B. Pippin received the Penn State Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Lifetime Achievement Award on March 23, 2019, at the annual GSAS Recognition Dinner. The award is presented to alumni who have achieved exceptional success throughout the course of their career and have demonstrated loyalty to the University and the Alumni Association.

Robust Merging of Information
Role of the bovine PRAMEY protein in sperm function during in vitro fertilization (IVF)
Role of Tim-2 in CNS Myelination
Roles of odorant binding proteins in xenobiotic adaptation of the Colorado potato beetle
Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing.

Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing

Connect with an admissions representative in the Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing
Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing

Four-Year Program Deadlines for the Nese College of Nursing undergraduate degree programs. 

Rumination and grazing time differences among lactating organic cow breeds
Rupturing dominant land imaginaries: Exploring community college students' shifting environmental relations within Eastern Kentucky's transitioning land-use paradigms

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Russian (RUS_BA)
Russian A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Russian B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Rustum and Della Roy Award

The Rustum and Della Roy Innovation in Materials Research Award honors interdisciplinary materials research at Penn State which yields valuable, unexpected results and recognizes genuine innovation not previously achieved.

Rustum and Della Roy Award Recipients

Rustum and Della Roy Innovation in Materials Research Award Recipients


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below



Safety at Penn State

Penn State recognizes that on-campus safety is a concern for all students and their families.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Saint Lucia

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Salivary alpha-amylase activity and flow rate explain differences in temporal flavor perception of starch-limonene inclusion complexes
Sanjay Chandran

SAT/ACT scores are not required, but will they be a consideration?
Saudi Arabia

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Scale vs authenticity in tourism development: Preliminary results from three communities in Southeast Alaska
School of Music: Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of the Penn State School of Music and explore some of the world-class facilities.

Schreyer Honors College

An accepted student program for newly admitted students into the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State.

Schreyer Honors College

Join Session

Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College
Schreyer Honors College

A top honors program, the Schreyer Honors College offers students an unparalleled honors education and academic experience.

Schreyer Honors College

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Schreyer Honors College.

Schreyer Honors College Virtual Accepted Student Program

An accepted student program for newly admitted students into the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State.

Science ( 2SCAL_AS)
Science (undecided) (BCSCN_PMAJ)
Science (undecided) (SCIEN_PMAJ)
Science B.S. (SCNBC_BS)
Science Business / M B A (SCBUS_BS)
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment in Pregnant Patients: A Program Evaluation
Sea Foam
Secondary Education (SECED_BS)
Secondary Education, Mathematics (SECBC_BS)
Secondary Education, Social Studies (SESSTBSOSC)
Security and Risk Analysis (SRA_BS)
Security and Risk Analysis (SRAAL_BS)
Security and Risk Analysis (SRABK_BS)
Security and Risk Analysis (SRACA_BS)
Security and Risk Analysis (SRAWC_BS)
See - Sense - Respond: Adaptive Intelligent Robotic Fabrication of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Architectural Panels
See and Respond: A Computer-Vision Based Framework for Materially Informed Robotic Fabrication
Seeing the Future: Mapping Progress in Philadelphia's Environmental Rhetoric
Self Reported Academic Record Video Tutorial Playlist

A Step by step video tutorial, with tips, on how to complete your Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) for Penn State.  

Self-Diagnosis through AI-enabled Chatbot-based Symptom Checkers: User Experiences and Design Considerations
Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR)

SRAR is short for Self-Reported Academic Record, an initiative to ultimately have all future undergraduate applicants to the University submit their high school record as part of the application process, rather than having the school counselors send transcripts for each applicant.

Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR)
Selling Mind Control: Popular Rhetorical Education and the History of "Brainwashing" Science
Semantic Feature Training as a Means to Improve Productive L2 Vocabulary Knowledge
Semantic Scaling
Sending Official Transcripts to Penn State

Information regarding submitting official transcripts from other institutions.

Sensible Bodies: Race and Sentimentalism in Nineteenth-Century France
Sensor-based Detection of Neurocognitive Disorders in a Virtual Environment: An Intelligent Approach
Sensorimotor basis of interactions with moving objects
Sentiment Sediment
September Event
Sequencing biases in language and motor planning: A comparative study of humans and bonobos
Sergei Prokofiev Sonata for Two Violins, Op. 56
Service & Leadership

Do you want to make a difference? Learn how to be a leader? Develop skills that will help you find a job? Create lasting connections? Check out all of the service and leadership opportunities in Student Affairs.

Servicios de Apoyo para Estudiantes Latinx

La comunidad de Penn State ofrece muchos servicios de apoyo a los estudiantes para garantizar su éxito en la universidad.

Sessions - Time
Sex-Differences in Energy Status and Bone Mineral Density in Active Young Adults with and Without Reproductive Disorders
Sex-differences In Within-day Energy Balance In Elite Division 1 Swimmers
Sexual Mentorship and Feminist Resistance in Eighteenth-Century French Literature
Shalom Aleichem, Rov Feidman! by Béla Kovács
Share Your Pride

Students share their pride and excitement about becoming part of the Penn State community. 

Shaver's Creek Environmental Center

Shaver’s Creek is committed to extending Penn State’s Outreach mission of instruction, service, and research. Through quality programs, we teach, model, and provide the knowledge, values, skills, experiences, and dedication that enable individuals and communities to achieve and maintain harmony between human activities and the natural systems that support all living species.

Shaving Off Some Time
Shear-induced unidirectional deposition of bacterial cellulose microfibrils using rising bubble stream cultivation
Sheep in wolf's clothing
Shock diffusion in the United States supply chain network
Should I report my class rank?
Should I report my class rank?
Should We Blame COVID-19 for the Decline in Transit Ridership, or Was It Merely a Stimulant?
Silicon Valley Stories: Repetitions, Recursions, and Infinite Loops
Simultaneous Enrichment of Iron and Zinc in Pea Microgreens Through Agronomic Biofortification
Since Feeling is First: Emotions in Care Ethics

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Site Map
Situating the Ethics, Political Philosophy, and Aesthetics of Anna Julia Cooper
Six Elected to Graduate School Alumni Society Board of Directors

Six Elected to Graduate School Alumni Society Board of Directors 


Join Session

SMART-Free Session

Join Session

SMARTie Spotlight

Join Session

Smartphone-assisted apple scab identification and quantification using artificial intelligence
Smeal College of - Welcome

Join Session

Smeal College of - Welcome

Join Session

Smeal College of Business
Smeal College of Business
Smeal College of Business
Smeal College of Business

Connect with an admissions representative in the Smeal College of Business to learn more about undergraduate academic programs.

Smeal College of Business

Find information and online resources for prospective students interested in starting the admissions process and admitted students who are taking the next steps in the enrollment process in the Penn State Smeal College of Business.

Smeal College of Business - Welcome

Join Session

Smeal College of Business - Accepted Student Presentation

Information for students with an offer of admission into the Penn State Smeal College of Business.

Smeal College of Business - Business and Society House (BASH)

Students in the Smeal College of Business describe their academic journey.

Smeal College of Business - Experience

Students in the Smeal College of Business describe their academic journey.

Smeal College of Business Information Session
Smeal College of Business Majors - Accounting

Smeal four-year bachelor’s degree programs cover critical areas of today’s modern business world and allow you to tailor your academic experience to your unique goals. 

Smeal College of Business Majors - Actuarial Science

Smeal four-year bachelor’s degree programs cover critical areas of today’s modern business world and allow you to tailor your academic experience to your unique goals. 

Smeal College of Business Majors - Corporate Innovation and Entrepreurship

Smeal four-year bachelor’s degree programs cover critical areas of today’s modern business world and allow you to tailor your academic experience to your unique goals. 

Smeal College of Business Majors - Enterprise Risk Management

Smeal four-year bachelor’s degree programs cover critical areas of today’s modern business world and allow you to tailor your academic experience to your unique goals. 

Smeal College of Business Majors - Finance

Smeal four-year bachelor’s degree programs cover critical areas of today’s modern business world and allow you to tailor your academic experience to your unique goals. 

Smeal College of Business Majors - Management

Smeal four-year bachelor’s degree programs cover critical areas of today’s modern business world and allow you to tailor your academic experience to your unique goals. 

Smeal College of Business Majors - Management Information Systems

Smeal four-year bachelor’s degree programs cover critical areas of today’s modern business world and allow you to tailor your academic experience to your unique goals. 

Smeal College of Business Majors - Marketing

Smeal four-year bachelor’s degree programs cover critical areas of today’s modern business world and allow you to tailor your academic experience to your unique goals. 

Smeal College of Business Majors - Real Estate

Smeal four-year bachelor’s degree programs cover critical areas of today’s modern business world and allow you to tailor your academic experience to your unique goals. 

Smeal College of Business Majors - Supply Chain and Information Systems

Smeal four-year bachelor’s degree programs cover critical areas of today’s modern business world and allow you to tailor your academic experience to your unique goals. 

Smeal College of Business- Resource

Join Session

Smeal College of Business Resources Session
Smooth pursuit eye movements contribute to anticipatory force control during mechanical stopping of moving objects
SMS Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions regarding SMS messaging communications from the Penn State Undergraduate Admissions Office. 

Social Data Analytics (SODA_BS)
Social Justice Experience

Join Session

Social Media
Social Sciences
Social Sciences and History

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Social Work (SOCWK_BSW)

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Sociology B.A. (SOCBA_BA)
Sociology B.S. (SOCBS_BS)
Sociology B.S. (SOCIO_BS)
Sociology, Introductory

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Software Engineering (SEBC_BS)
Soil health under shade-grown coffee in Costa Rica
Somos Penn State Berks

¡Somos Penn State Berks! Tenemos profesores quien hablan español, y múltiplos programas y clubs para estudiantes hispanos. ¡Bienvenidos a la institución de Penn State!

Sonic Profanations: Auditory Disruptions of the Viceregal Space in Enrique Serna’s "Ángeles del abismo"
Sounak Gupta

Penn State Graduate School alumnus Sounak Gupta received the Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) Early Career Award on March 27, 2021, at the annual GSAS Doctoral Alumni Recognition Ceremony. This award was established to recognize alumni who have demonstrated exceptional success in their chosen field within the first ten years after obtaining their graduate degree. 

South Africa

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

South Korea

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Sovereignty and Leisure: Native American Heritage Tourism in the Segregated South, 1949-1964

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below

Spanish - Literature

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Spanish A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Spanish B

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Spanish B.A. (SPNBA_BA)
Spanish B.S. (SPNBS_BS)
Spanish Language

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Spanish Language

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Spanish Language - Level 1

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Spanish Language - Level 2

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Spanish Literature

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Spanish with Writing - Level 1

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Spanish with Writing - Level 2

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Spatial variation in forest owners' perspective of prescribed fire use in the Mid-Atlantic USA
Spatially resolving structure-behavior relations in additive manufactured adaptive materials
Spatio-temporal Heterogeneity in Snow and Glacier Melt Runoff: Implications for Water Management in the Western Himalayas Transboundary Chenab River Basin
Special Education (SPLED_BS)
Speculative Formations: Trans Poetry, Taxonomies, and Communities in the German, Lesbian Magazine Die Freundin (1924-1933)
Speed Breeding Disease Resistant Rice Using Novel Precision Genome Editing Tools
Spend a Summer Day

Spend A Summer Day is a university-wide virtual open house for prospective students and families to explore opportunities at any of Penn State's 20 undergraduate campus locations.

Spend A Summer Day
Spend a Summer Day 2022

Spend a Summer Day is a university-wide open house program that connects future students admissions representatives and provides opportunities to learn about our top-notch academics, student life, and so much more. 

Spend A Summer Day 2022 - Agenda
Spend A Summer Day 2022 - Event

Spend A Summer Day 2021 is a university-wide virtual open house for prospective students and families to explore opportunities at any of Penn State's 20 undergraduate campus locations.

Spend A Summer Day 2022 - Transfer Details
Spend A Summer Day 2024 - Details
Sport Specific Stress is Associated with Eating Attitudes and Metabolic Compensation in Collegiate Female and Male Endurance Athletes
Sports and Staying Active on Campus
Sports Exercise Science

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Spring 2020 Commencement Ceremony

Virtual Spring 2020 Commencement
Saturday May 9, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. EDT

Spring Career Days: February 5-6, 2019

Spring Career Days is a university-wide recruitment event that brings over 300 employers on campus to connect with students regarding potential careers. The event takes place over two days.

Spring Virtual Programs

Frequently-asked questions about the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR).

Stability of Action and Perception in Parkinson's Disease
Stand for State

Have you ever witnessed something that you knew wasn’t right, but you didn’t know how to step in and stop it? Our bystander intervention program teaches you how to take action because everyone plays a role in watching out for each other and we all deserve to be safe. At Stand for State, we empower students to step in when it counts.

Standing Rules of Graduate Council

Rules of procedure and the committee structure of Graduate Council

Startin' Sumthin' by Jeff Scott
Starting Strong in Classes at Penn State
Starting Undecided & Changing your Major

Complete this interest form and we will help you get your Penn State experience off to a great start by providing you with information about the Penn States application process and sharing opportunities and options across our multi-campus system. 


If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP), you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Statistics (STAT_BS)
Statistics on Graduate Study at Penn State
Statistics on Graduate Study at Penn State
Status Page
STEM Apply Now

Apply now page for STEM.

Step 1: Choose Your Application Method
Step 1: Choose Your Application Method
Step 1: Consider a Penn State Program, Major, or Area of Interest and Review the Admission Requirements
Step 1: Create a Penn State Account
Step 2: Access the Application and Review Important Dates
Step 2: Access the Application and Review Important Dates
Step 2: Consider Your Penn State Options
Step 2: Review Important Dates and Deadlines
Step 3: Access the Application and Review Important Dates
Step 3: Start Your Penn State Application
Step 3: Start Your Penn State Application in MyPennState
Step 3: Submit Your Application
Step 4: Start Your Penn State Application
Step 4: Submit Required Application Materials
Step 4: Submit Your Application
Step 4: Submit Your Application
Step 5: Check Your Application Status in MyPennState
Step 5: Submit Required Application Materials
Step 5: Submit Required Application Materials
Step 5: Submit Your Application
Step 6: Check Your Application Status in MyPennState
Step 6: Check Your Application Status in MyPennState
Step 6: Receive Your Admission Decision
Step 6: Submit Required Application Materials
Step 7: Check Your Application Status in MyPennState
Step 7: Receive Your Admission Decision
Step 7: Receive Your Admission Decision
Step 8: Receive Your Admission Decision
Steps to Apply
Steps to Apply

Follow these steps to complete your Penn State application.

Steps to Apply for Adult Students

Not sure where to begin? These steps to apply will outline the process of submitting your Penn State application.

Steps to Apply for International Students

These steps to apply for international students will help you understand what is required for your Penn State application. 

Steps to Apply for Transfer Students

Students transfer to hundreds of programs across 20 campuses. Learn more about transferring to Penn State.

Stop contrasts in Misiones, Argentina and Ohio, USA
Strategic Communications (STRCM_BA)
Strategic Network Decisions and Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from R&D Collaborations of the U.S. Firms
Strategic Plan

The Graduate School's current strategic plan

Strategies for Teaching a Minority Language in Process of Revitalization: The Case of the Palenquero Creole
Stress Management
Structural Design and Construction Engr Technology (SDCET_BS)
Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities cultivates student learning by fostering exploration, community engagement and development through educational and experiential opportunities.

Student Aid

More than 68 percent of Penn State students receive some type of financial aid.

Student Disability Resources

Penn State has a disability services office at every Penn State campus that provides accommodations and services for students with disabilities. Each designated office

  • requests and maintains disability-related documents
  • certifies eligibility for services
  • determines and develops plans for reasonable accommodations such as academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services
Student Employment at Penn State
Student Engagement Network

By enabling even more students to have transformative experiences, the Student Engagement Network is helping to make Penn State a more vibrant place to live, learn, and grow. The network, which launched in 2017, is a comprehensive initiative across twenty-four campuses that connects students with curricular and co-curricular opportunities such as research, student organization involvement, community leadership, study abroad, internships, arts and performances, and more. Out-of-classroom learning accelerates students’ development and enhances their preparation for life after graduation.

Student Life and Wellness Events

The Graduate Exhibition celebrates research and creative scholarship as an integral and exciting part of graduate education at Penn State. Established in 1986, the Graduate Exhibition places special emphasis on communicating research and creative endeavor to a general audience. All Exhibition activities are free and open to the public.

Student Organization Panel

Join Session

Student Organizations

Student organizations have proven to have a significant impact on a college students' experience. Student organizations offer opportunities to learn, engage in multiple communities, and of course, to have some fun!

Student Panel

Join Session

Student Panel 2

Join Session

Student Programming Association

The Student Programming Association (SPA) is a student run organization that exists to serve the student body by providing diverse activities, programming assistance and resources, which enhance a student's overall co-curricular experience. Activities comprise of concerts, novelty events, and lectures, all funded by Penn State University’s student-initiated fee.

Student Recognition Awards

Graduate School student awards intended to recognize outstanding achievement. Nominations and applications for programs are reviewed and recipients are selected by members of the graduate faculty.

Student Spotlight
Student Stories
Student Support

Penn State provides essential student support services at all 20 undergraduate campuses.

Student Support Programs

Funding for the following Graduate School student support programs is allocated to colleges and recipients are selected within those units. Questions regarding application for the following programs can be directed to the appropriate college.

Students' Perceived Importance of the Three-Component Model in Pennsylvania SBAE Programs
Students’ Experiences Using Digital Assessment Tools in a University Experimental Classroom
Study Abroad

The world awaits. Every year thousands of Penn State students and faculty engage the world through academic programs, research, service, internships, and cultural immersion abroad. Personal development, new knowledge and enhanced perspective drives global impact.

Study Abroad Students

Instructions for submitting course syllabi for current Penn State students who are planning to study abroad through a program not affiliated with the Office of Global Programs

Studying Abroad
Style Guide
Subject 93: Our Precious Unclear Reality
Submit Events to Graduate School Website Calendars

The Graduate Exhibition celebrates research and creative scholarship as an integral and exciting part of graduate education at Penn State. Established in 1986, the Graduate Exhibition places special emphasis on communicating research and creative endeavor to a general audience. All Exhibition activities are free and open to the public.

Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Submit Your Final High School Transcript
Submit your nonrefundable deposit.
Submitting an eTD
Submitting Your Penn State Story
Substance Abuse (formerly Drug and Alcohol Abuse)

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Substance Use Disorders & Reentry: The Role of Social Capital & Surveillance

Every Penn State story begins with a MyPennState profile. Creating a profile takes less than a minute but it gets your Penn State story off to a great start, giving you access to our application this fall and other information about options and opportunities at Penn State.

Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy and Imaging in Plant Cell Wall Research
Summer 2019

Successfully maintaining active connections between Graduate School Alumni and the graduate community at Penn State will forever remain a strategic priority of the Graduate School. Thus, it is not a coincidence that the stories in this edition of the Graduate School Alumni Newsletter are focused around a central theme of engagement. 

Summer Programs

Penn State offers unique summer programs for first-year students.

Summer Research Internship

Details about the Summer Research Internship Program

Summer Research Opportunities Program Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) is an eight-week research program designed to interest talented undergraduate students from underrepresented groups in academic careers and to enhance their preparation for graduate study through intensive research experiences with faculty mentors. In addition to the research experience, the program includes professional development workshops, seminars, field trips, and social activities.

Summer Tuition Assistance Program

Summer Tuition Assistance Program funding program information.

Superhydrous Hematite and Goethite: A Potential Water Reservoir in the Red Dust of Mars?
Supply Chain and Information Systems (SCIS_BS)
Supply Chain Complexity of US Cities
Surface Chemistry of Respirable Coal Mine Dust and Critical Sinking of Its Impact on a Water Surface
Survey Engineering Technology (2SRT_AENGT)
Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED)

Conducted annually since 1957, the SED is a census of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given academic year. 

Surveying Engineering (SURE_BS)
Survival and reproduction success of spotted lanternfly on different grapevine cultivars and tree of heaven
Sustainability Demonstration Project
Sustainability Institute

Penn State sees sustainability as starting with people. The goal of sustainability is to create a holistic approach to human health, economy, and happiness. A stable and clean environment is an important part of that vision; but so, too, are issues like ending poverty, creating dynamic community infrastructure, and guaranteeing gender equity. Only with all of these components can we guarantee a sustainable future for all people.

Sustainable Attachable Fashion: Inspired by Iranian Architecture
Sustainable Paper Coatings for PFAS Replacement
Sustainable thermoplastic adhesives based on natural resources
Swedish A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Syndecan-1: A Marker of Endothelial Glycocalyx Degradation in Post-Menopausal Women
Synergic control of a single muscle: The example of flexor digitorum superficialis
Systematic review of sentence combining writing interventions for students with learning disabilities


Tailoring Bio-based Polyester UV-curable Resins with Tunable Mechanical Properties suitable for Additive Manufacturing

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Taiwanese Allegories: How They Work and Why They Matter
Take a Virtual Tour
Taking It Personally: Leader Narcissism and Status Dissatisfaction in the International System

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Targeted gene editing via CRISPR/Cas for rice crop improvement
Targeted Incentives for Charter Schools to Expand Capacity: a Dynamic Analysis
Tartuffe - A Look into Period and Modern Design
Task dependent function of the foot's arch and its relation to ankle joint function
Teachers' Perceptions of Students' Views on Agriculture and Agricultural Careers
Teaching and Research Assistantships

Assistantships are provided as aids to completion of advanced degrees. As such, they should be related to the graduate student's disciplinary field and wherever possible tied to the student's program of study so as to contribute in a relevant manner to the student's professional development.

Teaching Award Recipients

Harold F. Martin Graduate Assistant Outstanding Teaching Award Recipients

Teaching Award Recipients

The following is a list of graduate faculty who have received the Graduate Faculty Teaching Award since its inception in 1992.

Teaching Ethics

The Graduate School at Penn State is dedicated to developing faculty and graduate students' commitment to ethical teaching practices.

Technical Writing

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Technologies of Illumination in the 20th and 21st-Century Avant-gardes
Telecommunications and Media Industries (TELCM)
Temporal Spacing Effects During Interleaved Practice in L2 Grammar Learning: A Pedagogical Intervention
Terraqueous Encounters: Queer and Trans Embodiment and Care in Francophone Literatures of the Indian Ocean and Oceania
Testimony, Trauma, and Memory in Narratives of the Genocide Against the Tutsi
Testing a Symptom Cluster Approach to Apathy and Depression in Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Testing host induced gene silencing against Striga hermonthica
Testing the Effectiveness of Emotional Appeals on Self- and Others-Focused Mental Health Outcomes
Testing the use of a non-canonical expression in Spanish using quantitative analysis

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the Test-optional evaluation process. Students applying for admission to Penn State for the summer or fall terms through 2025 will have the option of having SAT/ACT scores included in their evaluation for admission. 

TGS Page Listing
Thai A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

The A to Z Trio
The Active Influence of Taoism in German Modernist Literature
The aesthetic of control: Interrogating gender norms in Western trauma theory
The Anthropocene Imaginary - Science Fiction as Method for Reading the Environment
The Behrend College
The Boon and Bane of Liminanimality in Charles Chesnutt’s The Conjure Woman
The Changing Nature of Drug Laws: Scaling State-Level Punitiveness to Drug Offenders During the Opioid Epidemic
The City and the Habsburg Pact of Kingship: Governance and Political Theology of Sixteenth Century Segovia after the Comuneros
The Civil War and Those Who Cared: Nineteenth Century Literature and National Trauma
The Classroom Experience

Have you ever wondered how humans came to have hair with different colors and textures? Have you ever wanted to say something to someone about their race and culture but did not know if you would offend them? If you find yourself thinking about these kinds of questions, we are going to give you an opportunity to experience a Penn State class before you enroll.

The Concept of Conceptual Metaphor as a Psychological Tool for English Learners’ L2 Development
The distinct regulation of riverine inorganic carbon by climate and soil CO2 distribution
The Dividing Blade: The Sword as an Ideologically Contested Object it the Literature of Tenth-Century England
The effect of ad appeals and message framing on consumer responses to plant-based menu items
The Effect of Early and Late Life Chronic Social Stress on the Cellular Morphology of the Spheno-Occipital Synchondrosis in Female Post-natal Mice
The Effect of Snowmelt and Recharge Dynamics on Rock Weathering in Sagehen Watershed, Sierra Nevada, CA
The effect of video job advertisements on job counseling
The Effect on Emergency Department Visits Post Implementation of Medicaid Expansion from State Level Data Through 2019
The effects of a high-flavonoid corn in chickens experimentally infected with Eimeria maxima as part of a necrotic enteritis model
The effects of climate stress on livestock ownership in sub-Saharan Africa
The Flip Side of Variety: Switching Between Foods May be a Reliable Risk Factor for Overeating in Children
The Future in the Hands of Trans Sex Workers in Rita Indiana’s La mucama de Omicunlé
The Graduate Assistant Tuition Rate Eligibility Program

University Support for Externally-Funded Graduate Fellowships

The Graduate School Alumni Newsletter

The Alumni Newsletter features information and updates about current events at The Graduate School.

The Graduate School Alumni Society - Here for You
The Graduate School at Penn State
The Graduate School at Penn State Calendar of Events
The grammar of breaks and restarts: lessons from the study of recomplementation
The Impact of Educational Content on Anti-Immigrant Attitudes
The impact of the gut microbiome in cycling NAD+ precursors during intestinal inflammation
The impact of upper echelons’ human and social capital on post-IPO performance in the hospitality industry: A life cycle perspective
The Implications of Correlated Admissions
The Importance of Play
The Journey of Transformation
The Kalmia Piano Quartet
The Learning Edge Academic Program (LEAP)

This session provides an overview of the Learning Edge Academic Program (LEAP). Now in its 27th year, LEAP is an academic summer program open to all incoming first-year students at the University Park campus.

The Making and Unmaking of African Literary Canons: Circulation, Genre, and Gender during the Cold War
The man between madness and death: Don Juan in modernist Spain
The Medical Authority of AI: A Study of AI-enabled Consumer-Facing Health Technology
The Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration

An overview of the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration.

The Pale of Law: A Comparative Study of Legal Pluralism in English and Spanish Imperial Peripheries, 1500-1650.
The Panam Nagar Grammar: A Shape Grammar to Analyze The Colonial Houses and Urban Settlement at Panam Nagar, Bangladesh
The Perils of Travel and the Practice of Constant Agitation in the Writings of Mary Church Terrell
The politics of addiction: Political Ideology in relation to stigma around substance use disorders
The Politics of Attachment: Toward a Critical Theory of Affect
The Power of Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Establishing and Strengthening Partnerships
The Practice of Place-Making: Settler Colonial Cities and Environmental Racism
The Question of Responsibility for Slavery in Afro-British Abolitionism (1769-1791)
The Relationship between PTSD Symptoms, Couples’ Communication Difficulties, and Fear of Emotion
The relationship between trauma and compassion in a community sample
The Religious Experience of Formerly Incarcerated Black Men in Pennsylvania
The Rhetoric of The CEO Presidency
The Rhetorical Nature of Harm and Repair: Clergy Sex Abuse in the Altoona-Johnstown Catholic Diocese
The Rock Ethics Institute

The Rock Ethics Institute (REI) promotes engaged ethics research and ethical leadership from its home in Penn State's College of the Liberal Arts.

A world leader in cultivating collaborative approaches to emerging ethical challenges that span traditional fields, the REI regularly collaborates with national and international organizations, as well as other institutes and centers at Penn Staet and local community partners.

The Role of Selenoprotein W in Stress Erythropoiesis
The role of selenoproteins in neutrophils during Citrobacter rodentium induced colitis.
The role of vitamin D in host resistance to H1N1 influenza infection
The Scenic Experience of "Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812"
The Silent Invader: Uncovering the local dispersal of Litylenchus crenatae ssp. mccannii in the U.S. Forest
The Social Value of Bird Conservation on Private Lands in Pennsylvania
The 'Springy' and Rigid Behavior of the Human Foot in Running
The Strategic Placement of Substate Borders and Self Determination Movements
The tree of Changing Light: Healthcare Education building
The View from Kern - October 2016

Welcome to the third issue of the Graduate School's Alumni Newsletter. In this edition of the Newsletter, we showcase two outstanding graduate students seeking to solve societal problems through complex research. Both students, John Beieler and Matthew Shorey, were featured in the Beaver Stadium Pictorial – otherwise known as the football game day magazine– and a special announcement was made during the game on October 22, acknowledging their outstanding research efforts, as well as those of all graduate students at Penn State.

The View from Kern - Summer 2019

Successfully maintaining active connections between Graduate School Alumni and the graduate community at Penn State will forever remain a strategic priority of the Graduate School. Thus, it is not a coincidence that the stories in this edition of the Graduate School Alumni Newsletter are focused around a central theme of engagement.

The White Matter Link between Semantic Language Ability and Language Production Ability Across The Lifespan
The World of Segovia in the Age of Renaissance and Empire
Theatre Arts

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Theatre B.A. (THRBA_BA)
Theatre B.F.A. (THRFA)
Theory-Guided Design and Optimization of Bio-Inspired Iron-Nickel Sulfide Electrocatalysts for Green Hydrogen Production
There is Something About Penn State
Thesis and Dissertation Information

The Graduate School, the University Libraries, and the graduate faculty of Penn State have established format standards that a thesis or dissertation must meet before receiving final approval as fulfillment of a graduate requirement. 

Thesis Handbook

Add "Revised 1/20/20" on the last page of the Thesis Guide.

Thesis, Dissertation, Performance and Oral Presentation Deadlines Calendar

Thesis, Dissertation, Performance, and  Oral Presentation Deadlines Calendar - The following deadlines are for theses, dissertations, DMA performances, and DNP final oral presentations only. Students writing master's papers should contact his/her program for deadlines.

Thirteen graduate students receive prestigious Penn State Alumni Association Dissertation Award 

Thirteen graduate students receive prestigious Penn State Alumni Association Dissertation Award

Thomas and June Beaver Fund

The purpose of this fund shall be to provide recognition and financial assistance to outstanding graduate students enrolled at Penn State who are performing industrially-sponsored research. Consideration for grants and awards from this fund shall be given to all full-time graduate students who are performing industrially-sponsored research in connection with the Ben Franklin Partnership Fund Program, and who have achieved superior academic records. If there are no Ben Franklin projects available, monies will be used to assist graduate students performing other industrially-sponsored research.

Thomas and June Beaver Fund Award Recipients

Recipients of the Thomas and June Beaver Award


THON is a student-run philanthropy committed to enhancing the lives of children and families impacted by childhood cancer. Our mission is to provide emotional and financial support, spread awareness, and ensure funding for critical research—all in pursuit of a cure.

Our yearlong efforts culminate in a 46-hour dance marathon.


Complete this interest form and we will help you get your Penn State experience off to a great start by providing you with information about the Penn States application process and sharing opportunities and options across our multi-campus system. 

Three Minute Thesis
Three Minute Thesis - For Competitors
Three Minute Thesis - For Judges
Three Minute Thesis Finalists

Every Penn State story begins with a MyPennState profile. Creating a profile takes less than a minute but it gets your Penn State story off to a great start, giving you access to our application this fall and other information about options and opportunities at Penn State.

Timothy B. Gage

Timothy B. Gage, who received three advanced degrees at Penn State, is the 2016 recipient of the Graduate School Alumni Society Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is presented to alumni who have achieved exceptional success throughout the course of their career, and have demonstrated loyalty to the University and the Alumni Association. 

Title: Don’t Stand in the Fire!: Effective Collaboration, Communication, Interaction, and Strategy in Mediated Environments – A Discourse Analytic approach to MMORPG streaming on Twitch
To be Proposed as Useful: Women and the Moravian Church in the Atlantic World
To Make Food for Your Siblings
Tour and Q&A
Tourner autour du mahagony: marooning poetics of Martinique
Tous ces tigres...sans pitie : Vegetarianism, Natural Law, and Civic Responsibility in the Premiere Republique
Towards an Existential-Phenomenological Standpoint (ESP) Reading of Blackwomen’s Autobiographies Under Apartheid South Africa
Towards Federated COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect Prediction
Trainee Therapists' Cultural Responsiveness toward Religious/Spiritual Clients
Transcriptome-wide effects of NusA on RNA polymerase pausing in Bacillus subtilis

Transfer Credit Eligibility

Courses from a another University or College must meet specific criteria in order to be eligible for review as transfer credit into Penn State.

Transfer Credit Equivalencies

Credits from another institution can transfer into Penn State in a variety of ways. Your adviser in your academic college will determine how your transferred credits may be used to fulfill degree requirements.

Transfer Credit Evaluation

Information regarding how Penn State evaluates credit transferred from other institutions.  

Transfer Eligibility Information

Students wishing to transfer to Penn State should review program and campus requirements to determine eligibility.

Transfer Requirements by Alphabetical Listing
Transfer Showcase
Transfer Student Visit Information

The best way to know if a campus is a good fit for you is to visit—we hope you will take some time to experience Penn State.

Transferring Credit to Penn State as a First-Year Student

Current high school students and first-year applicants can transfer college credit to Penn State in a number of ways, including through examination or dual enrollment programs. 

Transferring Credit to Penn State for International Students

International students can transfer credit to Penn State in a number of ways, including examinations or previous college coursework.

Transferring Credit to Penn State from other Colleges as a Transfer Student

Penn State will evaluate transfer students’ previous course work for possible transfer credit—find out how.

Transferring Credits to Penn State for Adult and Military Students

Adult students and military students can transfer credits to Penn State in a number of ways.

Transferring Credits Tool

The Transfer Credit Tool allows you to see how courses taken at other universities transfer to Penn State. The Penn State college/major of enrollment will determine how transfer credits will be used to meet degree requirements.

Trans-Inclusive Pedagogies for the Francophone Literature Classroom: A Case Study
Translanguaging as Pedagogy in K-12 Science Classrooms: A Systematic Literature Review
Transportation Services

The department of Transportation Services offers a variety of programs and services that make it easier for you to get to and around campus.

Trauma-Informed Care in a Community Clinic Serving the Uninsured: A Program Evaluation
Traumatic brain injury in the homeless: health, injury mechanisms, and hospital course
Travel and Weather Information

Helpful information for accessing directions and staying current with local weather advisories for large groups visiting Penn State University Park. 


If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Trinidad and Tobago

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Turfgrass Science (TURF_BS)
Turfgrass Science and Management (2TSM_AS)

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Turkish A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Turkish Language

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Turks and Caicos Island

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.


A step-by-step tutorial, with tips, on how to complete your Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) for Penn State.  

Two classes of action-stabilizing synergies reflecting spinal and supraspinal circuitry


U.S. News and World Report

Ranked in the Top 10 for Online Bachelor's Degree Programs

UAO-Virtual Campus Tour and Student Panel Q&A

Join Session

UAO-Virtual Campus Tour and Student Panel Q&A

Join Session


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Uncovering the s-type bacteriocin weapon repertoires of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato

The Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) is for students who are exploring options in more than one major or academic college.

Undecided (division of Undergraduate Studies) (DUS_PMAJ)
Undecided Exploratory
Undergraduate Admission Overview

A brief overview of the Penn State admissions process and the opportunities available to students interesting in joining the Penn State community.

Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session
Undergraduate Nursing Students Attitudes, Knowledge, and Experiences Providing End-of-Life Care
Undergraduate Research
"At Penn State you are going to have incomparable opportunities to listen to and speak with some of the smartes and most interesting people in world ... this is not only about gaining new knowledge and challenging your own assumptions, but learning and making discoveries with them"
Nina Jablonski, Evan Pugh University Professor of Anthropology, Penn State Universtiy
Understanding Factors Affecting Public’s COVID 19 Booster Vaccination Intention
Understanding feed and nutrient flow in commercial meat bird houses and the impacts of nutrient variability on broiler performance
Understanding Hotel Technology Innovation Decision: The Role of Information Ambiguity, Manager Domain Knowledge, and Decision Uncertainty
Understanding Strategy Differences in a Complex Fault-Finding Task
Understanding the Combined Effects of Genetic and Lifestyle Risk Factors For Alzheimer’s Disease
Understanding the Limits of AI in Promoting Customer Engagement
Understanding Women’s Role in Forest Management and Climate Change in the Eastern United States
Understanding Women's Prison Reform in Nineteenth-Century America
Undocumented Students

Penn State welcomes the application and enrollment of undocumented students with or without DACA. Undocumented students and DACA recipients can find a safe environment and supportive community at Penn State.

Undocumented Times: Rhetorics of a Colonial Moment
Unique Opportunity for Graduate Degree Recipients via Newly Established William Penn Fellowship

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recently created the William Penn Fellowship, a two-year program focused on making Pennsylvania a better place to live. Established by Governor Tom Wolf, the program is looking for individuals who are passionate about public service and interested in addressing the challenges facing Pennsylvania. Fellows will work closely on a variety of Governor Wolf’s priorities, including Jobs that Pay, Schools that Teach, and Government that Works. 

Unite Value
United Arab Emirates

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

United Kingdom

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

University Calendars
University College
University College

Degree program deadlines for students applying to two-year undergraduate degree programs in the University College. 

University Graduate Fellowships

University Graduate Fellowship program information.

University Park
University Park
University Park
University Park
University Park
University Park
University Park
University Park
University Park Accepted Student Programs

Accepted Student Programs at University Park are hosted by Admissions and the college to which you have received your offer of admission. With a variety of programs available during the week and on Saturdays, you have many options to learn more about the next steps in the admissions process, connect with current Penn State students, explore academic opportunities specific to your program, and experience life as a Penn Stater.

Unlocking the Potential of Personal Agility: An Analytical and Visual Approach to Employee Experience
Untitled I & II
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Updated Requirements for Graduate Enrollment

UP-Walk-In Appointments
Urdu - Pakistan

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Urdu Language

If you have taken Advanced Level (A-Level) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

USAjobs & the Federal Resume Demystified

Learn about writing a federal resume and navigating the USAjobs site. Presented by Tabitha Oman, an attorney who specializes in compliance, ethics, anti-corruption, risk, sustainability and governance.

Use of Blood Flow Restriction Training Among Sports Medicine Practitioners in North America
User Experience of Symptom Checkers: A Systematic Review
Using Exercise as a Stress Management Technique During the COVID-19 Pandemic: College Student Gender Differences
Using old texts to improve our understanding of human language: the case of Old Spanish recomplementation
Using PDFs
Using TeX/LaTeX
Using the Acoustic Impedance tube to evaluate sound absorption of 3D printed materials
Using Wearable Technology to Predict Physiological and Psychological Indicators of Health and Performance in Swimmers
Utilizing Membraneous All-Aqueous Emulsions as Model Systems for Emerging Artificial Cell Structures

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.



Complete this interest form and we will help you get your Penn State experience off to a great start by providing you with information about the Penn States application process and sharing opportunities and options across our multi-campus system. 

Variability in nutritional status and cognitive trajectories in older adults in the United States
Variable Rate Assistantship

Appointment of graduate students to half-time assistantships at stipend grades 9, 10, 11, and 27 or to quarter– or three-quarter-time assistantships at any grade (9-27) is intended for special circumstances where it becomes necessary to provide stipend rates outside the required half-time grades of 12 through 26.

Variable Rate Assistantship

Appointment of graduate students to half-time assistantships at stipend grades 9, 10, 11, and 27 or to quarter– or three-quarter-time assistantships at any grade (9-27) is intended for special circumstances where it becomes necessary to provide stipend rates outside the required half-time grades of 12 through 26.

Variety of Food Selected Within an Immersive Virtual Food Buffet is Positively Related to Food Selection and Food Intake
VBS Department's Masters-to-Doctorate Program Announces 80% Success Rate

The Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Department at Penn State is pleased to announce that its Bridges to the Doctorate Program, jointly coordinated with Alcorn State University, has achieved an 80 percent success rate since its inception in 2006. The NIH funds the national Bridges program through an R25 grant, which provides support to underrepresented science students as they continue from a master’s degree program into a doctoral degree program.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Verb placement variation in Iowa Low German
Verify your incoming credits.
Vertical Accuracy of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System-Based Structure from Motion Photogrammetry for Reconstructing Digital Elevation Models on Agricultural Fields
Vessel - The Food Eats You Back When You Eat
Veterans Programs

The Office of Veterans Programs (OVP) at the University Park campus is organized as a comprehensive, direct service unit for veterans and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) benefits recipients. 

Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences (VBSC_BS)
Vibration-based Damage Detection of Continuous Structural Systems using Physics-informed Parallel Neural Networks
Video Option

Graduate Exhibition 2023

Videos should be a short presentation (5 minutes or less of content, plus up to 30 seconds of acknowledgments) that captures the excitement, importance, and value of your scholarly work. Videos will be judged using criteria appropriate to the video format. Specific judging criteria are provided below. The format for the video is up to the presenter and can range from a narrated powerpoint presentation to a presentation with video and music. object, a video game, a computer-aided design (CAD), simulations, musical composition, or other design object.


Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Vietnamese A

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Viola and Piano performance
Virtual Appointments
Virtual Appointments
Virtual Appointments
Virtual Appointments
Virtual Appointments
Virtual Campus Tour & Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Campus Tour w/Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Graduate Student Involvement & Resource Fair
Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Student Panel

Join Session

Virtual Tour

Three of our Bellisario College students gave viewers a virtual tour of Carnegie Building, The Bellisario Media Center, and the Centre County Report studio set.

Virtual Tour

Join Session

Virtual Tour

Join Session

Virtual Walking Campus Tour

Show us your #PSUVirtualPride! To participate in our #PSUVirtualPride activity, download one (or all) of these images and set it as your virtual meeting background. 

Vision & Mission

The vision and mission of Penn State's Graduate School

Vision-Language Contrastive Learning Approach to Robust Automatic Placenta Analysis
Visit the College of Arts + Architecture in 360:
Visual Arts

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Visual Arts Option

Graduate Exhibition 2023

The Visual Arts Exhibition is open to all Master of Fine Art students for whom a studio component is a part of their required research.

Visual Arts Students In Action

A gallery timelapse of Penn State Visual Arts students in action.

Visual Arts Studies (VAST_BA)
V-Knit: A Virtual Reality platform for form-finding of textile hybrids
Volatile Movements: Dramatizing the Non-Volitional Early Modern English Traveler
Vulputate Cras


Waddell Biggart Fellowships Recipients

Waddell Biggart Graduate Fellowship Recipients

Waddell Biggart Graduate Fellowships

Waddell Biggart Graduate Fellowship program information.

Wake Work as Ethic: On Careful Exhibition in Slavery's Afterlives
WARNER: Weakly-Supervised Neural Network to Identify Eviction Filing Hotspots in the Absence of Court Records
Was Eye Correct? Tracking Eye Movements and Pupil Size in Error-Based L2 Learning
Washington D.C. Museum Bus Trip
Waxing Nostalgic as a Status Quo Maintaining Practice
We Are Penn State

Join Session

Weekly Meditation

Join Session

Welcome Engagement Fair
Welcome New Graduate School Alumni Society Board Members

Six Graduate School alumni have joined the Board of Directors of the Graduate School Alumni Society to serve a three-year term.

The new members are Paula Bach, Tyler C. McCandless, Lawrence M. Mylin, Cathy A. Rusinko, Amy Thul-Sigler and Sarah Worley. 

Welcome to my world
Welcome to Penn State

Join Session

Welcome to Penn State!
Welcome, Veterans and Military Service Members!

Penn State’s Graduate School offers more than 160 programs at a number of locations across Pennsylvania. You can choose to study at University Park; Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; Penn State Harrisburg; Penn State College of Medicine at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center; and the School of Graduate Professional Studies at Penn State Great Valley.

Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present

If you have taken College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

Western Europe since 1945

If you have taken DSST exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

What are my options if I am invited onto the waitlist?
What are Penn State's dining options?
What are resources for active-duty military members or veterans?
What are the admission requirements for Penn State?
What are the meal plans at Penn State?
What are the possible decisions through Early Action?
What are the room and board fees?
What campuses are still accepting applications?
What campuses offer housing at Penn State?
What clubs are available at Penn State?
What do I do if I can't log in to MyPennState?
What do I need to know if I am planning a visit with a tour company?
What does a deferral decision mean?
What Drives Pennsylvania’s Extension Educators? Exploring Global Interests, Experiences, and Training Needs.
What financial aid is available for international students?
What grade scale should I select? 
What grade scale should I select? 
What happens if my students do not behave during their visit?
What health requirements, immunizations, and vaccines do I need to attend?
What I Wish I Knew About Graduate School
What if 9th or 10th grades are not considered high school in my district? 
What if 9th or 10th grades are not considered high school in my district? 
What if I do not submit my FAFSA by the recommended date?
What if my Dual Enrollment course is also an AP or Honors course? 
What if my Dual Enrollment course is also an AP or Honors course? 
What if Penn State has already received SAT or ACT scores for a student, but that student does not want scores included in their application evaluation?
What is an Accepted Student Program (ASP)?
What is dual-admission?
What is my next steps after accepting my Penn State offer?
What is my Penn State ID?
What is my registration deadline and what happens if I don't meet the deadline?
What is New Student Orientation
What is New Student Orientation?
What is ORION?
What is the 2+2 program?
What is the deadline to apply?
What is the Discover Award?
What is the early action deadline?
What is the LEAP program?
What is the mailing address for Penn State Undergraduate Admissions?
What is the Penn State waitlist?
What is the Provost Award?
What is the tuition at Penn State?
What is the tuition for Veterans?
What makes me a full-time student?
What Our Students Have to Say
What resources are available to DACA or undocumented students on campus?
What should I do if I no longer want to be on the waitlist?
What should I do if I'm on the waitlist but want to change my application selections?
What To Expect After Applying

After your application is submitted, your program of study will review application materials and make a decision.  Please refer to your program of study for specifics on timing of a decision.

What Your Firmware Tells You Is Not How You Should Emulate It: A Specification-Guided Approach for Firmware Emulation
When “90s kids” have kids: nostalgia, pop culture, and support on NickJr.’s Instagram account
When can I schedule classes?
When can students begin applying to Penn State as test-optional?
When do I have to accept my offer?
When do I need to submit my SRAR? 
When do I need to submit my SRAR? 
When is accepted student's day?
When is New Student Orientation?
When is Penn State's Spend A Summer Day open house program?
When is the deadline for an international student to accept their offer?
When is the deadline to indicate my interest in the program?
When is the Premedical-Medical deadline?
When it has passed, what will you keep?
When Stars Collide: Designing Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812
When the Leader Falls: Invincibility and Charisma as Interpreted by the Far Right
When will I be notified about my aid award for summer?
When will I find out where I'm going to live?
When will I get my early action admissions offer?
When will programming resume on campus?
When will the application be available for first-year students?
When will we hear about Schreyer Honors College decision?
Where Can I Get Help? Mapping Family Resources in Central Pennsylvania
Where will I see my decision?
Which starch for your gut?: Analysis of dietary resistant starch, microbiome by-products, and correlated microbiome species
Who Designs the Camp? The Spatial Reproduction of Refugee Camps
Who Designs the Camp? The Spatial Reproduction of Refugee Camps
Who Does Design Research Serve?
Who Receives Support during Pregnancy? Disparities in Social Support by Intendedness
Who to share information with? A model of strategic diffusion in social networks
Who wants to work remotely? An exploration of personality and attitudes about remote and in-person work in a post-COVID-19 workforce
Why are you offering the 1+3 Program to me?
Why did I receive a deferral decision?
Why did you advertise a decision date by December 24 if you could not deliver a decision to all Early Action applicants by that date?
Why does Penn State have such strict rules for group chaperones?
Why does Penn State require contact information for my students and chaperones?
Why Penn State DuBois?

Take a look at what Penn State DuBois has to offer. 

Why should I do Early Action as a first-year, domestic applicant to Penn State?
Wide Waters
Wildlife and Fisheries Science (WFS_BS)
Wildlife Technology (2WLT_AS)
Will a deferral decision negatively impact my chances of being accepted to Penn State?
Will Penn State be test-optional for semesters beyond fall 2023?
Will SAT/ACT scores still be required for scholarship consideration for programs like the Schreyer Honors College or the Millennium Scholars Program?
Will SAT/ACT scores still be required for scholarship consideration?
Will the tuition and fee costs be included in the aid award?
Withdrawal Process

How and when to withdraw from Penn State, and what to consider before you do so.

Within Household Inequality in Children's Education Attainment
Women's Studies B.A. (WSBA_BA)
Women's Studies B.S. (WSBS_BS)
Workforce Education and Development (WFED_BS)
Working towards Morel Cultivation in the Northeastern United States
Workplace Loneliness: The Role of Political Identity Dissimilarity and Organizational Identification
World Campus

Penn State World Campus is the online campus of Penn State. Its mission is making sure you have access to a quality academic experience, even if you have job and family obligations to fulfill. If you would prefer to learn in an engaging online environment rather than at one of our brick-and-mortar campuses, we'll bring our campus to you.

Penn State World Campus offers the convenience and flexibility of learning online—anytime, anywhere. 

World Campus
World Campus

Degree program deadlines for students applying to two-year undergraduate degree programs offered through the Penn State World Campus.

World Campus
World Campus (Penn State Online)

Four-Year Program Deadlines for undergraduate degree programs offered through Penn State World Campus.

World Religions

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you may be able to earn Penn State credit.

World-Traveling to Redesign a Map for Migrant Women
Would You Trust AI-Generated Prices?
Writing and Digital Media B.A. (PWRIT_BA)
Writing in Discipline-Appropriate Ways: An Approach to Teaching Advanced L2 Writers in Engineering
Written and Video Testimonial



Young Firms' Financing Behavior and Dynamics with Concentrated Bank Industry
Yucatán, Texas, & the Limits of U.S. Expansionism in the Gulf of Mexico


Zhao Zhang’s Numa Ame and its Exploration of Eastern and Western Musical Elements.

Penn State requires the submission of specific academic credentials to complete your application. Review the secondary and post-secondary requirements for your country below.

Zn biofortification in Pea Microgreens Through Seed Nutrient Priming

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Error Instance Code: 74AB0300-ECAE-BBE6-AED2F116ED6B16A0

Error Time: {ts '2024-07-26 22:42:17'}

Failed to add HTML header.


ColdFusion was unable to add the header you specified to the output stream. This is probably because you have already used a cfflush tag in your template or buffered output is turned off.$InvalidHeaderException: Failed to add HTML header.
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTcfTag(
	at cfutility2ecfc690339681$funcSETCOOKIELEGACY.runFunction(E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\mura\utility.cfc:833)
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.SilentFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invokeUDF(
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invokeUDF(
	at cfutility2ecfc690339681$funcSETCOOKIE.runFunction(E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\mura\utility.cfc:729)
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.SilentFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invokeUDF(
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invokeUDF(
	at cfutility2ecfc690339681$funcCHECKOUTPUTCACHESTATE.runFunction(E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\mura\utility.cfc:1458)
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke(
	at cfonRequestEnd_include2ecfm1593073273.runPage(E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\appcfc\onRequestEnd_include.cfm:15)
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
	at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.handlePageInvoke(
	at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTcfTag(
	at cfonRequestEnd_method2ecfm1339369444$funcONREQUESTEND.runFunction(E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\appcfc\onRequestEnd_method.cfm:5)
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.SilentFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(
	at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.AppEventInvoker.invoke(
	at coldfusion.runtime.AppEventInvoker.onRequestEnd(
	at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.MonitoringFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.IpFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.CachingFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(
	at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
	at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter(
	at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
	at coldfusion.inspect.weinre.MobileDeviceDomInspectionFilter.doFilter(
	at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
	at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
	at org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpProcessor.service(
	at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process(
	at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process(
	at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$
	at java.base/

Column: 0
Line: 833
Raw Trace: at cfutility2ecfc690339681$funcSETCOOKIELEGACY.runFunction(E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\mura\utility.cfc:833)
Template: E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\mura\utility.cfc
Type: CFML

Column: 0
Line: 729
Raw Trace: at cfutility2ecfc690339681$funcSETCOOKIE.runFunction(E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\mura\utility.cfc:729)
Template: E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\mura\utility.cfc
Type: CFML

Column: 0
Line: 1458
Raw Trace: at cfutility2ecfc690339681$funcCHECKOUTPUTCACHESTATE.runFunction(E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\mura\utility.cfc:1458)
Template: E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\mura\utility.cfc
Type: CFML

Column: 0
Line: 15
Raw Trace: at cfonRequestEnd_include2ecfm1593073273.runPage(E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\appcfc\onRequestEnd_include.cfm:15)
Template: E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\appcfc\onRequestEnd_include.cfm
Type: CFML

Column: 0
Line: 5
Raw Trace: at cfonRequestEnd_method2ecfm1339369444$funcONREQUESTEND.runFunction(E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\appcfc\onRequestEnd_method.cfm:5)
Template: E:\inetpub\UAO\UAOPublicMuraCMSV2\core\appcfc\onRequestEnd_method.cfm
Type: CFML